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Do these Places exist

          Midi is:Just as I am

          Does Heaven exist?

          My beleif is that Yes Heaven does exist, It is a place I think for when I die I know I will go. It is a Place where there will be peace, joy, happyness, no more suffering. You won"t even have tears to shed, doesn't that sound GREAT!!! Well to me it does. Once i die my soul will go up to Heaven, where i know my soul will defanantly be happy and rest.

          The key to getting to heaven is, ACCEPTING Jesus Christ as your personal savor, this means to ask Jesus to come into your heart. Like it says in John 3:16 as most know, For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY SON to die on the cross for our sins, that whoever beleiveith in Him shall not parish but have eturnal life. Once you accept Jesus Christ into your heart, your name is written in the Lambs book of life, forever.
          Jesus is knocking at your heart, could you know what He wants? Possably He is knocking for you to let Him into your life.
          Jesus always has something good for us, so why don't you give it a chance, I would/


          As I gaze into the heavens,
          I wonder where there could be,
          The sanctuary everyone speaks of,
          Where all are equal and free.

          As I stare into the blue blanket,
          That shields me from space,
          I wonder where there could be,
          Such a grand and peaceful place.

          The journey to it is full of hardships,
          And it's one I must travel alone,
          But the satisfaction of reaching my destination,

          To the place that many call home,
          Is a joyous and powerful feeling,
          Far greater than hope or love.
          But then arises the question,
          "Does this sacred residence physically exist above?"

          Or is the word "heaven" a figure-of-speech,
          To portray the untimely death?

          Where you're shut out from all pain and suffering,
          With the struggle for one last breath?
          Is "heaven" the self-satisfaction,
          Of your soul finally being at rest?
          Or is it the physical place,
          Beyond the setting sun in the West?

          Is "heaven" a mental dwelling,
          Or a real place up in the sky?
          Either way, life is the journey,
          And to reach our destination, we must die.

          So continue the journey with your head up.
          Open all doors to opportunity with a key.
          This key, I assure you, is not physical,
          But exists within you and in me.

          By, Melissa

          Eturnal means Everlasting.

          What is Hell?

          Hell to me is a place where people go that choose to go to be, in misery,always burning in fire, and be a slave for saton. Which place you would rather be? Heaven with peace, or Hell with always misery and suffering, and in Heaven you will never suffer again.


          Hell is a place with fire
          A place where televisions glow
          We believe it is the worst fate
          But how do any of us know?

          Hell is a place where children starve
          And a place where the greedy grow fat
          A place for capital punishment
          Though hell won't admit to that

          Hell is a place where politicians debate
          Even though they both agree
          Hell is a place where people have choice
          But the people still can't just be free

          Hell is a place where wars are incessant
          And a place with no system of thought
          A place held up with idiots
          And all the evil they've brought

          Hell is the place for a person's soul
          After it's gone sour
          But the people here without the souls
          Are the ones with all the power

          Hell is a place where right and wrong
          Always blend together
          A place where stupid people thrive
          And it's been this way forever

          Hell is a place with computers
          And all the knowledge they bring
          A place with porno and hate sites
          And other moral things

          Hell is a place where murder is legal
          Under a different name
          Abortion, Capitol punishment
          They know it's all the same
          We assume hell is the afterlife
          But I think this world is hell
          I think we're on the other side
          To me, it's as clear as a bell
          I wish I were on the other side
          As conveyed it's worse than this
          Though I know it's the other way around
          This place is one I won't miss

          By, LaValle
          Do you choose these precious gates of HEAVEN???

          Or do you choose hell with satan?