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Smackdown Results 12/28/00
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The show opened with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley speaking to Jim Ross about doing something great tonight. She said that because of Y2J remarks about her she would book him in a handicap match against the tag champs, Edge & Christian. Then, she added a WWF Championship match to the card. It would be Kurt Angle defending against Buh Buh Ray Dudley. Plus, because of Rikishi's actions on RAW, she was putting him in a handicap match against The Rock and the Undertaker.

Chris Jericho comes to a huge pop to cut a promo. Jericho said that his New Year's Resolution is to stop calling Stephanie McMahon all of those filthy names, but since it's not quite the New Year yet, and he's already screwed in this handicap match, he might as well get his money's worth. So, he continued by saying Steph is a filthy, dirty, disgusting, brutal, bottom-feeding, trashbag ho.

Hanidcap Match- Chris Jericho vs. Edge & Christian: Short, but good. Y2J hit the Lionsault on Edge, but Christian broke the count. Then, Jericho locked on the Walls of Jericho on Edge while Christian was on the outside. Edge tapped out, but Christian had the referee's attention. Stephanie McMahon then came to ringside to distract Y2J and Christian capitalized by hitting the impaler and put Edge on Jericho. The official turned around and made the three count. Edge & Christian win.

After the break, Stephanie told Edge & Christian how great a job they did by defeating Chris Jericho.

Intercontinetal Title Match- Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy: An excellent match. Benoit counters a tornado DDT into the Crippler Crossface to pick up the win by submission.

Kevin Kelly then gets in a quick word with the Undertaker before the break. Kelly asks 'Taker how he feels about him and The Rock being booked into a handicap match against Rikishi. Taker responds by saying, "Good, paybacks are a b*tch."

After the break, the RTC runs a video parody of the Chyna-Jim Ross sit-down interview from RAW which featured Chyna bawling. Val Venis was decked out with a cowboy hat and all the JR gear. Ivory was dressed like Chyna. Funny. Ivory pretended to cry. Val stole the scene when shown dressed like JR.

Before the break, it shows Buh Buh and D-Von coming to the ring backstage.

Backstage, it shows Kurt Angle and Stephanie watching the tape of Eric Angle being power bombeb by Buh Buh Ray Dudley on RAW. Kurt acts very upset. Steph tells him that he needs to give Buh Buh whats coming to him.

WWF Championship- Buh Buh Ray Dudley vs. Kurt Angle: Buh Buh gets a huge pop and Kurt gets the biggest heat of the night. Kurt gets the pinfall after a low blow followed by a small package. Edge & Christian assisted Kurt in victory and then followed by attacking Buh Buh after the match. D-Von came out to make the save. Edge & Christian brawled with the D-Von outside while Buh Buh was about to put Kurt through the table, but Kurt countered and sent Buh Buh through the table with the Olympic Slam. This sets up the Edge & Christian vs. Dudley Boyz match at the Royal Rumble.

After the break, Stephanie comes out to cut a promo about her New Year's Resolution. She says she is going to get what she deserved. Crowd chants "slut." During the middle of the promo, Austin comes to the ring. His mic is malfunctioning, so he just swipes the one from Steph's hand. Austin tells Steph that no one give a rat's *** about her New Year's Resolution. Austin then says he's not stepping foot back in this ring for a match unless it's for the WWF Title. Stephanie turns him down and says he doesn't deserve a title shot. Austin asks what she said. Steph says, "Can't you hear me, I said you didn't deserve a title shot." Austin asks if she like beer. Steph says yes. Austin then splashes some beer onto her chest. Austin and Steph argue back and forth and Steph says she's trying to send him a message. Austin responds by saying, "It looks like the only message you're sending me is that is alright to waste a perfectly good can of beer." Crowd laughs. The promo ends with Austin pouring beer all over Stephanie. The crowd popped like crazy.

The Right to Censor comes to the ring next. Ivory, Bull Buchanan, and the Goodfather are set to take on Faarooq, Bradshaw, and Jacquelyn.

Six-Person Tag Match- Bull Buchanan, The Goodfather, and Ivory vs. APA and Jacquelyn: Ivory pins Jackie with a bridge admist all the brawling, but Jackie shoulders were up, so this didn't look so good. So, while the post match brawl was going on in the ring, Ivory pinned Jackie again. Very sloppy. The RTC stomped away at the APA and Jackie until "The One" Billy Gunn made the save.

