
By Gin

Notes: This is the first fic I've posted, and one of the first that I've completely finished. Feedback is appreciated, constructive critism welcomed.

Qui-Gon stood in the doorway of his Padawan's room just watching him sleep. He allowed a small smile to cross his features, feeling the peace radiating from the room.

They had been through so much in such a short period of time, the two of them. He never would have envisioned that such a disasterous start could lead to something like this so quickly.

He still could not believe how long it had taken him to realize what Obi-Wan meant to him. Bandomeer should have been enough. Phindar should have sealed it. How many times had he almost had to lose the boy before it got through his thick skull. Thank the Force Xanatos had failed on Telos amd he had finally realized what Obi-Wan meant to him. Kegan had scared him, but things had worked out.

Thank the Force everything had worked out. Xanatos had failed. Obi-Wan and Siri had been found. Things were as they should be.

As his gaze focused on the sleeping boy once more, he smiled and absorbed the peace radiating.

For them to have faced and survived so much so early.... He took that as a sign that they were in it together, no matter where the Force led them.

The End

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