
By Laura B.

Qui-Gon and Sal’ne descended the stairs into the Waterfall habitat. A wonderful array of sights and sounds assailed them. Sal’ne drew each into her senses, savoring them with joy. She turned to Qui-Gon and snickered softly as she thought of his poor nose trying to deal with all the rich odors through all that swelling.

"What are you laughing at?" Qui-Gon inquired, curious about her laughter.

"Nothing, I am just wondering how are you feeling." Sal’ne quickly changed the subject before she dug herself deeper into a hole.

"The problems are lessening," Qui-Gon replied,shifted his ribs and stretching his back as best he could. "A bit stiff, in need of of healing, I think." Qui-Gon tossed her the crooked smile that melted her each time and even threw in a wink.

"Mmmmmmm, I guess we had better start your healing session as soon as possible," she murmured thoatily. Sal’ne knew just the right place for such a session. She his hand and led him down a path that meandered past the waterfall.

Animals from all corners of the Republic were housed in the Waterfall habitat. They lived in the warm, lush, green, watery environment. Once all of Coruscant had looked like this. None of the animals had ever tried to escape, the conditions in the small corner of the City Planet were pristine, perfect, the most comfortable home for the exotics animals who inhabited the lush, environment.

As they strolled through the verdant forest of trees and vines, Qui-Gon and Sal’ne disturbed some of the inhabitants. An occasional deer crossed their path; a bird flitted from a tree; a large brown creature,partly obscured by the bushes meandered past. This was Sal’ne’s retreat, her peaceful space. Even as a small child, during visits with her family, Sal’ne had sought out this place. Now she was had come here with her Jedi.

The waterfall streamed from a small hill about 20 feet high. It was fed by a natural underground spring. As it plummeted down the rock outcropping, a mist nurtured moss and lichen growing abundantly on the rocky surface. The rushing water completed the symphony of sound in this paradise, hidden away among the mountains of steel. Sal’ne knew exactly where to begin Qui-Gon’s healing. Weaving her way around the small pond created by the waterfall, she sunk down on a patch of lush grass. It grew in a perfect circle. Qui-Gon knelt beside her.

"Isn’t this the most beautiful place you have ever seen?" Sal’ne’s voice trailed off as she gazed at Qui-Gon, framed by the trees and flowering plants beyond.

"Yes, I don’t think I have ever seen such a wonderful place." He reached to pluck a flower for her.

"No, leave it to live." Sal’ne lightly stroked his hand.

"Yes, my lady."

"It is time to begin the healing." Sal’ne began to gather the Force around her. She laid her hands on Qui-Gon’s sore ribs. She could feel the muscles, bruised and torn. One rib had a small break. "Relax, it’s much easier to heal someone when they are at peace." Sal’ne began to transfer energy from her hands into Qui-Gon.

Taking a deep breath Qui-Gon felt the Force energy coursing through his body. He let out an audible moan as the combination of his own healing and the effect of her energy began to strengthen the broken rib. Sal’ne moved her hands to his shoulders. She pushed him down onto his back in the damp, cool grass. Slowly, she massaged his stiff, sore muscles. Beginning at his shoulders, down his hard flat chest, over his hips to the rock hardness of his thighs. Pausing a moment, she lost herself in the healing trance. She c could feel Qui-Gon’s slow even breathing. It told her all she needed to know. He was relaxed, asleep. She continued to massage his leg muscles, using her healing gift to ease the soreness and anger that resided in the overstretched muscles. Her hands touched the top of his boots. Not wanted to awaken him just yet, she decided to hasten the healing of his nose and jaw. Moving so that her cross-legged position cradled his head, she began to gently stroke his yes and the bridge of his nose with her hands. She smiled, picturing him fully recovered with his now "distinguished" nose.

Suddenly his hands were on hers, pulling her down toward him. Their lips met in with an impact of emotion...love. Qui-Gon sat up and stretched, his muscles feeling loose and relaxed.

"It’s just like you to stop me before I am finished." Sal’ne reached for his cheek but found her hand covering his mouth, his lips mouthing something into it. She couldn’t help herself, her breath caught in her lungs and she let out a sigh.

Raising his lips from her hand, Qui-Gon pulled her toward him and kissed her harder, deep than ever before. "Thank you for your understanding, for tonight. His breath was but a whisper.

They lay on the grass, twined together. Time passed unheeded. Sal’ne leaned against Qui-Gon’s chest, his arm enfolded her shoulder, his hand clasped her hand. Sal’ne finally broke the silence with a slight chuckle.

"Have you ever noticed how Coruscant’s skyways look like a pattern of plaid fabric in the orange evening sky."? Sal’ne knew it was small talk, but she would do anything to keep from returning to the reception. She did not want to leave the magic of this moment, the wonder of this time.

"I had not. It does appear like a great tapestry." Qui-Gon shifted to one hip, wincing as the burised flesh touched the ground. Sal'ne rose and dressed. Watching the jedi pull on his tunics, reaching around him, she secured his belt. before she could pull away he held her in a tight embrase. Nither wanted to let go. A distinct hissing noise emanated from a bush to their left. Sal'e felt Qui-Gon stiffen.

"Shh." Qui-Gon slowly let her go.

The hissing noise was now accompanied by a crashing of underbrush.

Sal’ne maneuvered herself behind Qui-Gon. she too felt the presence, but not as a threat. Her Healer senses told her it was a cry for help.

A large red colored lizard suddenly appeared out of the underbrush. The Fire Lizard stopped as soon as it noticed the two forms looming in its path.

Qui-Gon recognized the lizard immediately. Every nerve in his body became alert. He had met this foe once before and did not care for a return match. Sal’ne was with him abd She was too precious to risk. Without a second thought, he activated his saber.

"Wait!" Sal’ne laid her hand on Qui-Gon’s arm, requesting he lower his saber. Reluctantly he obliged. Sal’ne could feel that the Herp meant them no harm. The creature was calling, frightened, perhaps needing aid.

Without thought, Sal’ne approached the ten foot, red orange lizard, breaking Qui-Gon’s grip on her arm.

"What are you doing? Get behind me!" Qui-Gon’s voice was stern.

"No, I know what I am doing." Sal’ne slowly approached the lizard, using her healing skills to ascertain what was wrong. Each step she took closer to the lizard seemed to calm it. As she reached the Herp, she slowly reached out and touched its back. The lizard turned its enormous head and flicked a forked tongue out, as if tasting the air. Not wanting to show any fear, Sal’ne turned her back to the lizard as its tongue came within inches of her leg.

"Sal’ne!" She heard Qui-Gon calling her. "Don’t do this."

"She is in pain, hurt." Sal'ne closed her eyes. "No, she is looking for a place to lay her eggs!" Sal’ne ran her hands along the length of the beast. "That’s all she wants a place to hatch her young."

Returning to Qui-Gon’s side, Sal’ne looked him straight in the eye. "We must leave here, leave her alone. She desires to give birth to her young in this beautiful place."

"All right," he conceded. "Don’t ever do that again! I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you." Qui-Gon held her close as they walked down the path. Behind them they could hear the sounds of the beautiful patch of grass being dug.

Years later as Qui-Gon walked past the Waterfall habitat on his way to the Jedi Temple, he could remembered that fateful day with the woman he had once loved. Sal’ne and Qui-Gon had not been destined to become life mates. She had made her decision to pursue her life as a Healer and an advocate for the wildlife on Coruscant. He had chosen his path as a solitary Jedi, who was about to become a Master.

The End

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