Jacquelyn then came back to the ring and challenged Ivory to a match. Ivory came out, pinned her the exact way as before. Followed by the RTC and APA brawling with Gunn making the save. This was done to make the final edit for television. The finish will look good once SmackDown airs.

Before the break, Test and Albert are shown backstage. The two are still without Trish as on RAW on Friday. Test joked about Trish being with Vince, and Albert went on about telling Test not to cross the boss.

The Lugz ad was shown followed by the highlights of Friday's RAW taping when Raven pinned Blackman to win the Hardcore Title just after Blackman had pinned Hardcore Holly.

Raven came to the ring to cut a promo. He spoke about his Hardcore Title, and how that he finally got what he deserves, they make his first title defense against a mere Hardy boy. Jeff then comes out to a good pop.

Hardcore Title Match- Raven vs. Jeff Hardy: During the break, the ring attendants put ladders under the ring, so we knew this was coming. Raven brought out the shopping cart filled with a trashcan, street signs, and a fire extinguisher. All which were used. Jeff got some offense in with the ladder. He perfomed a second rope leg drop onto Raven while the ladder was atop Raven. The finish came after Raven hit the Evenflow DDT.

Kevin Kelly interviewed Rikishi backstage. Rikishi complained about how Steph was trying to screw him over with this handicap match. He says that whatever happens to 'Taker and The Rock in that ring is on her shoulders.

Too Cool vs. T&A: Grandmaster Sexay hit the Hip Hop Drop on Albert, but the official was arguing with Scotty Too Hotty on the other side of the ring. Test then hit Sexay with a top rope elbow drop to allow Albert to make the cover and get the pin. After the match, Albert attacks Test. He attacks Test for quite a while. I think that Steph or Vince had told Albert to turn on Test. This makes Test a face again and hopefully putting him in the mid-card mix.

During the break, a fight broke out among the crowd at ringside. It wiped out the first few rows. It took the event staff about ten or fifteen minutes to get everything settled.

After the break, Kevin Kelly interviewed The Rock. The Rock said that Stephanie McMahon had failed to notice that The Rock used to live right here in Nashville, this referring to his day in the independents. The Rock then spoke of his three New Year's Resolutions. One was to become the WWF Champion once again. Second, to be the greatest man in sports-entertainment. And last, get this ugly hermaphrodite, Kevin Kelly, a sex change. If ya smell what The Rock is cookin'!

The Undertaker comes out to Limp Bizkit's "Rollin'." He gets a monster pop, but couldn't compare to the pop that The Rock received. Rikishi then came out, then Steph came out. (Triple H's music played, so it surprised me. I thought maybe that Rikishi had a partner in Triple H.) Steph said she agreed with Rikishi that all this lies on her shoulders. So, she introduced Rikishi to his partner, the European Champion, William Regal. Then, Stephanie stated that she couldn't go back on her word that this was handicap match, so she brought the next partner, Kane.

Handicap Match- Rikishi, William Regal, and Kane vs. The Rock and the Undertaker: Pretty good brawl-type match. The Rock got the win after a DDT to Regal. As SmackDown will go off the air, it will feature Kane, Rikishi, and Regal stomping away at The Rock and 'Taker.


The Rock hits the Rock Bottom on Rikishi after the Undertaker chokeslammed Kane. The Undertaker then caught Regal with a chokeslam. Kane and Rikishi rolled out of the ring, but Regal remained motionless in the middle of the ring. Everyone knew what was coming. After the Undertaker finally exited to "Rollin'," The Rock toyed with the crowd by pretending to attemp to step out of the ring. The crowd booed every attempt. The Rock finally performed the People's Elbow followed by the crowd popping to his music. The Rock then got a mic and brought out three of the Titans into the ring. The Rock introduced them, and asked them their favorite kind of pie. He asked if they liked blueberry. The crowd booed. Then, he asked if they were like Kurt Angle and liked Moon Pie. The crowd laughed and booed. Then, he asked then what kind of pie do you like. To which one of the Titans replied, "Nashville's all-time favorite pie, POONTANG PIE!" The crowd went crazy. The Rock then stated, "Now that being said, If ya smell what The Rock is cookin'." The crowd left feeling very entertained.

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