What is a Mirror Book? A mirror book is just like the name suggests. It's a small book that some Wiccans use to record their religious experiences hoping that they will later find connections or meanings they've missed before. It is a way to record your progress and teachings through Wicca. That is why I feel this should more accurately be called an online Mirror Book as opposed to a diary, because this is where I list Wiccan-related experiences. I hope that clears up any confusion to the name change.
1/26/01 LEARNING Well, things are travelling along. I just celebrated my one year Wiccan anniversary in October. I've also discovered a new spirit guide, the bat. Here's something that bothered me. I was contacted by a guy who accused me of not being a "real" Wiccan. He said that I and anyone else who learned from books without hands on experience was a prodct of Hollywood. Needless to say, it kinda upset me. I got in touch with some other Wiccans online and through some of the names he mentioned, we discovered he was referring to an old form of religion that's not really Wicca, but pretty close. The only thing is they practice light and dark magic. Wicca is a religion of the light, we don't practice dark magic. Anyway, I guess all I'm saying is that, this guy accused me of not practicing Wicca the right way, when in actuality, it is just his way. But, that's what Wicca is, it's your beliefs. There's not one right or wrong way to practice.
Moving on :), I'm taking a short class on Wicca at a place called Medea's Grove. It's very interesting. I've even got homework. lol I recommend, if you ever get the chance to go to classes, do it. Even if you've practiced for five years. It's good to go and meet others, and you will learn something new. Guess that's it. Blessed be.
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