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Exelsior class

Commissioned 2287 - 2326

Length: 468 m
Width: 185 m
Height: 100 m

Decks: 28
Mass: 825,000 tons
Crew: 520

Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: Warp 6
Maximum Cruise: Warp 8.2
Maximum Rated: Warp 8.6 for twelve hours
- 12 x Type VIII Phaser banks, total output 18,500 TeraWatts
- 4 x 2nd class photon torpedo tubes + 150 torpedoes
- Defence Systems Shield system, total capacity 1,161,000 TeraJoules
- Double hull construction plus 4 cm high density armour
- Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Expected Lifetime 100 years
Refit Cycle
Minor: 2 years
Standard: 6 years
Major: 18 years

The history of the Excelsior class tends to consist of extremes. Initially fitted with a Transwarp drive and proclaimed "the great experiment", the ship had an ignoble start when its engines failed when it was called into action to prevent the theft of the USS Enterprise. Although this was due to deliberate sabotage, it transpired that the Excelsior had been saved from a major disaster; engineers working to correct the damage discovered a series of flaws in the Transwarp drive which, had it been used, would have caused a nacelle implosion which would have destroyed the ship. The Excelsior spent nearly a full year in Spacedock while engineering specialists struggled to repair the problem. Re-launched early in 2286, the ship met with little more success. Although the fatal flaw of the Transwarp drive was repaired, the system was subject to major problems and over the next year it never completed a successful test. Finally Starfleet cancelled the Transwarp project altogether, and for a short time the Excelsior faced decommissioning. There was nothing wrong with the basic engineering of the space frame however, and in all other areas the Excelsior class was still the most advanced ship in Starfleet, and indeed the entire Quadrant, by a considerable margin. In light of this Starfleet rapidly decided to fit the Excelsior class with a more conventional propulsion system. She returned to Spacedock for the third time in 2287 to have her hull converted to run with a standard Warp drive. This process went remarkably smoothly, and by the end of the year the Excelsior was in space again. From here the history of the ship leapt from one extreme to the other; from being a costly and embarrassing failure, the Excelsior rapidly built a reputation for outstanding performance and a solid reliability few other designs have matched. Series production commenced at once, and continued unbroken for the next thirty nine years - a record for Federation shipbuilding. The Excelsior herself was assigned to Captain Sulu in 2290 and conducted extensive scientific, exploratory and diplomatic missions under his distinguished command. Today the ships of the Excelsior class continue in service, having undergone many refits and upgrades over the decades.

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Exelsior class refit

Commissioned 2293 - 2315

Length: 469.4 m
Width: 184.4 m
Height: 107.4 m

Decks: 28
Mass: 870,000 tons
Crew: 565

Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: Warp 6
Maximum Cruise: Warp 8.6
Maximum Rated: Warp 9 for twelve hours
- 12 x Type VIII Phaser banks, total output 20,500 TeraWatts - 4 x 2nd class photon torpedo tubes + 150 torpedoes
- Defence Systems Shield system, total capacity 1,269,000 TeraJoules
- Standard Duranium double hull
- Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Expected Lifetime 100 years
Refit Cycle
Minor: 2 years
Standard: 6 years
Major: 18 years

The first major subgroup of the Excelsior class, the Enterprise-B subtype was designed for greater burst speed and manoeuvrability than the standard Excelsior and carried a much more elaborate electronics fit. The intention was to counter the new generation of cloak capable vessels being deployed by the Klingon empire; Starfleet was especially worried about developments which might permit Klingon vessels to fire whilst still cloaked, and it was these in particular that the new type was designed to counter. Wake homing torpedoes were fitted as standard, while plasma detector systems allowed the new ship to locate almost any existing vessel through its cloak. The advanced sensors of the Enterprise-B were also able to engage vessels firing from cloak by automatically locking phasers onto the origin of the weapons fire and almost instantly laying down a pattern of fire on the immediate area before the enemy vessel could change its position. Although the plasma emission weakness was rapidly eliminated from Klingon cloaking devices, the automatic lock and fire system of the Enterprise-B subclass proved so successful in service that by 2310 the Klingons had been forced to abandon the whole idea of firing from behind the cloak and reverted back to using this device purely during approach and evasion operations.

