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Shekinah ~About Me~ (A little information about me, LeaKatheryn.)


First and foremost I would like to make that statement that I am not a doctor of any type! As of now, my only accreditations include a CPR card, one semester of RN school (as I am now working towards my RN and have three more semesters to go), life experiences, personal stories, and readings of books and of the most important one: The Bible. I have put this site together in order that you, the reader, will hopefully gain some wisdom and better health through experiences that my family, friends and I have lived through. It would be a blessing for me to know that just one reader, digested some information here, and was then able to by-pass some of the hurt and pain that I have witnessed and experienced.

So now that you know my purpose of this site, I shall tell you a little about me. Because this site is a health site of a religious nature, I will break my story up into two main parts: my health background and my faith background. Shall we, then, begin with the first?


My start in this world was a rough one. My mother was young, not even 18-years-old and was giving birth on a big game night in a tiny mining town hospital. Take in mind, I was due in November and it was now, Feburuary of the following year. The doctors finally induced labor, as I was way over due according to their records. My mother was in much pain! She laid there being ignored by the doctors as they told her that the pain she was feeling was normal; she knew not the pain of child-birth as I was her first one! After much protest they came to check on her only to find me stuck in her birth canal. So the forceps were placed on my head and out I was forced, weighing barely five pounds. I would then be watched closely for the next few days as would my mother because of the birth complications.

Nearly two and half years later, when I refused to come when I was being called, my mother walked into my bedroom to find me in the midst of a grand-mal seizure. Thus began my family's long history and close relationship with the doctors and hospitals.

The seizures could not be traced. The picture of the "epilepsy brain" did not show up on any of my scans. Test after test was performed, and to this very day, 28 years later, my parents still disagree as to when and how the seizures were triggered. At the age of four the doctors finally found a medication to somewhat control the seizures, and though the grand-mal seizures stopped, petite seizures now replaced them. While still being tested, poked and proded, to determine the "reason" for my outbreak, my parents saw to it that I faithfully took my medication everyday. Then at the age of nine, after going a year seizure free, I was allowed off the medications and to this very day, I still have not had a seizure! :)

But as I said, this was only the begining of what was to be a "family hospital plan". When I was three my sister was born. At the age of two and after limping while she walked, my sister was found to have been born with her right hip out of socket. It was now located up under her rib cage, and her body had made her a new hip out of scar tissue.

Trying to avoid surgery, the doctors placed a pin through her knee and weighed her foot down with weights trying to "pull" her hip down into socket. They, too, placed her in a body cast hoping that it would help; but to no avail. She, of course, was then in and out of the hospital because of all of this. Finally at the age of two, she under-went hip surgery, and was the first to do so at her young age. A body cast was again placed on her small form, for a year, to help stablize her hip.

Then, in the mist of all of this, at the age of four, I was admitted into the hospital for hernia repair in my lower left abdominal region.

Finally, comes the year 1977 and my brother is born. He is found to be VERY prone to "The Croup" (a chest infection). He has to be hospitalized sometimes two times a year, in an oxygen tent, just to make it through. When he turns eight, the pattern is ended. :)

Now take in mind these stories just pertain to my siblings and myself. My father caught on fire when I was about five years old, and my mother had and still has a brain tumor. In 1983 she was finally diagnosed with a tumor of the pituitary gland, after years of headaches, loosing her hair, the production of milk in her mammary glands, and finally loosing her vision. It was removed that year and in 1995 she was diagnosed with another tumor, but this time it is located on the internal cartoid atery, which supplies blood to the eyeball, and other orbital structures, as well as most of the brain, nose and ear.

The sad fact is: the "bad health" gene did not just stop with my family, but was then found in my nephew, my sister's son. Kyle has been found to have "some sort" of "stomach/intestinal disorder. We must watch his diet VERY closely and regulate his intake of sugar and lactose containing products (there is much more to the story, but it is too long for here). But through Yah, and nature, he is doing well. :)

So, as you can see, my family and I have been through a lot medically, (not that you, the reader have not) but after reading my health background, I hope you can easily understand why it is that health is important to me. I truly believe that many of the defects in my family could have been prevented with better diet, clean lungs, proper rest and the use of natural remedies when available, and as such, these ideas will be further discussed in detail within the rest of my links.

To begin with, my father is not a religious man in any sense of the word. My siblings and I were raised in faith by my mother. She did a good job and made sure that we were all aware of the moral values outlined in the Scriptures. I believe myself to be a lot like her in that we both long for the peace and truth of God, but become discouraged by all the churches so full of "lies". (I understand this is a harsh word, but this is my true feeling on the matter.) For this reason my brother, sister and I attended many Bible schools, Sunday schools and different churches trying so desperatly to find a faith, and a church, that taught the TRUTH, and was not lead by hypocrites.

