
By Laura B.

"Humph" Sal'ne could not help but sigh as she gazed at Qui-Gon's profile. His beautiful straight nose; which she and the medical droid had taken such painstaking efforts to straighten the last time was now definitely listing to the right on the bride. She reached up to touch his cheek and patted him lightly.

"I am thinking of leaving it like this," Qui-Gon stated, cocking his head slightly and smiling his delightful crooked half smile. I think it makes me look...distinguished".

"More like a badge or courage. Anyway, if you did want it straightened, you would have to find another healer to do it," Sal'ne teased. "I didn't put all that effort into it last time to have you break it again. I'll keep my opinion to myself until the swelling goes down." She kissed her finger and touched his nose lightly, sending healing energies through her arm and fingers. She couldn't help herself; she was, after all, a healer.

Sal'ne glanced out the window of the taxi as they passed one of Coruscant's few natural areas. This one was her favorite; lush greenery grew verdantly. Tall deciduous trees reached for the light that filtered between the towering buildings. Dirt walkways crisscrossed throughout the habitat. It was one of the few places on the City Planet that birds could be heard singing. Then there was the waterfall. Setting her reflections aside, Sal'ne realized they had reached the Senate Building. As the door to the taxi opened she shot a quick glance at her escort.

Qui-Gon knew all eyes would be on them when they entered the hall. Sal'ne's appearance caused a stir in any room she entered. Her Jedi training as a Healer had not dampened her temper or her ability to command the attention of a room. Sal'ne didn't enjoy being the center of attention, but as the Chancellor’s daughter, she had grown up in the spotlight and accepted it as her due.

"Ready?" Qui-Gon whispered in her ear as they entered the hall.

"Always." Sal'ne murmured in return, tossing him a controlled smile.

The reception hall was crowded with dignitaries and Senators from all over the Republic. Many Jedi Masters and their Apprentices were reluctantly in attendance. The Jedi did not go in for trappings such as this; it was part of the code. No Reward. But tonight was a night they were being honored by the people of Calderia. The Jedi made exceptions to keeping a low profile lifestyle only on rare occasions.

As they entered, Qui-Gon and Sal'ne meandered through the crowd, finally reaching the front where Sal’ne’s father stood. Qui-Gon noticed the pain worsen in his ribs as he and Sal'ne bowed to the senators, dignitaries and Jedi. He also felt the smiles hidden behind the looks as they noticed his battered countenance.

I’ll see to the healing of your wounds later," Sal'ne whispered as she returned the bows.

Several attendees inquired of Qui-Gon as to what had caused his bruises, but he would smiled and replied, "Training with Master Yoda." Qui-Gon felt some discomfort at not having had time to tend to the healing of his wounds, but he was a Jedi Padawan and put on a front to indicate this was nothing out of the ordinary. He smiled to himself as he remembered Master Yoda warning him to "blend in" to any crowd. He had failed that lesson on numerous occasions. He knew his height as well as the beautiful woman he escorted on his arm would draw attention.

Sal'ne's father, Chancellor Sorian, greeted them as they approached the podium. Chancellor Sorian smiled and encircled his only daughter in a hug. Glancing at Qui-Gon, a wry smile crossed the Chancellor’s face.

"My dear Jedi, I told you not to allow her to get her dander up." The smile on the Chancellor's face was from ear to ear as he winked at Sal'ne and lightly tapped Qui-Gon on the back.

"Master Yoda is a small Jedi, but a powerful one, yes?" Sal'ne did her best to turn her father’s jab at her temper into a joke between her and Qui-Gon.

"I only wish that were so." Qui-Gon rubbed his sore jaw.

"We will begin in a few minutes. Master Yoda informed me of your recent assignment. I understand the three of you had quite the battle with one...what was it...Ah, yes. Fire Lizard? I hear they can be quite ferocious."

"Yes, sir." Qui-Gon glanced at Sal'ne whose expression read like an open book. "I apologize for our lateness, Chancellor, I hope we have not delayed you too much."

"Not at all, sometimes it's the Bureaucrats turn to wait. Shall we step to the podium, my dear?"

Sal'ne's father extended his arm to his daughter and they ascended the stage. Qui-Gon could not help but notice how she seemed to float up the stairs. What had possessed her to become a Jedi Healer and not a Diplomat?

He could not fathom her reasons. Then again, he had personal reasons to be delighted that she was not a Diplomat. At least as a Jedi she was humble, or was disciplined to be humble. He chuckled to himself.

Next to the podium stood the delegation from Calderia. Sal'ne smiled at a bright eyed little girl who stood at the front of the delegation. Sal'ne had been one of many Jedi Healers who had recently returned from Calderia.