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Freedom class

Commissioned 2335 - 2350

Length: 453 m
Width: 231.6 m
Height: 119 m

Decks: 31
Mass: 3,200,000 tons
Crew: 370

Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: Warp 5
Maximum Cruise: Warp 7.6
Maximum Rated: Warp 9 for twelve hours
- 6 x Type VIII Phaser arrays, total phaser output 22,500 TeraWatts
- 2 x Standard photon torpedo tubes + 120 torpedoes
- Antimatter spread emitter
- Defence Systems Shield system, total capacity 1,000,000 TeraJoules
- Standard Duranium/Tritanium double hull plus 0.4cm
- High Density armour
- Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Expected Lifetime 100 years
Refit cycle
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 5 years
Major: 20 years

The Freedom was designed at the same time as the Niagara class as a smaller, shorter ranged counterpart to that vessel. Unusually for a Federation vessel the Freedom has a single nacelle; this reduces the efficiency of the warp field and leads to a significantly reduced average cruise speed. The Freedom is therefore generally deployed only within Federation borders.

The elimination of the Engineering hull required many changes in order to move the warp core and fuel supply into the saucer section, but Starfleet has accomplished this transition successfully with several other classes and few problems were encountered with the Freedom. There is a reduction in the volume available to other applications within the Freedom, and several accomodations sections and science and diplomatic facilities have been removed. This has led to a reduction in the crew compared to the Niagara.

The Freedom initially proved reasonably successful in service, but their low speed was more of a limiting factor than had been predicted. The planned run of over 200 was cut down to 100, then to 70, before production was finally terminated at 61 ships completed. The Freedom fell a little behind the state of the art in the late 2350's and early 2360's, and by 2365 it was decided to refit the class with Galaxy-class nacelles. This project went remarkably smoothly, and all ships were so modified by was completed by 2370. The change increased the ships speed, and they have played a more prominent role since this time.

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Galaxy class

Commissioned 2362 - present

Length: 642.5 m
Width: 467 m
Height: 137.5 m

Decks: 42
Mass: 5,125,000 tons
Crew: 1,000+ including family members

Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise Warp 6
Maximum Cruise Warp 9.2
Maximum Rated Warp 9.6 for twelve hours
- 12 x Type X Phaser arrays, total phaser output 50,000 TeraWatts
- 3 x type 3 burst fire photon torpedo tubes + 275 torpedoes
- Antimatter spread emitter
- Defence Systems Shield system, total capacity 2,700,000 TeraJoules
- Standard Duranium/Tritanium double hull plus 8.0 cm
- High Density armour
- Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Expected Lifetime 100 years
Refit Cycle
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 5 years
Major: 20 years

The Galaxy class was developed to replace the ageing Ambassador and Oberth class starships as Starfleets primary exploration vessel. The design was initiated in 2343 with a highly challenging specification which called for a ship based on the Nebula design then being developed, but equally capable of scientific, exploration, diplomatic, cultural, and combat roles all within a single multi-mission hull. In fact, many came to regard the requirement as too challenging; the project suffered from numerous delays due to a wide range of design, manufacturing, and construction problems. The first of the class, the USS Galaxy, was launched in 2357 and commissioned in 2362, nearly two decades after initial approval.

The USS Galaxy which emerged from the Utopia Planitia shipyard had very similar lines to the Nebula class. The Galaxy is some 15% larger in volume, although its less compact design gives it considerably greater length than the smaller vessel. The major change between the two is the lack of a mission specific pod on the Galaxy class, the increased volume allowing sections within the hull to be mission customized. This combined with a more advanced systems level to allow all functions to be performed by the single design. In addition the saucer and engineering hulls are separated by an eleven deck connecting neck section. This separation between the two hulls allows the nacelles to be located outboard and above the engineering hull, a position which increases the efficiency of the warp drive field slightly. This gives the Galaxy class warp coils an efficiency of 88% at speeds of up to Warp 7 and 52% through Warp 9.1 - the comparable figures for the Nebula class are 84% and 47% respectively.

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Intrepid class

Commissioned 2370 - present

Length: 344 m
Width: 133 m
Height: 66 m

Decks: 15
Mass: 700,000 tons
Crew: 150

Warp Speeds Normal Cruise: Warp 8
Maximum Cruise: Warp 9.975
Maximum Rated: Warp 9.985 for one hour
- 13 x Type VIII Phaser arrays, total output 10,000 TeraWatts
- 4 x standard photon/quantum torpedo tubes + 38 torpedoes
- Defence Systems Shield system, Total capacity 688,500 TeraJoules
- Standard Duranium/Tritanium single hull
- Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Expected Lifetime 80 years
Refit Cycle
Minor: 1 year
Standard: 5 years
Major: 20 years

Starfleets shipbuilding policy of the last century has emphasized ever larger, more capable designs capable of carrying out a wide variety of missions within a single hull, often simultaneously. However, this has led to a gradual fall in the numbers of vessels which can be fielded - where the Excelsior class numbers well over a hundred, the Ambassadors were limited to a production run of twenty six, and the Galaxy class to six ships initially, nine ships at present. While the exploration capacity of these classes is still sufficient to meet the tasks demanded of them, the lack of numbers has led to a certain restriction in flexibility.

