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Thee Rock n Roll Oasis/RockFest Tribute Pages by: Madman RockFest Launcher: tributes to 1999 & 2000

{{{CLICK}}} the appropriate RockFest Logo to GO!
Tribute pages created by: Madman

RockFest 2000 pages are now OPEN !!!
{{~~CLICK~~}} the 2000 Logo to ((GO)) !!
More points of interest for RockFest Fanatics!
{{click}}the Blink-Balls below.

An OFF-SEASON look at the FestGrounds!

For the CONSTANT complainers!

~~CLICK~~the RockFest Mini-Logo to go to the OFFICIAL RockFest Site

JOIN....the RockFest FAN CLUB & Message Board @ Yahoo!
Use the YELLOW ARROW to SURF for details! Thee Rock n' Roll Oasis

This web-page, and subsequent pages, are in no way affilliated with Chippewa Valley Music Festivals Inc.(RockFest),
it's agents, sponsors, or recording artists and entertainers. THIS IS A PERSONAL WEB PAGE, created for the sole
purpose of personal enjoyment. Keeping with the spirit of the WWW, this page is for informational purposes ONLY!