Hello! My Name is Akasha. I'm a very open minded person. I belive in many different things. For example ghosts, ESP, witches. I wouldn't exactly call my self a witch, but I do align my beliefs with many wiccans. I love nature. I belive in a higher spirit. Above all, I belive you can do whatever you put your mind to (magick or not). Everything stems from the belief in something.
I cast a spell for my father a few months back and it finally worked. He had a bunch of nasty warts on his hands. We tried to get rid of them using the conventional methods, but nothing seemed to work. I found a spell in one of my books and figured it would't hurt to try. All his warts just fell off with out any other type of medication. Pretty cool, huh?
Ye Harm None, And Do What Ye Will!
To make one thing perfectly clear, Wicca is NOT a form of Santanism.
Wiccans do not believe in giving evil power. If you name something and personify it then you give it power. Contemplate that one for awhile!!
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