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Your welcome to try some of my halloween background sets. Click on image to see full the set

I have found Lots of lil' boogers

floating around the house would

you like to take one home? Click

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one of my Lil' Boogers.

Halloween Trivia
1. Bats fingers are actually parts of its wings and their "fingers" are bigger then their body!

2. Bats always turn left when exiting a cave!

3. It is a fact that none of the witches put to death in the Salem Witch trials were burned at the stake. They were all hanged but one, Giles Cory, who was pressed to death. In fact, there are no official written reports of ANY witches in the US being burned, burning was a European practice associated with the Catholics. The people in the New World were so opposed to Catholic procedures that they even rebuked their procedures for the punishment of witchcraft as well.

4.The Catholic Church's All Saint's Day (Nov. 1) was added to the list of holy days in an effort to draw attention away from Samhain (pronounced 'Sow-en'), otherwise known as Halloween.

5. The infamous Black Plague in Europe was due in part to the fact that people believed those with cats were witches. So all the cats were rounded up, caged and burned, leaving the rats (with there disease causing parasites) to run free and multiply. Those harbouring cats were many who survived.

6. La Befana, a kindly witch, rides a broomstick down the chimney to deliver toys into the stockings of Italian children. The legends say that Befana was sweeping her floors when the three Wise Men stopped and asked her to come to see the Baby Jesus. 'No,' she said, 'I am too busy.' Later, she changed her mind but it was too late. So, to this day, she goes out on Christmas Eve searching for the Holy Child, leaving gifts for the 'holy child' in each household.

7. Vampire bats have fewer teeth than any other bat because they do not have to chew their food.

8. Bats are the leading cause of rabies in the US. Bat bites led to 12 of the 25 cases of rabies seen in the US since 1980. Dogs are a close second.

9. 25% of Americans believe in ghosts. 10% claim to have seen one

10.Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft & Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween & Phasmophobia- Fear of ghosts


* Draw your design on the pumpkin with a water-based marker beforehand.

* Cut the top and any large areas with a sharp, straight-edged knife.

* Carve away from yourself; kids should carve only under adult supervision.

* Never hold the knife in a stabbing position.

* When carving, keep a portion of the knife blade in the pumpkin and use slow, steady saw strokes.

* Cut the lid at an angle so the outside diameter is larger than the inside.This prevents the top from falling into the pumpkin when it shrinks.

* Scoop out seeds and stringy flesh with a large spoon.

* Carve the facial features closest to the center first and work outward. Cut out the larger features in sections.

* Use an X-Acto knife for details and the t ip of a potato peeler to make small circles and curves.

* Remove carved portions by gently pushing them into or out of the pumpkin.

* Reattach a section that is accidentally removed by using a toothpick to pin it back in place.

* Make design holes large enough to provide air for the candle flame.

* Flatten a spot in the base of the pumpkin for the candle but avoid digging too deep because the pumpkin becomes prone to rot.
Renee's site Lot's Of Halloween Info.
Halloween cards & Graphics
Halloween Clip Art & Web Graphics
Caryn"s Haunted Playhouse
Halloween Sounds
Halloween Costume Ideas
Kitty's Avatars-Halloween
4 Free Halloween Animated gifs

Thank you Granny Witch!

Thank you Judy!

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