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Welcome to Arabian Soul's Site.



Coming from the everlasting world, an Arabian Soul joins this world for a period of time carrying with it the best wishes to build up friendly relationships with all lovely souls. It invites all souls to overwhelm physical powers and sends its pure rays stronger than laser and ultra violet rays and make this world as clean and pure as it was. I invite you to live like angels and spread peace and love among all hearts, to mop up what is corrupt and keep what is pure purer and shiner. Although my ideas seem to be philosophical, they emanate from the essence of reality, which is eternal. Let us cooperate with all kind and nice souls to keep ourselves the best creatures in this existence.. and to make use of it to the highest degree of knowledge for the benefit of humanity. 


I am an Arabian Soul believes that we've been living in this world to fulfill a message. We should do our best and work our minds to reach the truth, which leads us to light, love, peace and happiness.


I was born in Syria, 1968. I lived the happiest moments of my life in that great country. It is a country, which I consider a cradle of civilizations. There are many ancient places, which witness that Syria had many civilizations along history. These ruins spread everywhere in Syria. You can visit Palmyra, Ogarette, Mary, Halbia & Zalabia, and many other places. Now Syria has been developed. We find all modern services everywhere. Each house in Syria is lit by electricity, and supported by other services.

As for me, I lived in a village in  the  Euphrates "Al Furat" Area.  My father and mother were farmers. They cultivated some crops as wheat, cotton, and vegetables. My father had more than one hundred sheep and my mother had two cows.

In my early years I was very sick. My mother took me to many doctors, but in vein. God cured me after two years of suffering.

My life was very simple. I used to eat small pieces of wheat brown loaves with cow or sheep milk. I led a very normal life in the countryside. I used to play with my small cat under trees.

My family country house was far from other houses. I had an older brother who used to hit me by a stick whenever he wished. He was very rough and tough with me. My mother was very kind although she hit me too because of my boyish behavior. I usually felt lonely. I dreamt of being with other boys who had to play with me and amuse me.

At primary school, the director loved me very much because of my mother's appeal and gifts. She was very generous. Though she was poorer of many people, she used to give them milk, eggs, vegetables  and even money. Every feast, she cooked various meals and gave neighbors. It was said that all the people of the village loved her. Love was had a great effect in my life in my childhood. However, my father didn't seem to love my mother, because he got married to another woman, and consequently he was not fair.

Moments of happiness found their way in my life. These moments were granted to me as a result of playing with some boys, swimming, playing with sheep, riding the donkey, hiding in farms, and going to the city, Deir Ezzor.

The best moment was in 1978 when my brother older brother went to Kuwait to work there. After that, I began to feel lonely more and more. I was alone. My best friend was my cat which lived with me more than 10 years.


 My teenage started early when I joined a preparatory school in a nearby village. As I had no brother who used to hit me and order me to do my homework, I was very lazy in the 1st preparatory class. My laziness was due to my heedlessness. My father didn't punish me if I got low marks. My mother was illiterate, so she didn't know what homework I had. My father built another house for his second wife and took her and her children to it. His relation with my mother was very bad. He encouraged me to live with him. He always took me in his car. He taught me driving when I was 12. Once he gave me the car to bring my cloths from my mother's house. Suddenly, a little baby crossed the street. The car hit her, and she injured severely. He blood gushed out abundantly. I felt so much scared. I drove the car very fast and went to my father. He felt very sad and frightened. Luckily, I was told that the baby was alive.

When I was 14, I began to realize the world around me. I read magazines and newspapers.  Reading trivial and simple things urged me to expand my knowledge.  I had a very sincere friend who used to advise me to work hard and do my prayers to God. I followed his advice and I felt very happy and relaxed. I could pass the exams and joined an industrial secondary school where I studied electricity. I tried many experiments such as making a radio circuit. I could make many electrical and electronic circuits by very few electronic elements as capacitors, transistors, resistances, dudes and other simple things. I studied power and could deal with many electrical equipments such as motors and engines.


in 1988/1989 I Joined Aleppo University where I studied English literature and language. At first, my English was very poor. I faced many problems. Gradually, I could overcome my weakness in English and passed all subjects successfully. I studied many subjects : stories, drama, grammar, comparative literature, novels, poetry and so many others. The most interesting literature I read was romantic plays and novels such as "As You Like it"  by William Shakespeare. 

THE 1990s

After graduation in 1992, I  joined many oil companies and held different positions. I worked as a heavy duty driver, crane operator, wire-line assistant, main secretary, translator, computer operator, English teacher and computer instructor. In 1997, I  came to the Arabian Gulf Region. Since then,  I've been teaching English language and computer science.


My soul surrounds all lovely souls with love & friendship. If you feel I suit you as a friend, we can communicate through different channels on the internet. To correspond by emails, click any number you like : 1     2    3    We can also chat by other chat software such as ICQ. My ICQ number is 21691673.

This page was last updated on 02-10-2003.