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"Bruce, Cindy, Adam, Lori, Allan, & Tony (Lori is Allan's wife)
Cotton Bowl, Jan 1, 2000"
Adam is 16, Allan and Lori are 24, and Tony is 21.
Bruce & I have been married for 27 years come June. Hard to believe! We have 3 sons, as you could tell, and Allan and Lori got married this past July. It is really fun to finally have another female in the house. We have lived in Hot Springs for 17 years now, after time in LR, Jackson, Mississippi, Pine Bluff Arsenal, Mobile, Alabama, and back to LR, then to Hot Springs. I work 3 days a week as one of the school nurses at Lakeside in Hot Springs, where Adam is a sophomore. Our other 2 boys graduated from there in 94 and 97. It is a really good school, and I have enjoyed the work, as well as the flexibility. Bruce is an orthopaedic surgeon. He now has 2 partners, which makes life nice, after years of him being gone a lot. All the boys have played football, basketball, and baseball, and Adam also runs track. Web Sites
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