The Calderian people had been struck by a plague that had caused devastating suffering and had killed a large number of people. Their human ancestry did not allow them to stave off the efects of a plague wrought by an alien virus. Sal'ne had been assigned to the Royal House of Calderia which had also become a make shift healing center during the plague. Though the Jedi Healers had performed their calling without Reward, the Calderian people had wanted to thank the Jedi and the Republic for saving their planet. The Jedi Council frowned on these offers of gratitude, but the Republic Senators and dignitaries had insisted. The Calderians had singled Sal’ne out because of her unstinting efforts to wipe out the disease. Even though the Jedi Council disapproved of her, or any Jedi, receiving a medal, the Senate had requested her presence once they heard her statement of what she would do with the award. The Code of the Jedi determined that it was to be a life without reward, even for a Jedi Healer Intern.

Qui-Gon felt a hand on his shoulder. He knew who it was before he turned around. Mace looked no better than he did. His black Padawan hair was shorn close to his head on one side and his braid had gone from below his waist to just below his ear. Qui-Gon chuckled at Mace’s broken nose which mirrored his own. The only difference in their injuries was that Mace had also sustained a broken arm. Mace's smile was more like a wince as he greeted his friends.

"I see you made it. And in one piece." Mace kept his voice a low whisper. "I'll bet she was just thrilled to see you."

"Oh, you don't know how thrilled." Qui-Gon rolled his eyes at his own response.

"You two look no worse for wear." Ki Ani had joined his two friends. His braid was intact; he had no visible bruises, and did not seem to be in any pain. Then Qui-Gon remembered who had taken up the rear in the battle. He smiled at his two friends as they turned to watch the proceedings.

Sal'ne felt all the eyes in the room on her. It was not a comfortable feeling. She had chosen to become a Jedi Healer because she knew it was her destiny. She needed not thank you or recognition. The Code of the Jedi was her way. She grimaced as she heard her father starting one of his well-known speeches. It would take a while, and then it would be her turn. She had been before large crowds before, as the daughter of a dignitary, but never in the spotlight. Suddenly, the voice she was hearing changed. King Tomeranci of the Calderian Royal House was speaking.

"I know it is not customary for a Jedi Knight to receive an honor, but it is a Calderian ritual to bestow honor on all who have done great deeds. The Calderian people would like to thank The Republic Senate, the Jedi Council, and the many Jedi Healers who were instrumental in saving the Calderian people from the recent plague. The devotion of the Jedi Healers to their art, their compassion, and their relentlessrefusal to give up brought my people back from the brink. We cannot express our feelings of gratitude but thank you for your efforts."

With that King Tomeranci produced a large gold medal on silken string from an ornate box. Handing it to Chancellor Sorian he bowed deeply and returned to his place within the group of Calderians. Chancellor Sorian then handed the metal to Sal'ne. It weighed heavy in her hands. She felt uncomfortable, but, knowing what she must do she stepped forward. Without speaking a word, she walked over to the young girl who she had seen as she ascended the stairs. Smiling down at the young girl she placed the metal around her neck. The young girl appeared dumbstruck. Sal'ne had recognized the girl as one of the Kings daughters, Lylith. She had been one of the few who did not fall ill. Lylith was instrumental in helping the healers turn the Royal House into a Healing Center. Lylith was young, only 8 or 9 years, but she had displayed compassion well beyond those years. To her it mattered not who was treated in her home. She had demanded of her Father that the Royal house be opened to all who needed help. Knowing her compassion and drive, the King agreed.

Without Lylith's assistance, the Jedi Healers and Calderian Shamin might still be batteling the plague. Lylith was selfless and compassionate about the Calderians, Sal'ne felt that someday she would make a great leader. The people of Calderia deserved the metal, not the healers, for they were the true hero's of the day.

Sal'ne then turned, bowed to the King and returned to her place at her father's side. That over, she wished to retreat to the habitat that had called to her on the trip here with Qui-Gon. Soon, she told herself, soon.

The evening was long; filled with speeches, an ornate dinner and many congratulations. Finally Qui-Gon and Sal'ne found a moment to sneak away from the crowd. Qui-Gon's injuries were beginning to look better. He had been concentrating the Force to heal them. His eyes were still black and blue but his nose was only slightly swollen. Sal'ne thought the battered look of his nose did make him a bit more rugged and handsome.

Qui-Gon breathed a sigh of relief as they escaped the crowded reception room. They found a quiet spot on the balcony overlooking the Waterfall. The soft sound of the flowing water reached their ears. It was peaceful and quiet in the blackness of the night. Watching Sal'ne move across the balcony, he could not help but wonder what their future held. As a Jedi he had a choice of having a family or not, and so did she. He was still a young Padawan, she an Intern. They had the remainder of their lives to decide the future. Would his decision include her? At the moment he felt as if she must be a part of his destiny. He observed her graceful movements as she strolled effortlessly in her long blue dress toward the balcony edge. The look in her eyes suggested a hunger, a desire to be somewhere else. When he approached, she turned to him, gently touching his face.

"You need healing, and I need to get out of here. Let's go for a walk." Her long hair silkily swished over the softness of the blue dress as she began to descend the stairs that would lead to the Waterfall habitat. Turning, she held out her arms to Qui-Gon.

"Escort a lady, would you?" she dimpled.

"It would be a pleasure and an honor, my lady." Qui-Gon wrapped Sal'ne's arm in his and they descended the stairs together.

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