Candle Correspondence

Thanks for taking the time to look at my candle page. Candles are a big part of spell casting and even mood setting and aroma therapy. Knowing how to use them correctly is important. That is why I decided to give you a fairly in-depth list of common and not-so-common candles and their meanings.
There are also several ways to enhance your candle magic. You can use appropriate herbs, either sprinkled around the base of the candle, or drilled into it. You can also annoint the candle with oils and/or carve symbols, such as runes, into it. And last but not least, use aroma therapy, either scented candles or incense, that are appropriate to your needs.
Remember, candles are representitive to the element of Fire, you also need representations of the other three elements in spells for them to be effective. Incense for Air, a bowl of water for Water, and a bowl of salt for Earth are easy to find and will work just fine as they are usually classified as altar neccesities anyways. Now, onto the candles....
By the way, when you're through here, go to the page of other stuff on this site.

Classic candle colors
- These refer to the meanings of typical votive, pillar, or taper candles. (Votive and pillars appeal more to the Goddess and tapers to the God). If you add scent to your candle, you get a combination of the color's benefits as well as the scents. Be careful when using any shape or image candles listed in the next catagory, because they all have their own meanings you need to be aware of. (Colors are organized decending the spectrum).
- Black:Banishing negativity, returning to sender, divination
- Blue-black:For wounded pride, broken bones, spirit or angel protection
- Dark Purple:light while summoning the old ones for power or advice, telling the future, (especially with runes), governmental issues
- Lavendar:Invoke your higher self, work for others
- Pale blue:Protection of the home or buildings and young people
- Light (Sky) Blue:Calmness, serenity
- Blue:Protection, subduing, healing, devotion
- Royal Blue:Power and protection
- Dark Blue(must be used with a white candle or it will backfire on you):creating confusion
- Teal (light teal is more of a peaceful feeling, while darker teals are more of an intense feeling):mental health or clarity
- Dark Green:Invoking the regeneration Goddess, agriculture and financial dealings
- Avacado Green:New beginnings
- Mint Green(to be used with gold or silver):financial gains
- Green:Healing and health, financial, North cardinal point, Goddess
- Light or yellow Green:Improving the weather, especially for spring-like conditions
- Yellow:Divination, divine healing, East cardinal point
- Pale Yellow:Calming tensions, drive away jealousy and enevy, obtaining intellectual power
- Orange:Material gain, sealing a spell, attraction, vitality
- Burnt Orange:To draw oppurtunities to you
- Ruby Red:Passionate love or anger
- Red:Love, sexual attraction, romantic atmosphere, energy, South cardinal point, God
- Light Red:Deep non-sexual affection
- Pale Pink:Friendship, especially with young girls
- Pink:Harmony and friendship, binding magic, self love
- Deep Pink:Harmony and friendship in your home
- Maroon:Warmth, happiness
- Reddish Brown:Sending love or help to animals
- Dark Brown:Invoking element of Earth
- Brown:Peace in the home, helping animals, herb magic
- Light Brown:Material benefits in the home
- Pale Gold:Flourishing health
- Gold:Attraction, God
- Deep Gold:Prosperity, sun magick
- Gray:general purposes, glamories
- Silver:Quick money, gambling, moon magick, invoking the Moon, Goddess
- Off-White:Peace of mind
- Lily white:Can be burned for thirty minutes at each moon phase in honor of the Goddess
- White:Purity, devotional magic, substition for any other candle color, East cardinal point
- Indigo Blue:To reveal deep secrets, protection on the astral levels, defense
Shape Candles and Specialty Colors
- This is a list of some of the most beneficial candles to the Craft. I also threw in a few you may run across that are bad news.
- Alien Candles: For work with the mysterious or secretive, curiosity about hidden truths
- Astral Candles (use either a two-toned or any regular candle): candles that bring power or luck to those who light them before starting their day (may be used in conjunction with day candles) certain colors are associated with certain astrological signs, (choose the color from your sign that fits you best) AQUARIUS:black, blue, pink, white ARIES:orange,pink,red,white CANCER:blue, brown, green, white CAPRICORN:black,brown,green,white GEMINI:black, blue, red, white LEO:green,orange,pink,red LIBRA:blue, green, red, yellow PISCES:black,green,pink,white SAGITTARIUS:blue, green, purple, red SCORPIO:blue,brown,red,yellow TAURUS:blue, green, red, yellow VIRGO:black,blue,pink,yellow
- Bayberry Candles: various sizes, but most commonly votives, when lit they are strongly believed to bring good fortune and prosperity. There is an old saying about burning these candles, which goes:
- Blood candles (a type of reversible action candles): these appear to be black candles, but they are really red candles coated with a layer of black wax. They are used to dispel evil and send it back from wherever it came. It has more strength than a regular black candle in doing this, and it also has the added bonus of drawing good luck to you after removing the bad luck.
- Cat Candle: These are shaped like cats and are available in many different colors. You light this candle for banishing only, not for gain. For example, you light the black cat candle to get rid of bad luck in hopes that good luck will result from it. You light a green cat candle to banish money problems. A follow-up to draw the good luck, money, etc. may be performed.
