The Archive

These are the past artist reveiws and links, starting with the newest.

Gary Newman. Well, this is a tough album to judge by the mere couple of times I've had a chance to listen to it. The music is pretty good, the lyrics... well, if you like Christian bashing, you'll like the lyrics. Every single song on this album is badmouthing religion. The music is very '80s goth/electronic style. If you like that, then you'll like this album. Apparently, Gary Newman has been around since the late '70s. The name sounded kinda familiar when I got the cd, but I didn't know how big of an influence he has been to so many bands. Check out the link below, and you'll see what I mean. (albums I've heard: Exile) Click here to visit his site.

Godsmack. The new album, Awake, is excellent! It's better than their first album, and is more creative with more variety. Keeping true to their first album, the last song is slower than the rest and is Wiccan themed. The song is called Spiral, as in the spiral of reincarnation. It, along with the rest of the songs are interesting, but they still have their angry sound! Definitely a great band. (albums I've heard: Godsmack, Awake) Click here to check them out.

Voltaire is a very cool musician. The songs range from disturbing and sad to hilarious and even romantic. They're a very unique band. You are sure to find something you like on this album! (albums I've heard: The Devil's Bris) Click to visit them.

Opeth is a pretty good band. They are almost death metal. There are interesting lyrics and great vocals. They're worth a look at. (albums I've heard: April Ethereal) Click to visit them.

The Cure is a band I'm sure everyone has heard of. They've been around since the '80's and are known as the godfathers of goth music. Their new album Bloodflowers is extremely depressing, which is kind of a switch from their normally upbeat, unusual music and creative lyrics. My all-time favorite Cure song would have to be Wrong Number from their album Galore. (albums I've heard: Wish, Galore, and Bloodflowers) Click to visit them.

Here kitty, kitty, KiTTiE. The all time best girl band in the world! This is a group of four high school aged Canadian girls who rock harder than KoRn! They sing (or shout) about everything that's an issue to them. You won't find any Brittany Spears wanna be's here, their strong lyrics will make you think. They aren't for the weak, which is obvious from a glance at their song titles, some of which are 'Do You Think I'm a Whore', 'Brackish' their first single, and 'Get Off (You Can't Eat a ...)' ...ahem, well, just check them out for yourself. (albums I've heard: 'Spit') Click to visit them.

Seraphim Shock, in my opinion, is the coolest band ever to grace the Gothic scene. They are extremely creative, throwing in some good samples, really eerie music, and some haunting, and at times, hilarious lyrics. Their songs can appeal to everyone. There's a good combination of scary, angry, and hauntingly sad and romantic songs. This is a great band. Make sure you check out their site. (Albums I've heard: 'Red Silk Vow' and 'Nightmares For the Banished') Click to visit their site.

Godsmack is a band I'm sure you've at least heard of. Lead singer Sully Erna is a Wiccan, which leads to some pretty cool music. Godsmack's music is fairly hard core as a rule, but the songs can get kind of repetitive as they sound a lot alike. There is one stand out track on the album, though. It's called 'Voodoo' and even though it's slower than the other songs on the album, it's any 'social outcast' (as they call us)'s dream song. (Albums I've heard:'Godsmack') Click to visit their official site.

Malign is another underground band. Their music and lyrics are slightly unnerving at times. The music is very Gothic and the lyrics are both angry and sad... the vocals, however, are different than most people are used to hearing in Gothic music. The lead singer has a high pitch voice, which might surprise you when you hear it for the first time, but the music has one of the best sounds I've heard. They're definiately worth a listen. (Albums I've heard: 'Shatter and Impale') Click to visit them.

Fields of the Nephilim is also known as the Nephilim. They are fairly good but could use a little more variety, at least in the stuff I've heard. I have only heard one two-disk hits album, and, well, frankly it won't keep me coming back. One or two songs at a time are okay to listen to. Actually, their music's good in small doses, but I'm an album kind of girl, if I can't get into the thing as a whole...well... (Albums I've heard: 'Revelations') Click to visit them.

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