30 + years post TPM
Obi-Wan walked toward the black cloaked figure. His destiny again stood before him. Luke was near and needed to be given a way off the Death Star. Focusing on the Force he felt an old, familiar ripple. The Force began to tug at him, it was time.
Qui-Gon had done as Obi-Wan had requested so long ago, he let Obi-Wan walk alone. He had watched Obi-Wan use every bit of his Jedi training in the Clone Wars. He watched painfully as Obi-Wan and Anakin fought again, to what they thought was the death. But Anakin had risen this dark creature. He felt Anakin's wrath as his fellow Jedi left their physical forms and joined him in the Force.
Qui-Gon savored the feeling of the Force pulling him toward Obi-Wan once again. His spirit He stood on the sidelines of this battle, surveying the two combatants.
Obi-Wan walked slowly toward Vader igniting his lightsaber. He shifted the hilt, comforted by the familiar feel in his grip.
"I've been waiting for you Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the Master."
"Only a master of evil, Darth." Obi-Wan prepared to do battle drawing on the Force, feeling stronger than he had in many years.
Qui-Gon watched as the two combatants dealt and repelled blows. Again, the scene was familiar, drawing forth a splinter of a memory. A dream so long ago.
Obi-Wan had not battled with his lightsaber in a very long time. Each blow sent sharp, reverberating pain up his arms. It took every ounce of strength to fight the Dark Lord who had so many years ago been his Padawan.
"Your powers are weak old man." Darth Vader's voice was touched with a hint of the victory he felt was at hand.
"You can not win, Darth. If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." Obi-Wan braced himself for the next series of blows. He hadn't the strength of a Jedi in his prime, but he would battle Vader until Luke could free himself from the Death Star.
"You should not have come back." Vader lunged forward, pressing his old Master.
A ripple in the Force alerted Obi-Wan that Luke and Leia would soon be gone. His path had come to an end. He had passed the torch of the Jedi to a new generation. A generation, he knew, would not allow the powers of good to be extinguished. The pull of the Force, the distant ripple of an old friend drew him, becoming ever stronger.
Qui-Gon watched the battle rage. He wanted to reach out, to help Obi-Wan, but that was not his reason for being here. He knew the time had come, he was here to show Obi-Wan the way. Just as his first Master had shown him. Gathering the force around him, Qui-Gon began the process.
Obi-Wan reached out and felt Luke's presence. It was a presence that gave him hope, hope for the future of the Jedi. Luke would now walk the path that was unfolding before him. Glancing over Vader's shoulder, Obi-Wan saw a shimmer in the Force. A familiar form took shape, beckoning to him. It was time.
Qui-Gon A name Obi-Wan had not uttered in a very long time. Obi-Wan thought of his old Master, the large presence, calming, waiting for him.
Yes, Obi-Wan it is time. The returned thought brought peace, closure.
Glancing quickly over his shoulder, Obi-Wan touched the minds of the troopers guarding the Falcon. They moved toward the duo dueling beyond the hanger entry, away from the ship. His gaze shifting to Vader, Obi-Wan saw the form of Qui-Gon standing behind his former student. Qui-Gon's form was as it had been so many years ago, but bathed in a green glow. Qui-Gon was smiling at him, beckoning him to come.
I am ready Obi-Wan began to feel his like younger self. The man Qui-Gon knew so well.
Come then, old friend, this path is at an end.
The pull of the Force grew even stronger; He could not resist it. Obi-Wan raised his lightsaber before him, smiling back at his old Master, he allowed the Force to flow into him, to transport him, to become one with him. As he disappeared, he he heard Luke's scream. It was his turn now to be the unseen force, the guide.
Run Luke, run!
Obi-Wan felt the presence of the Jedi. They were one with him, one with the Force.
He knew his legacy would live on and where this new path would take him.
Obi-Wan was now one with the Force, one with Qui-Gon. He was no longer alone.