Religion Page Two
Hi! Thanks for taking the time to visit the second part of the religion of Wicca. Here, I'll tell you a little about the Goddess and God.
The Goddess
The Goddess is commonly the most revered of the two dieties. Some feminine Wiccans only worsip the Goddess, in my opinion, (and a few others who I've talked to) that is just as one-sided as the Christians only worshipping the male aspect. Both the Goddess and God should be worshipped for equality, as they are both influences over our world.
Herbs and Plants
Anyways, now that I have that said and done:), the Goddess and God both have many different aspects. They are all one. Some of the most common Goddesses are Aphrodite, Diana, Venus, Danu, Brigit, Athena, and of course, Isis. Each Goddess has her own herbs and stones sacred to Her, but you can also use the general ones. The general herbs and plants of the Goddess are any watery, earthy flowers and seeds, those with white or purple blooms, and sweet-scented ones. Examples of these are: lilies and water lilies, magnolia, lilacs, cinnamon, daisy, apple, poppy, carnation, cedar, mistletoe, and pine, to name a few.
Stones sacred to the Goddess are all the pink, green, and blue stones. Such as: turquoise, rose and blue quartz, aquamarine, emerald, and beryl. Also sacred to the Goddess is coral, especially pink coral.
There are also animals which are sacred to the Goddess. A few of these include the cat and wild cats, rabbits, bears, geese, bats, cows, owls, dolphins, horses, seed-eating birds, scorpions, spiders, and bees.
Some tools and used to honor the Goddess in ritual are: the cauldron, stemmed cup, labrys (double-headed ax), mirror, necklace, silver, emerald, pearl, seashell, holed-stones, and five-petalled flowers
The Goddess is usually thought of to wear a cresent moon on her forhead. She is usually dressed in silver, green, or, white. Some of the ways she has been depicted in drawings is pregnant with the God, hunting with her hounds, dancing in the sky with stardust falling from her heels, or pictured with wings of a bat (sacred to her).
The most important thing to remember when forming your opinion of the Goddess's physical appearance is to see her how you see fit. Everyone's opinion of the Goddess will vary. It's however you feel she should look to you. My vision of the Goddess is in a form-fitting silver dress with green trim, a headband with a crescent moon, brown hair and green eyes, with bat wings that can be hidden at her choice. I see her as a loving, beautiful, natural woman, who is deeply involved with nature and human's lives.
The God
The God also has many different names. The most common ones are:Apollo, Neptune, Poseidon, Jupiter, Mercury, Osiris, Pan, Thor, Pluto, and Zeus.
Herbs and Plants
All fiery herbs and plants are sacred to the God. Also those that are strong smelling, bright red and yellow blooms, and thistles and stinging herbs. A few of these are: basil, clover, pine, lavendar, sunflower, cactus, pinecone, seeds, thistles, cedar, and juniper.
Again, everything orange and red is sacred here. All that are symbolic of fire or air. Rubies, garnets, diamonds, topaz, tiger's eye, sunstone, and bloodstone are some of these.
The God is the alter ego of the Goddess. So are his animals. Some of his sacred creatures are dogs and wild dogs, the bull, deer, dragon, fish, shark, snake, boar, predatory birds (with the exception of the owl), and lizards.
The God has a lot less defined appearance for some reason. The two most common adult images I have seen are of Him as a young Native American man and an older strong man with a white or gray beard. He is usually pictured with his shirt off and deer antlers or horns on his head. He is thought of as an intelligent, strong, and caring. He is also pictured through different phases in his life, often as a baby in the arms of the Goddess.
The Goddess and God for you
Everyone searches for the right Goddess and God. How can you tell which one is right for you? If you can't find the right deity, don't worry, a lot of people worship the Goddess and God simply as the Goddess and the God instead of giving them specific names. This is helpful because it allows the correct facet of the diety to come out when you need it, and allows the option of choosing a deity later on if it comes to you when you study deeper into the Craft. The right Goddess and God will often come to you later. If you wish to study deeper into the world of Gods and Goddesses, good luck! There are literally thousands! I will try to find a link for you. Please check back here to see if I've found one yet. Thanks for reading my ramblings! Back to main page or you can go to the site map.