Candle Correspondence

Thanks for taking the time to look at my candle page. Candles are a big part of spell casting and even mood setting and aroma therapy. Knowing how to use them correctly is important. That is why I decided to give you a fairly in-depth list of common and not-so-common candles and their meanings. There are also several ways to enhance your candle magic. You can use appropriate herbs, either sprinkled around the base of the candle, or drilled into it. You can also annoint the candle with oils and/or carve symbols, such as runes, into it. And last but not least, use aroma therapy, either scented candles or incense, that are appropriate to your needs. Remember, candles are representitive to the element of Fire, you also need representations of the other three elements in spells for them to be effective. Incense for Air, a bowl of water for Water, and a bowl of salt for Earth are easy to find and will work just fine as they are usually classified as altar neccesities anyways. Now, onto the candles....

By the way, when you're through here, go to the page of other stuff on this site.

Classic candle colors

Shape Candles and Specialty Colors