Biss Hiyu is a Jedi in exile, The only Jedi to sense that the souvereign Chancellor Palpatine was a Sith. When he tried to warn the Council they said that they couldn't check it out because of the problems with the Clone Wars. So he decided to gather a group of Jedi that did believe him. He defied the council and stormed the Senator's home. There he found Darth Sidious and his apprentice Darth Rage (name may change when the Sith Lord's name is released). Even though the Jedi Knights outnumbered the two Sith they were no match for their power (especially Darth Sidious') therefore Hiyu and Phin Asu were the only two that got away with their lives. Hiyu's apprentice Stiv Jonas was carried out by Hiyu but died in his arms.
Chancellor Palpatine addressed the council immediately and convinced them that they were taken down by his guards - therefore, since Hiyu led the attack his title as a Jedi Knight was taken away along with his Honour. He than formed The Black Heretics the Heretics took a Job from Gardolla The Hutt hunting down a gambler who couldn't pay his debt. They tracked him Bespine when they ran into non other than Darth Vader. Vader knowing that the Emperor had it in for Hiyu ignited his Light Saber and attacked the rest of the Black Heretics came to his rescue but were no match for The Sith Lord Hiyu the told them to leave he fought Vader but was killed