Give Thank's

In Psalms 100 verses 1-5 tells
why we should be thankful
Make "a joyful noise unto the LORD,
all ye lands.
serve the LORD with gladness,
some before his presence with singing."
Know ye that the LORD he is GOD
it is He that made us,
and we ourselfs,
we are His people,
and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter into his gates with Thanksgiving,
and into his courts with praise,
be thankful unto him,
and Bless his name.
For the LORD is good,
his mercy is everlasting,
and his truth endureth to all generation.

What do I have to be thankful for?

it's simple God gave his son
Jesus Christ for our sins
that is why
we need to be thanful.
God supplies for our needs
we have food on our tables,
cloths on our backs,
a roof over our heads,
I have my chilren
and a family that loves me

In Matthew 13 verses1-9 it says
and then in Luke 15 verses 11-24
and last in John 15 verse 15
Jesus says:
In the parable of the sower,
I'm the good ground!
In the parable of the prodigal son,
I'm the SON!
When Jesus said,
greater love hath no man
but this, that a man lay down
his life for his friend,
I'm his friend!

By Vonette Bright
Diane stood before the judge.
She was guilty
of breaking the law
and the penalty was stiff.
She knew she could
never repay it.
Diane repented and begged for mercy.
Then something unusual happened.
The judge removed his robe,
stepped down from the bench
and paid her fine.
You see, the judge
was also her father.
He loved her so much
that he paid her fine.
This wonderful gesture illustrates
the love and forgiveness
God shows to each of us.
We deserve eternal punishment.
But we have a great
and righteous Judge
who is also our Heavenly Father.
And He is rich in mercy!
Romans 6:23 says,
"The wages of sin is death,
but the gift of God
is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord."
Friend, remember
to thank God every day
for paying your debt in full!