In the mid 1980's my mother, sister and I began to study a faith that we all found to be as close to the truth as we had ever learned. But for some reason, even after three years of study, I could not become baptized in this religion. My heart was just not in it. There were just too many questions left "un-answered" in my mind, such as: I never understood the religion's one simple lack of what I considered to be blatant disobiedence to God's word, and after asking the same question over and over, I always recieved the same response. My question was this: If we are suppose to live by the Ten Commandments, then why does your faith not honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy, as the fourth commandment instructs? The answer I recieved was this: "The Ten Commandments were shed along side the blood of Christ. Too, how can we be expcted to live by that commandment when we HAVE to work in this century? The Ten Commandments were written for a time now long passed, as matters were different then. The Commandments were created for that time, not now!" Then questions began to spring-up within my head as to why this faith, that I was then studying, quoted and used all the other Ten Commandments during their meetings and lessons, but in doing so, easily by-passed the fourth one. Last but not least, it was never logically explained to me what the word commandment then refers to as it is read through-out the 1st Book of John.

Many other questions went un-answered as well, and that is why one day, I finally left my study of this faith. I had given up "hope" of ever finding a religion that I felt was the truth. Life proceeded onward, and I soon found myself busy with a new, exciting entertainment position at a local theme park, and life then took me to different areas of the west; performing here and performing there. God just did not fit into my busy schedule. I had separated myself so far from Him and became VERY involved in a faith (for 1 1/2 years that had but only one rule: Do as you want as long as you do not harm anyone in the process. (That is the "jest" of the rule anyway). Too, in this religion, because of this simple one rule, I never met one hypocrit who followed the path, as there was no rules to break.

Even in my weekly studies of this new religion, my gut told me to get out, but for many reasons, I did not! I stayed and learned more, and armed with this new knowledge and with-out even realizing it, I became entrapped in a situation that had but only one out. A situation that made me afraid who and WHAT I had become! But as a friend once wrote, "...for a God who is love, never wastes an opprotunity to restore happiness", and God used this as His opprotunity! :)

A Pastor and his wife were introduced into my life during late 2000. They both helped to guide me out of my world of darkness and I was baptized in February of 2001.

But, after a year with this new family, I was led to leave the faith, but not leave the love of Yah and His mighty Son!

As of 2002, I am not activly invloved with a church but am blessed with the opprotunity to witness while performing my new job.

So... that is my sotry and how I ended up right here, writing to you and trying to educated you about the health benefits found within the Word of God. I do hope you have read some of the links, and have learned some things that may benefit your life by making it more bright, healthy and full of joy!

In Yah's love and light~

Most of my friends and family that know me consider me a perfomer, mainly a dancer, as music talks to my soul as no other art form does. Through movement I can say what I can not so easily put into words. I find that with all the gifts in which Yah blessed his children with, that for some reason many Christians forget that through dance we can honor and worship our Creator such as easily as we can through music, singing, writing and art. Movement of the human body is not evil and in fact can be quite beautiful and can leave one just as speechless as a blessed piece of music, artwork or poem! :) Below is a different take on "Footprints". I quite enjoy it, as I hope you will as well.

Footprints that Dance
Imagine you and the Lord Jesus are walking down the road together. For much of the way, the Lord's footprints go along steadily, consistently, rarely varying the pace. But your footprints are a disorganized stream of zigzags, starts, stops, turnarounds, circles, departures and returns. For much of the way, it seems to go like this, but gradually your footprints come more in line with the Lord's, soon paralleling His consistently. You and Jesus are walking as true friends! This seems perfect, but then an interesting thing happens: Your footprints, the ones etched in the sand next to Jesus', are now walking precisely in His steps, inside His larger footprints are your smaller ones, you and Jesus are becoming one. This goes on for many miles, but gradually you notice another change. The footprints inside the large footprints seem to grow larger. Eventually they disappear all together. There is only one set of footprints; they have become one. This goes on for a long time, but suddenly the second set of footprints is back. This time it seems even worse! Zigzags all over the place: stops, starts, deep gashes in the sand. A veritable mess of prints. You are amazed and shocked. Your dream ends. Now you pray: "Lord, I understand the first scene with zigzags and fits. I was a new Christian; I was just learning. But you walked on through the storm and helped me learn to walk with you." "That is correct." " ... and when the smaller footprints were inside of Yours, I was actually learning to walk in Your steps; followed you very closely." "Very good. You have understood everything so far." " ... when the smaller footprints grew and filled in Yours, I suppose that I was becoming like you in every way." "Precisely." "So, Lord, was there a regression or something? The footprints separated, and this time it was worse than at first." There is a pause as the Lord answers with a smile in his voice. "You didn't know? That was when we danced."