Our Scottish Heritage
While our Wallace line does not descend from William Wallace, Scotland's legendary hero, our Wallace line does come from Scotland, as well as several other lines of our family tree. In fact, while William Wallace was not considered nobility, our McIlvaine ancestors were the Lairds of Grimmett!
More often than not, you'll find our ancestry is from a Clan sept rather than the Clan itself. (A sept refers to surnames of the family and of allied or dependent families. "Sept" is actually a term borrowed from 19th century Irish culture. Where a Scots would say "MacKenzie and his clan" an Irishman would say "MacKenzie and his sept." So take your pick.) Members of allied families such as ours are allowed to wear the Clan tartan and bear the Clan badge. To be perfectly historically correct, just having a certain surname does not make you a member of a particular Clan, but I'm not really interested in all that. I've included the tartans and badges of our progenitors because they're interesting, and I figure if we want to use them or wear them, the Scottish Parliament isn't going to arrest us. So have fun!

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May God grant you always,
A sunbeam to cheer you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel so nothing can harm you,
Laughter to cheer you,
Faithful friends near you,
And whenever you pray - Heaven to hear you.
==Celtic Blessing

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This site created and maintained by Juli Risener Morgan
© 1998 - 2002 by Juli Risner Morgan