
These are the things that others have asked me to put on the site. This page is to embrace the individuality of man (and woman) kind. Please enjoy these.

Track 16
Down in the dumps my vision
Angel wings above you hear
What if they can make you happy
What if they can make you fear

Like a favorite day dream for you
Hell is on the loose today
All the little screaming demons
Begging you to come and play
Wont you come and play?

All they know and all they see is
What they know you fear the most
Fly away my captured angel
Phantom stranger hold you close

Sun fall and red moon rises
In a world they know you feal
Sleep now forever silenced
Now all your nightmare sees is real"

by "^.^ bluefox "

The piano playing
Us spiraling down the staircase in confusion
You lay down your body for mine
I said your breath I'd breath in
never to exhale

Drinking in your warm blood
Laying your milk white body upon the ground
kissing your cold deepened lips Your blood
painting my wooden floor
such a beautiful tone of scarlet

green colored eyes
soft velvet skin

I need your blood to satisfy the lamb


Forgive me.. Your scent still dwindles in my linen threads
crowned now a scarlet red ruffled so

I lay roses upon your bed and drive the stake deep within
I can not bear this torture any longer
I only have enough blood myself to survive

I always loved you.

I stand alone sobbing in the chilled autumn rain
Dropping to my knees your breath I hear caressing still my ears

Leave me alone!!!

I'll go on

I still come through out the years
To caress your skeleton
Wishing though it was your velvet skin still yet

I now have you captive in my clutches
My bony wrinkled hands grasp ahold another fair maiden's neck so softly
I whisper your blood is my blood I am your king

I drink now only to quench the immortal thirst you bestowed upon me
I drank your blood as you emptied my vessels
you deserved this.

Sep. 01,2000 2:56 a.m.
by Jeremy "Dane"
for contact information, e-mail me at