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About Sara

Name: Sara

Age: 16

Height: 5"5

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eyes: Hazel/Brown (changes)

music: I like everything except oldies and country(there are some exceptions)

Colors: Blue, pink, and purple

Biggest Fear: Loosing people that are close to me. And SPIDERS!!!!!!!

Hate the most: Waking up in the mornings for school, When people think their sumthin' when they aren't shit, when bitches try to steal your b/f from you, when your b/f cheats on you, backstabbers...

My personality: Hyper (at times), VERY talkitive if you get me started on a good subject, i'm a really nice person if your nice to me!, I love shopping, I love meetin new people, VERY blond at heart...and if there is anything else you wanna know just ask.

hobbies: Hang with friends,Ride around, listen to music,go mud ridin on 4-wheelers, dance, sing....ect..

ok now your probably gettin sick of reading about me, so i'll stop tellin you about me... = )