The Intrepid design was fielded partly to correct this situation. The design requirement, issued in 2358, called for a vessel in the 360 metre range with a volume some 15% that of a Galaxy class. Although the limited size meant that the vessel would have much lower overall capabilities than the Galaxy class, this was to be in some part offset by the use of the latest technology. The ships computer system would be the most advanced model in service; the increased automation this afforded combined with a new generation of sensor equipment would allow the Intrepid class almost 30% of the scanning and analysis capabilities of a Galaxy class starship. A top cruise speed some three times that of the Galaxy would further enhance the vessels exploration capabilities.

The Intrepid's combat role was also somewhat limited by her size; unable to carry large numbers of torpedoes or high power phaser banks, Starfleet settled on a scouting and support mission for the ship. Fitted out with Type VIII phaser arrays and single fire torpedo tubes, the Intrepid would be capable of engaging vessels the size of a Bird of Prey one-on-one. Her high speed and manoeuvrability combined with the advanced sensor system would also make her a perfect platform to conduct long range reconnaissance missions ahead of fleet operations. Within a major fleet battle the Intrepid would also act in support of larger ships, harrying enemy fleet units and drawing fire away from larger Federation ships.

Development of the intrepid class went relatively smoothly in the early and mid stages, but a major problem arose in 2370 with the discovery that the energy emissions of standard warp drives caused considerable cumulative damage to the structure of subspace. Starfleet called for all designs then in progress to be modified to eliminate this effect, and it was decided to use the Intrepid class as a test bed for this technology. After some experimentation it was found that the effect could be avoided by using a warp field with a much elongated Z-axis, combined with complex warp field modulation and the utilization of new materials during the manufacture of warp coils. This has led to the ships saucer section having the forward ellipse now becoming common on Federation designs. The new warp field configuration did lead to a 15% reduction in the speed of the Intrepid class across all flight regimes, bringing the top cruise speed down from Warp 9.99 to Warp 9.975, and the maximum rated speed from Warp 9.992 to Warp 9.985.

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Miranda class

Length: 245 m
Width: 150 m
Height: 63 m

Decks: 18 excluding nacelles
Mass: 230,000 tons
Crew: 280 in standard Miranda; some science and cargo vessels carry only a few dozen depending on the mission

Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise: Warp 5
Maximum Cruise: Warp 8
Maximum Rated: Warp 8 for twelve hours
- 18 x Type VI Phaser banks, total output 7,250 TeraWatts
- 4 x 2nd class photon torpedo tubes + 150 torpedoes
- Defence Systems Shield system, total capacity 378,000 TeraWatts
- Standard Monotanium single hull
- Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Expected Lifetime 120 years
Refit Cycle
Minor: 5 years
Standard: 25 years
Major: 30 years

First fielded in the 2240's, the Miranda class holds the Starfleet record for the longest serving Starship, still in active service some one hundred and twenty years after the launch of the USS Miranda herself. Even more amazing, seven of the ships in the current fleet were launched in that first year and have continued in service ever since!

When launched the USS Miranda was a smaller, lighter and easier to build counterpart to the Constitution class then just entering service. Their smaller size was largely compensated for by a lower level of habitability for the crew and a reduction in the number of science labs from fourteen to ten. Even so the Miranda's were full Explorer type ships, fully capable of conducting long duration research missions. Their considerable armament also made them an important addition to the defence of the Federation.

When the Constitution class began to go through a major refit cycle in the 2270s, the Miranda's were similarly upgraded in order to extend their life span. They continued to act as Explorer class units for the next century, forming the backbone of Starfleet throughout this period. In time however, their relatively low cruising speed combined with the gradually increasing distances they had to cover - caused by the expansion of the Federation - began to wear on the ships. Their relative lack of recreational facilities and the cramped quarters began to lead to a marked drop-off in crew performance, and Starfleet considered retiring the class.

Instead, it was decided to use the Miranda design as the basis for a general purpose vessel for use within the body of the Federation. The science labs were removed and replaced with expanded cargo bays and an upgraded weapons fit. The Miranda class was used extensively to patrol the Klingon and Romulan borders, as cargo carriers and particularly as colony transport craft. In fleet actions they acted in support of the larger ships, acting as outer pickets to the fleet. Some vessels were refitted as ammunition ships, using their extra cargo space to carry photon torpedo reloads and phaser components. Others were converted to tankers, carrying supplies of Deuterium and Antimatter. A group of six ships was fitted with modern extra sensor pods and used in the electronic intelligence role. Their ability to look after themselves during a battle made them an excellent choice for these roles.

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