- Cross Candles: Also known as Crucifix Candles, are sometimes used for altar candles. Make sure you use the appropriate colors related to the Goddess or God. (Cross Candles, of course, may not be such a good idea in some Wiccans' eyes because of their close association to Christianity. Image Candles, Sun and Moon Candles, and even votives,pillars and tapers will work just fine).
- Day Candles: Candles that can be lit for a few minutes each day to help your luck. SUNDAY: yellow MONDAY: white TUESDAY: red WEDNESDAY: purple THURSDAY: blue FRIDAY: green SATURDAY: black
- Devil Candles: These are negative candles. They are used for cursing others. They are available in many colors, but all produce negative effects. I very strongly suggest you stay away from this kind of magic, because that is not the Wiccan way. Anything you send out, good or bad, comes back to you threefold.
- Double Action Candles: These are half one color and half another, they symbolize the positive and negative influences in your life. It is used to draw positive things to you and negative things away from you. The colors vary, just make sure whatever you specifically need has the color in it. The other color, if there is nothing important, doesn't matter. For example, you want to draw love into your life and drive away whatever is keeping it from you, you would choose a candle that is half the color of love (red, pink, etc.), and the other half preferably white (because that can be used to substitute for any color) or black (which draws away negativity). If you can't find those colors with the color you need, you can use any color, just be careful you don't associate the color's meaning as what you're driving away, because you may lose something you don't want to lose, so visualize it as another color (such as black or white) and picture all negativity flowing away from you. The same rules apply for reversible action and triple action candles.
- Fruit Candles: These can be either scented or unscented. They are used to enhance the effects of fruits that you use in your spells by adding a little of the element of Fire to the Earth benefits of fruits or herbs.
- Gemstone Candles: These usually have chips of minerals or rocks in them and when burned have similar effects as the fruit candles. They just add a little Fire to the mixture.
- Image Candles: Most commonly, these are used symbolically for a person you are trying to affect with a spell. You can either name the candle out loud to the Goddess and God, carve the person's name into it, or preferably, write the name on parchment paper and place it beneath the candle. Image candles are also used for Goddess (green, silver, or white) and God (red, yellow, or gold) candle representations an the altar.
- Reversible Action Candles: All have two colors, one on the inside, one on the outside. Usually, the outer color is what you go by. Look for the color of what you want to remove in your life. As the inner color drips over the outer color, it washes it away from you. (If the candle decides not to drip :( then just cut a little notch in the side of the top rim until the wax comes out).
- Seven-Knob Candles: Also called Wishing Candles, just as the (second) name says, you use these candles for wishes. Most effectively, you light the whole candle for one wish. Before lighting it, write your wish on parchment paper and place it beneath the candle and light one of the knobs each of the seven days. You can also use it for seven different wishes by tying or pinning a strip of parchment on each knob for each wish. The candle will be of one solid color, so make sure all wishes fall into that category or the candle needs to be white to cover all categories.
- Skull Candles: Of course, these are usually white, and I suggest that is the only color you use. If you use any other colors you may find, you may turn your spell from a protection spell to a curse. A white skull candle is used to send back anything bad someone has sent you. Spells, curses, bad vibrations, anything you don't want will be sent back to where it came from without you adding any extra harm that may get you into trouble with the threefold law. Other colored skulls are used to send it back and curse the area in there life that the color indicates.
- Snake Candles (usually coiled): Snakes are very powerful creatures. The burning of these candles offers you very powerful protection. You can also enhance this protection by using oils or runic symbols. Suggested use is once a month, anoint it with a protection oil, then light for a few minutes. When your candle eventually gets down to where it's almost gone, buy a new one and light it with the flame of the first in order to keep the protection flowing smoothly. (Do this at one of the monthly lightings).
- Sun and Moon Candles: There are Sun only candles and Moon only candles (these can be used for altar representations of the Goddess [Moon] and God [Sun]) and Sun and Moon joined candles. Sun candles are burned to invoke the sun, use sun magic, or when doing spells appealing to the Sun or the God. The same for the Moon candles, only appealing towards the Moon (duh) and the Goddess. The joined candles are for invoking both Sun and Moon or Goddess and God.
- Symbol Candles: Are those little theamed candles you see everywhere, most notebly, the hippie candles. These candles are used for invoking the same things their symbols mean. Yin Yangs are for calming two opposite forces and helping them get along, smiley faces are for drawing happiness to you, etc.
- Triple Action Candles: Used for drawing the three things that the three different colors on the candle symbolize. Example: A candle that's red, white, and green could bring you love, spiritual blessings, and luck.
- Witch Candles: Shaped like a classic cartoon witch on a broom, these are used for regaining what you have lost.
- Other Candles: There are so many different styles of candles in the world, it would be impossible to list them all. When you find a candle that you like but don't know what it should be used for, just use your best judgement. Things are only beneficial when symbolic to you, no matter what.