I am still takeing any bio's on anyone that they wouldn't mind being on a page or any homepage links you may have of your own.
For some reason..and only a few will know, there was a young girl in Pine Bluff two days later ask me if I was at a football game in Warren ?? Humm
Please check let the powers that be (thats one of the smart people on the committee) if you will be attending any or all of the activities. We will need to know for food preparation purposes.
Would anyone like to be an addition to the program at Molly’s? Send me what you would like to announce, add, etc., and the committee will arrange for you to be on the program. We want to keep the program time in check, as we have a steak dinner to enjoy and lots of visiting to catch up on.
The Class of 70’ Reunion Committee requests $70.00 per couple. The breakdown is $45 for a classmate and $25.00 for a spouse or significant other. An ADDITIONAL $10.00 is requested for the picture in advance.
Charlotte Daniel informed me that we have not received all of the info sheets. Please mail those to Charlotte at #10 Sun Valley Road, Little Rock, AR 72205. This info will help us to add addresses to an existing email distribution list, add info to our class website located at http://www. angelfire.com/ar2/lumberjacks/, and update our class directory.
Send this form and your monies made payable to WHS CLASS OF 70’ to Shirley McK. Stover, 1070 Brushy Creek Road, Rison, AR 71665, by Monday, September 4. Any questions, please call me at 870-357-2435.
CDaniel informed me that we have about 40 reunion surveys in. That means we lack about 50. Just a reminder to mail your reunion survey and info to CDaniel as soon as possible. The committee will meet and decide on a date and place for our 30 yr. reunion.
If you are interested in adding your birthday to the list, send it to Judy Thorton Wynne. Her mom is ill at the moment, so she will get to that when she has time. Thanks, Judy, I have really enjoyed knowing the birthdays of our classmates.
If any of you have a homepage you'd like to post just send me the addy.
Start looking around for any of your old high school stuff that we could use on the 1970 Memory table. Judy still have her old high school boyfriend, but he refuses to sit on the table.......says he plans to party.
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