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with Nuge Backstage

..prior to the August-1998 Show at the Dodge County Fairgrounds
Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
reported by: SMR 
while affilliated with WOZZ 93.5 fm

The Place: Dodge County Fairgrounds - Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Date: Friday, August 21, 1998, 8:00 pm
The Event: Ted Nugent Live
Reported by: SMR

(To properly set the stage for this concert review, I must first elaborate on my presence at the above event. I was asked by a local newspaper reporter to arrange a Ted Nugent interview for a feature in the local newspaper. When the reporter discovered that she would not be able to cover the event in person, she settled for a phone interview with Ted, and asked if I could find the time to cover the event for her. After a few last minute adjustments to my busy schedule, I agreed to cover the event. My job was to act on behalf of the local newspaper, look for photo opportunities, interview Ted on hunting related issues, interview local concert goers, and any other local relatable topics, such as the Horicon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, a place where Ted has been rumored to have hunted many times before. This opportunity offered full press credentials, free access to the Fairgrounds, and backstage privileges. The following report will be segmented into two parts: The Backstage portion, which was an organized meeting of the Ted Nugent United Sportsman of America, and The Concert, which is self-explanatory.)


I arrived early to the Dodge County Fairgrounds, approximately, 4:50 pm, as instructed by the local reporter, and an assistant for Ted Nugent from "Tedquarters," at World Bow Hunters in Jackson, Michigan. It is customary for Ted Nugent to hold an organized meeting backstage prior to his performance. The name of his organization is Ted Nugent United Sportsman of America (formerly Ted NugentWorld Bow Hunters). The TNUSA has membership nationwide, and has strong representation in the Badger State. Ted publishes his own magazine (bi-monthly), and its readership includes membership in the TNUSA. The organization is a unique mix of "work-hard, play-hard" types, including professionals, conservationists, politicians, and your everyday "average Joes." The organization is comprised of people who believe in family, the wholesomeness of the great outdoors, the 1st & 2nd amendments, and that it will be sportsman themselves who will preserve the wild for future generations.

Upon arrival, I had the opportunity to talk with several local members of TNUSA. The backstage meeting was set for 6 pm, which afforded me the opportunity to talk to many people, concert goers, and TNUSA members. It wasn't until the arrival of TNUSA State Director, Robin Stibb, that more details about the meeting unfolded. Robin greeted me, and knew of my authorization from "Tedquarters" to cover the meeting. We exchanged a few tidbits from previous concerts and meetings. I had come to know Robin through previous backstage opportunities with WOZZ, and a personal initiative at a local grocery store several years back, where I had arranged a Ted Nugent personal appearance to benefit a local hunters organization fund-raiser. Robin went about his duties, and I proceeded to interview the assembling crowd. Many of the early crowd in waiting were in fact TNUSOA members who had pre-arranged authorization to attend the formal meeting backstage. This was accomplished by making contact with their regional director. One couple had made the drive from Cadot, WI. (home of RockFest) for this evening's event. That was over 200 miles away. He and his wife were there to gather details about forming a local chapter in their neck of the woods. Eventually, the awaiting members were informed by Mr Stibb that Ted was, in fact, running late due to air transportation problems, and the meeting would not commence until about 6:30 pm. Finally at about 6:15, all authorized backstage attendees were assembled, and escorted backstage. I myself was the only reporter in attendance. There was a photojournalist in our group, but I was not able to determine who, or what organization he was representing. As I looked back over my shoulder as our group was being escorted backstage, I noticed the grandstand filling up with concert goers, laying out their blankets, as to stake their claim on a specific row or seat. There were the usual zebra-striped shirts and caps scattered throughout the assembling crowd, and I felt anticipation in the air.

As the group of approximately 50 people arrived at the meeting site backstage, we found the usual hustle and bustle of roadies and promotional personnel going about their tasks. Someone had taken the time to arrange a circle of folding chairs just outside the trailer, which I assumed is where Ted would be preparing for his show. The group was then addressed once again by Robin Stibb, State Director. He explained that Ted's plane had in fact landed safely, and that he was en route from Milwaukee's Mitchell International Airport via Limo. He also explained that due to the transportation problems, the meeting would not run as long as Ted would like. Robin then introduced State Senator David Zien, (REP) from Eau Claire, WI. Senator Zien delivered a speech touching on the issue of an amendment before the state legislature, dealing with the "modification" of the 2nd amendment from the U.S. Constitution, specifically tailored for adoption by the Wisconsin Legislature. He explained that allowing this Bill to pass would be unconstitutional, and would adversely affect hunters' rights in the Badger State. He encouraged all in attendance to contact their State Congressman or Senator, and express their displeasure over the proposed bill. Senator Zien himself is up for re-election, and seized this opportunity to convey his views. Senator Zien also spoke on the history of the American flag, and held up a replica of the famed "Don't Tread On Me" flag: the yellow and black one with the two snakes intertwined. He invited all in attendance to autograph the banner, and he would present it to Ted upon his arrival. It was obvious to me that the Senator had scored some points with this crowd, as they gave him a rousing round of applause at the end of his presentation. I talked candidly with the Senator for a few moments and found him to be very genuine and sincere about hunting-related issues, veterans issues, and his zebra-striped Harley Davidson which he had trailored in the backstage area for all in attendance to see. He explained to me that it was he who turned Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson on to the joys of the open road via the Harley Davidson. It is a well documented fact that Tommy Thompson is an avid Harley enthusiast, and hosts an annual statewide ride every summer of which the Senator is always a part. I reminded the Senator that Gov. Tommy Thompson has also decreed Ted Nugent the "Official Dairy Rocker" of Wisconsin. Tommy Thompson invited Ted to speak before a state symposium on hunting and fishing issues in July of 1996, where Gov. Thompson dubbed Ted "Official Dairy Rocker."

