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Eric Burdon Review>
A Blast to the Past!
Eric Burdon & "Moi"
A Concert Review From The Past

Venue: Downtown Appleton, WI. WOZZ Concert Stage
Event: Appleton's Octoberfest 1995
Performing : Eric Burdon -- Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame Inductee
*This Concert review is a lesson in being prepared!*

As the leaves turn colors in Northeast Wisconsin every autumn, the Appleton, Wisconsin, Chamber of Commerce puts its best foot forward and sponsors Octoberfest, the "last party" of the season. 93.5 WOZZ always hosts a free concert event to celebrate. This particular year it was Eric Burden. As the day's festivities pressed on, anticipation was running wild in the streets of Appleton, being WOZZ was the only radio station present to host a national act. Sure there were local cover bands pumping out the offerings, but the marquee event of the day was certainly the former frontman of the famed Animals, one of the true pioneering bands of the 60s and "Woodstock Era."

Several thousand had assembled, as the afternoon moved to the 4:30 hour. The stage announcements were to be handled by the WOZZ morning-drive hosts, but due to an unexpected illness of one of the jocks, the Promotions Director asked if I would handle the task. (stupid question!) There is nothing like the adrenaline rush that accompanies such a task! As I thought of what I would say up on stage, I thought of the many times I myself had been in the audience, waiting, almost ready to jump out of my skin in anticipation. As I took my position out front, the yelling and screaming, the smiling faces, the cups of beer held high to the beautiful autumn sky was enough to push me over the edge. "HEY NORTHEAST WISCONSIN....ARE YOU READY TO MEET A ROCK 'N' ROLL HALL OF FAME'ER?? WOZZ and BUDWIESER, along with the Appleton Chamber of Commerce, PROUDLY PRESENT TO YOU............. ERIC BURDON AND FRIENDS!!!" (the masses go wild!)

As he moved thru his set, it was obvious to me Eric was a master of getting the crowd involved in his performance. During guitar solos and idle moments, and in between lyrics or songs, he signed many autographs right up onstage, denying no one the opportunity. Then during the classic Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood a woman up front hoisted her 5 year-old daughter (remember this point) up onto the stage. The child mimicked Eric's every move. As the crowd responded in delight, the child seem to come alive with the moment and grabbed the mic, singing, "Don't let me be misunderstood." That little display by that child put a lump in my throat, as I realized just how important it is that we share with our children, positive life experiences. Obviously, the crowd went wild, and Eric signed the little girls handbill and helped her back to the arms of her mother.

After the set ended, it was once again front-and-center for me. It was my job to whip the crowd into a frenzy by throwing WOZZ promotional items into the crowd. The tactic worked! I now had the opportunity to announce the encore, and Eric returned to finish the day with House of the Rising Sun. After the show, I was informed by the Promotions Director that I had performed my duties in fine style, and portrayed a positive station image. He also informed me that he and I would be meeting with Eric for a chit-chat session in the rear of an electronics store, which he had secured as a dressing room setting for Eric (remember, we were downtown). I had my camera along so I knew I would be getting a momento for my work.

As Eric entered the room, we exchanged greetings, formalities and the like, and then proceeded to talk about the show he had just so masterfully executed. (I'm checking the time...had to be on the air at 7 PM) I think it was Paul (Promotions Director) who commented about the little girl who was hoisted up on the stage during the show. Then in a flurry, Eric proceeded to tell us a story about a concert event he was at in London, back when he was a youth, just as he was seeking inspiration, but most of all, just because Rock 'N' Roll music had attracted his attention and heart. The concert performance he was referring to was Chuck Berry. He said he and a friend had pushed their way to the front of the stage to enjoy the show. It was at that exact moment, I realized that I had just missed a fabulous opportunity! I DIDN'T HAVE A RECORDING DEVICE WITH ME!! DAMN!!! It was back in the station van about 3 blocks away! As Eric continued his story, he related to the episode with the little girl up on stage. During that same Chuck Berry show, he said he had witnessed something that reminded him of the little girl today. It was about the same scenario. A parent in the front row hoisted his son up on stage, while Chuck was doing his famous, one-legged hop across the stage. The little kid decided to do his own imitation of Chuck's patented maneuver, as the crowd responded wildly to the little boys antics.
So here I sat, no tape running, not even a recorder in the room, with a Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame'er, telling us about an event in his life that nobody in the world had probably ever heard before. That's the way Eric came across anyway. Very candid and off the cuff. As soon as he finished the story, we pelted him with questions regarding upcoming performances, the "Animal Days," the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame, and so on. I had to be on the air at WOZZ by 7 PM, so I thanked Eric for taking the time from his busy schedule to chat with us, and for doing a fabulous show. I sped off to relieve the jock on duty at WOZZ. As I was en route to the station I had to pinch myself, realizing the blown opportunity to get an "exclusive". I did in fact talk about the blunder on the air that evening, but also convinced myself that I was one lucky person to hear such a story firsthand, straight from the legend's mouth! I also consider myself lucky, being able to share this experience with you!

Review by: SMR

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