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Thunder Results 12/12/00
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Many have said Mike Awesome's '70s gimmick has been more of a detriment to his career, than it has helped. When That '70s Guy endeared himself to Hacksaw Duggan after Jim's heartfelt speech, Awesome showed his true colors... red and white -- the colors of his new running buddies, Team Canada.

From his limousine, Ric Flair laid out the show, announcing that Scott Steiner would have a title defense in the broadcast, but his opponent would remain nameless.

WCW Cruiserweight Title Match
Chavo Guerrero Jr. d. Jaime Knoble
Chavo talked about his match at Sin against Sugar Shane Helms. He told Shane, if he lost the title before the PPV, he would be out of the title picture. Knoble and Guerrero locked up strong, putting on a nice display of ring action, with reversal after counter, ending with Jaime sending Chavo to the floor for a breather. Knoble attempted several near falls, but the cruiserweight champion stopped him abruptly, snapping his throat under the bottom rope. As Knoble set for a superplex, Shane Helms came out and held Jaime's leg, setting Chavo up for a frogsplash, followed by a brainbuster for the win.

Mean Gene Interview: Crowbar with Daffney
Crowbar told Daffney he owed it to her for showing him the way back from the '70s. The former hardcore champion awaited his match with Bam Bam Bigelow, and told Terry Funk he would regain his belt at the Sin PPV.

Backstage, The Cat and Ms. Jones arrived on a four-wheeler, asking Ric Flair for a match against Scott Steiner. Flair told the former commissioner it was a done deal, before leaving the building in his limo.

Mean Gene Interview: Bam Bam Bigelow
The Beast From The East told Crowbar he was going to destroy him later in the Thunder show.

Interview: Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Hacksaw told the fans he traded his friends, fans and self respect for one more day in the sun. He apologized to his father, his wife and kids, and to the fans for turning his back on them after 20 years of loyalty.

Backstage, Mike Awesome asked Jim Duggan to stay till the end of the night.

Mean Gene Interview: Natural Born Thrillers
Sanders made fun of Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page. Shawn Stasiak said they had a plan, but refused to tell Gene what it was.

Backstage, General Rection accepted Jim Duggan's apology, hugging him to show his friendship.

Tag Team Battle Royal Contention Match
Winners - Natural Born Thrillers
The teams consisted of 3 Count, Jung Dragons, Kwee-Wee and Meng, The Harris Brothers, Jaime Knoble and Evan Karagias, Billy Kidman and Rey Mysterio Jr., Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire and The Perfect Event. Kaz and Yang were the first to be eliminated, followed by Knoble and Karagias. Evan argued with his partner, as Knoble was still feeling the effects from the opening match. Shannon and Shane were both thrown out at the same time, eliminating the singing duo from title contention. Big Vito arrived at ringside, pounding his brother, Reno, into the ground. Johnny The Bull came out and whacked Sanders with a stickball bat, reuniting The Mamalukes. The Harris Brothers were next to go, with Meng and Kwee-Wee soon to follow. On the inside, the Thrillers beat on The Filthy Animals in a four on two, but Rey and Billy fought valiantly against the odds. Palumbo dropkicked Kidman off the ring apron, leaving The Perfect Event with Jindrak and O'Haire. Commissioner Sanders came in and called for the bell, claiming the Thrillers were the winners of the title shot, and Nash and DDP would face a combination of two men from the group at the PPV.

Mean Gene Interview: Scott Steiner with Midajah
Big Poppa Pump told The Cat to bring it on later in the broadcast. The WCW champion said he also welcomed the mystery man's challenge at WCW Sin.

Konnan with Tygress d. Primetime Elix Skipper
Konnan tripped up Primetime, but the "Canadian" took control after a missed move off the ropes. Skipper brought K-Dogg over with a head scissors takedown, but only got a two-count on the Filthy Animal. Elix continued to work on Konnan, countering everything the former U.S. champion had. K-Dogg rolled back with the rolling clothesline, moving into the Tequila Sunrise for the submission victory.

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