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Gorean Chronology

Notes on Clocks
Quotes on Gorean Chronology

Gorean Chronology; the calendar and time, are very interesting, most that search have found several variations. So here you will find a list of comparisons of some sites visited.
According the the one site the every month of the Gorean calendar would look like this. Note, the names of the days of the week, and the fifth week, called the "passage hand"; marks the passage from one month to the next.

Both sites agree on the basic time element of hours and minutes:

Gorean Ahn Earth HourGorean Ahn Earth Hour
1st Ahn 12:01-1:12 AM11th Ahn 12:01-1:12 PM
2nd Ahn 1:13-2:24 AM12th Ahn 1:13-2:24 PM
3rd Ahn 2:25-3:36 AM13th Ahn 2:25-3:36 PM
4th Ahn 3:37-4:48 AM14th Ahn 3:37-4:48 PM
5th Ahn 4:49-6:00 AM15th Ahn 4:49-6:00 PM
6th Ahn 6:01-7:12 AM16th Ahn 6:01-7:12 PM
7th Ahn 7:13-8:24 AM17th Ahn 7:13-8:24 PM
8th Ahn 8:25-9:36 AM18th Ahn 8:25-9:36 PM
9th Ahn 9:37-10:48 AM19th Ahn 9:37-10:48 PM
10th Ahn 10:49 AM-12:00 PM:
the Gorean noon
20th Ahn 10:49 PM-12:00 AM
the Gorean midnight

Ihn: Gorean Second; equals 1.35 Earth seconds
Ehn: Gorean Minute (80 Ihn); equals 108 Earth seconds
Ahn: Gorean Hour (40 Ehn); equals 72 Earth minutes

One site goes on to add:

Ohn: Gorean Day (20 Ahn); equals 24 Earth hours
Uhn: Gorean Week (5 Ohn); equals 7 Earth days
Yhn: Gorean Month (5 Uhn); equals 30 Earth days
Pahn: Gorean Year (10 Yhn); equals 12 Earth months
The calculations, are fairly easy to do. With the calculation as so, the Gorean year would consist of twelve months; and backed with this passage from 'Assassin' of Gor' on page 78, thus proving the 12 month theory..

Seven of the twelve months are known.

There are 12 months per year.
Each month is 25 days long, split into 5 weeks.
Each week is made up of 5 days. (Weeks are called, 'hands')
Then, between each month is a five day week, called a 'Passage Hand', used to separate one month from the next. At the end of the year, there is one more 5-day week separating the old year from the new, this week is called the 'Waiting Hand'

this quote from "Tribesmen of Gor"; page 26....seals the theory.

5 days = week (hand)
5 weeks (hands) = month
1 week (Passage Hand) between each month
12 months per year

So, now the calculations are:

Earth days: 5 days per week x five weeks, + 1 passing hand=30 days; x 12 months=300 days + one waiting hand= 365 days.

But remember the actual Gorean year only has 300 days, the other 65 days are in passing and waiting hands.

Gorean days: 5 days per week x five weeks=25 days; 25 days x 12 months=300 Gorean days
Years are generally kept track of differently in each city by virtue of Administrator Lists (ex. the Forth Year the administrator was Yada, etc.)
Some cities do add the dating of Ar next to their own cities dates.
Time in Ar is calculated from the founding date of the city (called Contesta Ar).
Most Goreans calculate the year from vernal equinox to vernal equinox.
Turians, however, calculate it from summer solstice to summer solstice.
The Wagon Peoples calculate it from Season of Snows to Season of Snows.

The Gorean Months
Month of EN'KARA
(The First Turning)

First Hand: March 21-March 25
Second Hand: March 26-March 30
Third Hand: March 31-April 4
Forth Hand: April 5-April 9
Fifth Hand: April 10-April 14
First Passage Hand: April 15-April 19
Month of HESIUS (Ar)

First Hand: April 20-April 24
Second Hand: April 25-April 29
Third Hand: April 30-May 4
Forth Hand: May 5-May 9
Fifth Hand: May 10-May 14
Second Passage Hand: May 15-May 19

Month of CAMERIUS (Ar)
SELNAR (Ko-ro-ba)

First Hand: May 20-May 24
Second Hand: May 25-May 29
Third Hand: May 30-June 3
Forth Hand: June 4-June 8
Fifth Hand: June 9-June 13
Third Passage Hand: June 14-June 18
Month of EN`VAR
(The First Resting)

First Hand: June 19-June 23
Second Hand: June 24-June 28
Third Hand: June 29-July 3
Forth Hand: July 4-July 8
Fifth Hand: July 9-July 13
Forth Passage Hand: July 14-July 18

Fifth Month

First Hand: July 19-July 23
Second Hand: July 24-July 28
Third Hand: July 29-August 2
Forth Hand: August 3-August 7
Fifth Hand: August 8-August 12
Fifth Passage Hand: August 13-August 17
Sixth Month

First Hand: August 18-August 22
Second Hand: August 23-August 27
Third Hand: August 28-September 1
Forth Hand: September 2-September 6
Fifth Hand: September 7-September 11
Sixth Passage Hand: September 12-September 16

Month of SE'KARA
(The Second Turning)

First Hand: September 17-September 21
Second Hand: September 22-September 26
Third Hand: September 27-October 1
Forth Hand: October 2-October 6
Fifth Hand: October 7-October 11
Seventh Passage Hand: October 12-October 16
Eighth Month

First Hand: October 17-October 21
Second Hand: October 22-October 26
Third Hand: October 27-October 31
Forth Hand: November 1-November 5
Fifth Hand: November 6-November 10
Eighth Passage Hand: November 11-November 15

Ninth /month

First Hand: November 16-November 20
Second Hand: November 21-November 25
Third Hand: November 26- November 30
Forth Hand: December 1-December 5
Fifth Hand: December 6-December 10
Ninth Passage Hand: December 11-December 15
Month of SE`VAR
(The Second Resting)

First Hand: December 16-December 20
Second Hand: December 21-December 25
Third Hand: December 26-December 30
Forth Hand: December 31-January 4
Fifth Hand: January 5-Jaunuary 9
Tenth Passage Hand: January 10-January 14

Eleventh Month

First Hand: January 15-January 19
Second Hand: January 20-January 24
Third Hand: January 25-January 29
Forth Hand: January 30-February 3
Fifth Hand: February 4-February 8
Eleventh Passage Hand: February 9-February 13
Twelfth Month

First Hand: February 14-February 18
Second Hand: February 19-February 23
Third Hand: February 24-February 28
Forth Hand: March 1-March 5
Fifth Hand: March 6-March 10
Twelfth Passage Hand: March 11-March 15

The Waiting Hand: March 16-March 20

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