This page is devoted to Terrin Yat, a human female Jedi from Piroket. She carries a traditional lightsaber and has also constructed a light whip that she prefers to use. She was trained by Plo Koon. Her father and mother were part of the royal family in Piroket, but during the Outer Rim Property Wars with Mua Elim they were killed during the battle. When it was apparent that they had lost the war a handmaiden took her from the palace and met with Plo Koon who had been sent by the council to try and make peace with the two territories. The peace process was successful but the Jedi Master had realized her potential and convinced her uncle the king of Piroket to let him take her to train.
When she was about twelve she went to the Jedi Temple to train. There she met and fell in love with Yoda's young apprentice Obi Wan Kenobi. They soon became best friends and met every day until he became a Padawan to Qui Gon Jinn and she became a Padawan to Ki Ada Mundi.
She became a Jedi Knight about the same time as Obi Wan (who now went by the name Ben Kenobi) but waited to take on an apprentice. After the Empire rose and Ben took Luke she quickly met him on Alderaan where they traveled to Eol Shoa together and stayed with Uh Rum Ki. She had told Ben that she had always loved him and that she wanted to marry him and raise Luke together and train him in the ways of the force. Ben finally accepted. With only two weeks away from the wedding of Ben and Terrin, the Empirial Jedi Hunters ((EJH), an entire legion of the best Bounty Hunters, Dark Jedi, one Sith Lord, thousands of stormtroopers, and fleets of battle ships lead by Grand Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader) had found them. For the sake of Luke she thought it would be best if Ben left with Luke and trained him. Terrin & Uh Rum started fighting the EJH while Ben took him away. She put up a good fight by killing nine EJH - three dark jedi and six bounty hunters - but was finally taken down by Aurra Singh. Meanwhile Ben and Luke found transport to Tatooine, but feeling a great sense of loss Ben felt like he couldn't raise Luke alone and that Luke needed a mother and father figure and decided to give him up to the Lars'.
Terrin Yat is a Copywrite of 2000 Mara's Writers Forum any other starwars charecters are a Copywrite by 2000 Lucas Film LTD.