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If you have done much reading about Wicca, chances are, you have heard of elementals and mystical beigns, but what are they. I mean, who's ever heard of a harpy or a nereid, or how 'bout a brownie? (Mmmm... brownies...) Well, here you are, the complete dictionary of elementals and magical creatures. Arranged alphabetically under headings.

First, a little introduction. The exsistence of magical creatures has long been believed, disbelieved, and debated. As for elementals, some Witches and occultists see them as merely an explanation for forces we can't understand, and some as even just symbols or different elements. Those who believe in elementals say that they are usually only seen by those with clairvoyant sight. They are usually seen at night away from the city in a secluded place, such as the deep woods or in the mountains. They usually come to you after you start to get sleepy. Elementals are not immortal. They are simply animals and creatures like any cat or dog, only a little more mystical, and perhaps, magical.

(P.S. The little triangles above the headings are called elemental sigils. They are the symbols used to represent the elements.)

Earth Elementals

Water Elementals

Fire Elementals

Air Elementals

Mystical Beigns

These creatures do not fit in any of the catagories above.