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Have A Safe And Happy Holiday

The Pledge Of Allegiance

I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag

Of The United States Of America

And To The Republic For Wich

It Stands, One Nation UnderGOD,

Indivisible,With Liberty And

Justice For All.

God Bless America

"while The Storm Clouds Gather

Far accross The Sea, Let Us Swear

Allegiance To A Land That's Free,

Let Us All Be Greatful For A

Land So Fair, As We Raise Our

Voices In A Solemn Prayer, God

Bless America Land That I Love

Stand Beside Her And guide Her

Thru The Night With A light

From Above From The Moutains

To The Prairies To The Oceans,

White With Foam, God Bless America

My Home Sweet Home"

Kendra   Amber


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