After my conversation with Senator Zien, I continued to canvas the backstage crowd for more details and information about the evening's meeting. Also in attendance backstage were TNUSA Regional Directors from the Fox Valley Area (Appleton, Oshkosh), and Dodge County areas. The man responsible for the upkeep of Ted's websites was also in attendance. I took this opportunity to share a few cyber-stories of my own. He explained that Ted is very cyber-active, and visits several on a regular basis (pre-arranged visits). Ted uses a lap-tap unit for most of his chatroom visits due to the huge demand on his personal time, the fact he is on the road for so many days out of the year, and the need to remain mobile. We exchanged some cyber addresses, and he gave me some tips with regards to inviting Ted into a chatroom environment.
Suddenly, out of nowhere it seemed, Ted arrived and took his position front and center. He apologized for the transportation delay, and then addressed the crowd. He spoke of the need to make contact with our elected officials, so that the feelings and the heartbeats of all American Blood brothers who aspire to the call of the wild can be properly conveyed. He challenged the meeting attendants to take an active roll in the political process. "Tell your elected officials what you want them to do for you, or tell them to get the hell out." He told them to stand firm on the belief that this Country "was founded on the strengths of people like you." Working-hard, playing-hard Americans who can be proud to say that they stand up for what is right. At that point, Robin Stibb explained to Ted that the Senator had been discussing the need for the same ideals, and made a point to mention the bill that was being proposed to the Wisconsin Legislature, with regards to the 2nd amendment. Senator Zien also reminded the group that he felt there was a need for a Wisconsin resident to be seated on the Board of Directors of the NRA. Ted echoed that sentiment, and explained to the group how his position on the NRA board was not political in nature, rather that it stood for some of his most fundamental beliefs. At this point in the meeting, Senator Zien presented Ted with the "Don't Tread on Me" flag, which had been autographed by all in attendance. Ted instructed one of the stage hands to display it prominently over one of the amps up on stage. "I want everyone out there to see it" he said.
Ted then asked the group if there were any questions that he could answer, or issues that needed to be addressed. The look on the faces of some in attendance went from intense interest and focus, to looks of confusion and timidness. Director Robin Stibb motioned to me to "go for it," so that's indeed what I did. It was obvious to me that no one else in that group was prepared, or was too shocked to ask a question, so I proceeded. I asked Ted how he finds time to edit his own publication? Did he enjoy writing, and how did he get his start? He responded to each question separately, and went on to say that he in fact writes columns or stories for up to 28 different publications, most of them relating to hunting or hunting-related issues.
He once again polled the audience for questions. I looked around, and it appeared to me it would be myself, once again,who would ask the question. This time I felt a little uneasy, because no one else in attendance would rise to the occasion. Ted sensed the uneasiness with the group, and thanked me personally for stepping forward and asking the next question. It seemed to me that a large majority of the crowd at the meeting was maybe there for only one reason! The almighty Nugent Autograph! (I think I was right). I asked Ted if there was truth to the rumor that he hunts in the Dodge County vicinity on a regular basis, primarily, the Horicon Marsh. He answered the question honestly, stating he hadn't hunted the Horicon Marsh since 1979. I interrupted his answer and explained an analogy that had come to mind, how everyone in Wisconsin claims to have been to the famed "Ice Bowl" game between the Green Bay Packers and the Dallas Cowboys. I explained to Ted and the group how his past hunting experience in our State conjures up the same kind of stories, especially in the greater Dodge County area, where everybody and their brother either knows someone or has personally hunted with Ted. The analogy seemed to be the ticket. It got a round of laughs from the crowd, and Ted segued into an autograph session, first thanking everyone in attendance. As the autograph session continued, those in attendance talked about their anticipation for a great show that was soon to come, and also swapped phone numbers and addresses. Ted ended the session abruptly and sped off to his trailer to prepare for his onstage assault. As the backstage meeting dissipated, I couldn't help but to feel very satisfied about the notes I had taken, and the conversations and commentaries I had just heard. Along with the fact that every bit of it was on tape, hence the mini recorder which I had brought along for the ride.

Reported by: SMR - WOZZ Radio, Appleton, WI.

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