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~Spiritual Health~ (How to find and maintain Christian spiritual health)


Though this is the third page on this site, this is the last one that I have written, for, in my humble opinion, there is so much to say regarding spiritual health that I really know not where to begin. Also to tell you the truth, I still have much to learn in this area as well, but do we not all, really? There is a countless amount of information to injest in this world and the Word of God is no exception. I have yet to meet or talk to one person that believes that they know ALL there is to know about the Bible. So that leaves me where? Right back at the beginning... praying, reading and learning.

During a study with a gentleman who is quite well versed in the Bible and the scriptures within. He can quote verses very readily as he seems to have them all put to memory. During the course of the study I made mention that God helps those who helps themsleves, and he looked me in the eye and said very strongly, "That is not in the Bible. Where does it state that word for word in the Bible?" To tell the truth, I really had never seen that EXACT verse in the Bible, but had always heard the saying (which I have recently read is of Pagan orgin, but I still have yet to confirm it) and then a thought came to mind so I proceeded to share it with him. I said, "If a person sits in a corner all their life and never opens up the Word of God in order to learn about Him, His Son, and His love, do you think that all of the sudden a Bible may just fall on this person's head and then they will become enlightened with all this wonderful information?" I then continued, "Have you not read the same chapter over and over or the same verse over and over and then, one day, all of the sudden it just makes sense to you? All of the sudden you seem to just get it, or see something in it that you never saw before?" I asked him, "Now if you had never opened up His Word and started reading, or one day had decided to just stop reading do you really believe that you would have discovered as much as you have so far? Do you really believe that God would have just enlightened you without you, yourself, having to help?" The gentleman sat quiet and did not answer me. I was not trying to hush him or be-little him by any means, and I almost felt uncomfortable in his silence, but I then realized that I had made him think, which is the the point of all this anyway, is it not? We need to think, and learn; "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." [Isa. 1:18]

This is just one means by which spiritual health is obtained and "retained". By coming together, learning and reasoning with one another we are enlightened and even challenged. I am amazed by those that can so easily put scriptures together for essays and talks. I admire the way Pastors and alike put lessons together on a weekly basis! How they seem to find just the right scriptures to back-up their points. Even now, in writting this I know the verses I want to use, but still have them not put to memory and have to use my concordance to find them. But, by studying with fellow believers I not only learn from them, but find myself challenged to know more verses and put them to memory so that my ideas are easier and more quickly considered.

In the book of Thessalonians Pauls tells the people to comfort yourselves together [1 Thes. 5:11] and to comfort one another with the promises of Yahshua's coming. [1 Thess. 4:18] We are to be a comfort to one another, and we are to strengthen one another [Luke 22:32] with the promises that Yah has made to us through His Word and by evidence of his Son.

I do feel it is important to make a point: sometimes and for different reasons we may not be able to find fellow believers in which to reason with. Paul encouraged the Phillippians that he learned, in whatever state he was in, therewith to be content. [1 Phil. 4:11] Sometimes that state may included being alone and without fellowship, but that by no means that one can not be strengthened for Yah is our rock! The Psalmist David makes mention of this many times throughout his poems. "The Lord my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower." [Ps. 18:2] And what about one of David's most well known verses in his book of Psalms: "The Lord is my shepard, I shall not want..." [Ps. 23:1] Yahshua is our sheperd, and as such, we need to want anything. For He has promised us: "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Is that not comforting? AAAHHH what wonderful and sweet promises are made throughout the Bible to those that take the time to learn about Yah and His son, our Savior, Yahshua! :)

Now that we have determined that the learning of Yah's Word is not only promising, but also comforting, let us consider some of the benefits for heeding to the learnings of Yah. What are the Spiritual Health benefits for doing so? What about salvation; eternal life with fellow brethen; the opprotunity to live a healthy life of peace and happiness with Yahshua as our King? Many people see the book of Revelation as dark, dreary and scary, but when I read it, though it does have its dark and dreary portions, and I do not necessarily look forward the 'scary' events which it outlines, I do know that we must pass through such times in order to capture the wondeful promises Chapter 21 of the same book ensures. One of my favorite verses of Revelation is 21:4 which states: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." No more crying, no more pain? How could anyone not look forward to such peace; to look upon the face of our Savior; to hear his mighty voice and to learn from him?! :)

Spiritual health is easy to obtain, all we have to do is open up Yah's word. His book is filled with promises and love. But much like physical health, we have to start somewhere. His promises are not just going to 'pop' into our head without our own doing; without our own work. We must pray for understanding and read. Take notes if you have to. Even highlight your favorite verses so you can quickly find them when you are thirsty!

Last but not least, we must pray! Prayer is communication with our Father, and as E.G. White put it so nicely, "Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend." (Steps to Christ, How to Know him Better) Through prayer we thank Him for our blessings, repent and ask Him for forgivenss, and ask Him for blessings and needs. Yes He knows our needs, and He knows of our sins, but how are we suppose to receive if we do not ask? "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it will be opened unto you: [Matt. 7:7] Prayer brings us ever so closer to our Creator and through it too, He speaks to us. What a wonderful feeling it is to have prayers answered! Remember too, those prayers which are left unanswered, though it may be difficult, we must remember that He DOES know what is best for us. It is much like that country song, "Some of God's Greatest Gifts are Unanswered Prayers." It just may take a while to understand the whys, but He will make it known when we are ready to know.

How are we to pray? We are to pray un-ceasingly, like Daniel the prophet! Praying to Yah is what found him face to face with the lions within their den, for not one person in the kingdom was suppose to petition to anyone or any God, but the king, for thirty days, and death was to come upon those who did so. Daniel knowing this, went into his house, and with his windows being open kneeled upon his knees three times a day and prayed, giving thanks to Yah! This great story can be read in the 6th chapter of his book.

Too, another key element of prayer is faith, for in the 11th chapter of Hebrews, in the 6th verse it reads: "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." And even more to this point is the verse in Mark which reads: "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." [Mark 11:24]

Through His Holy Spirit Yah inspired and enlightened men of long ago to write the words read in the Bible, so that we would have strength, comfort, help and advice in our darkest hours and especially during these last days.

Upon closing, there is one last verse I would like for you to consider: "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" [2 Corn. 6:14] This is a loving warning to all of us, in order that our spiritual health may be maintained. Just like maintaining physical health, as one must eat right and take care of themselves, so must one associate with the righteous. Be careful not to become unequally yoked, for in doing so, the spiritual health you have worked hard to build and maintain may become infected with darkness.

Since I do not want to depart on a such dark note, please do let me leave you with this beautiful verse: "The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence." [2 Sam. 22:3]


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