Obi-Wan knelt behind Anakin, the young boy’s hair cut short save for a small patch above his right ear. Reaching for the silken cloth that held his own Padawan braid, Obi-wan remembered the day he received it.
Qui-Gon knelt behind Obi-Wan Just as Obi-Wan was now behind Anakin. Qui-Gon had just finished trimming Obi-Wan’s hair close to his head. All but the piece above his right ear. Reaching into a piece of silken cloth Qui-Gon removed a braid neatly tied at both ends with ribbon.
Obi-Wan now removed his braid from the cloth, running his fingers along its length. So many memories lay along each inch of the braid. All the missions, the good times and the sad ones, some marked along its length with colored bands. Selecting an area below where there was a slight change in color, Obi-Wan picked up the scissors.
Delicately Qui-Gon cut a piece of the braid about 4 inches in length Obi-Wan did the same, remembering the piece he had placed on Qui-Gon’s ashes the day before. He placed the remaining braid back in the cloth.
Obi-Wan slowly undid the short piece of braid. Qui-Gon took the piece of braid, now unraveled, and laid it against the long strands above Obi-Wan’s ear. Anakin’s blond hair stood in stark contrast his own reddish-brown. Obi-Wan carefully placed his hair against Anakin’s. Qui-Gon closed his eyes. Obi-Wan felt the force move through him. Closing his eyes, Obi-Wan sent the Force to bear on the strands of hair. Slowly the strands began to merge. Each of Anakin’s melding with each of his.
”This bond has occurred between Master and Padawan for a thousand generations. It signifies our bond. Our bond with the Force, each other, and the Jedi past and future.” Obi-Wan, to, spoke these words to Anakin.
Qui-Gon’s hands were gentle as they braided Obi-Wan’s new symbol of apprenticeship. “You are now bonded to me, Obi-Wan, and to Master Yoda who trained me.”
Obi-wan began to braid Anakin’s hair. “You are now bonded to me, Anakin, and to Master Qui-Gon Jinn.” Obi-wan tied the end of the braid with the twine Qui-Gon had used to tie his braid. Looking at Anakin, Obi-wan smiled. The braid went form blonde, to reddish-brown, to light brown. Obi-Wan held a mirror for Anakin to see the symbol of apprenticeship he had just been given. Anakin smiled at Obi-Wan.
Another journey was about to begin.
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