Obi-Wan snatched his plate away with a growl as Bant tried to sneak yet another piece of food from it.
"Stingy!" Bant accused with as much of a pout as a Calamarian could manage.
"Get your own," Obi-Wan complained. "For Sith's sake, Bant, the food's right over there." He gestured to a large circular table where fruits, cheeses, and desserts of all kinds were located. The food was plentiful but practical, since this was, after all, a holiday held within the Jedi Temple itself.
"There's even enough food for Reeft at Solstice-time," Obi-Wan scowled, waving his hand at the Dresselian seated across from him. "So why is it that *you*, Bant Eerin, always have to take stuff from my plate?"
Bant huffed cutely. "Oh, Obi, you're taking the fun right out of it. What's with you, anyway? I think you've been hanging around Master Jinn too long."
Obi-Wan eyed her over the plate he was guarding and looked plaintively at his tablemates, Reeft and Garen Muln, who purposely avoided his gaze. "What's *that* supposed to mean?"
"Oh, nothing," Bant said sweetly, her attention suddenly diverted to brushing a few crumbs off her tunic. "But it seems like ever since you became his padawan you've been acting more and more like him."
"And what's wrong with that?" Obi-Wan demanded, beginning to become annoyed with his friend.
Bant sighed. "Can we drop this for now, Obi-Wan? I'm sorry I said anything."
She got up from her seat at the initiates' table where Obi-Wan had joined her and the others. She paused and looked down at him. "I'm going to get my own plate. Maybe you should go sit at the padawans' table, *Padawan* Kenobi."
Obi-Wan stared after her as she made her way through the crowded room. He was confused and somewhat irritated by her behavior.
Garen Muln pushed his food around his plate absently while Reeft eyed both boys' food with a hopeful expression.
"I don't mean to sound greedy, but are you going to finish that?" Reeft finally asked.
No longer hungry, Obi-Wan pushed his plate over to the Dresselian.
"What's with her?" he asked as Reeft dug into the food gratefully.
"Who?" Reeft asked between mouthfuls.
"Bant, of course," Obi-Wan grated, biting down on his annoyance.
Garen sighed. "Don't mind her, Obi-Wan," he said as he gave Reeft the rest of his plate, also. "I think she just misses you, that's all."
"Misses me?" Obi-Wan looked bewildered.
Garen shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Well, you know... since you became a padawan you've been away quite a bit and we never see you anymore. And besides that, Master Jinn doesn't seem to let you visit with us much when you actually *are* at the Temple. I'm surprised to even see you here celebrating Solstice. And well... I think Bant resents all of that a little."
Obi-Wan stared at him open-mouthed for a few moments. Finally he regained his composure. "But that's what happens when you become a padawan. I mean...I..."
Garen interrupted him. "Other masters and padawans are at the Temple a lot more often. Everyone knows that Master Jinn prefers field duty, but that means you're away a lot." He shook his head a little sadly. "Don't get me wrong, Obi-Wan. We're all happy you were chosen and that things have worked out between you and your Master. But, well... we all miss you. Bant, especially so."
Obi-Wan looked past the crowd to where the Calamarian was conversing with an older Padawan.
"You should go talk to her, Obi-Wan," Reeft prompted as he finished the last of Garen's cake. "And while you're at it, could you pick me up some more dessert?"
Obi-Wan got up from his chair a little uncertainly. What could he possibly say to Bant that would make her feel better? As he began to step forward, searching his imagination for ideas, a large hand suddenly squeezed his shoulder from behind.
Obi-Wan would know that presence anywhere, turning around was purely out of respect, not for identification.
"Master," he acknowledged as he faced the larger Jedi.
"There you are, Padawan," Qui-Gon said warmly. He glanced at Garen and Reeft apologetically. "I'm sorry to take you away from your friends, Obi-Wan, but we've been called away. There's a crisis on Garos IV."
Obi-Wan nodded, his heart sinking at Qui-Gon's words. "Alright, Master. I... just need to say goodbye to someone."
Qui-Gon shook his head sternly, but sadly. "*Now*, Padawan. Our bags are already on the transport. I spared you as much time as I could."
Obi-Wan cast a sorrowful glance in Bant's direction. She had her back to him and would have no idea he was leaving. With one last look at his friend, he turned back to Garen and Reeft.
"Please tell her I said goodbye," he requested of them quietly, and then
followed his master out of the room.