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This Site is Dedicated In Memory of
My Very First Horse

I walked memory's leaf-strewn paths to my childhood home.
A place dearest to my heart; my affections could not roam.
Little brown cottage with long front porch and a wooden swing,
Down a winding path to the woods where a rippling brook did sing.

A very tired, old wooden barn stood across the dusty dirt road.
And also a large garden that needed to be weeded and hoed.
A horse of my own, three frolicking dogs and a very spoiled-rotten cat,
for a little country girl, it couldn't be much better than that.

I loved to escape to the wilds of the woods, just me and my horse.
Our adventures were complete with the three dogs of course.
I explored old abandoned houses, and waded in the sparkling brook,
Ate juicy blackberries, swung from monkey vines and sat in a quiet nook.

School days flew by at Ebenezer Hills Mission School,
where the 3-Rs and The Bible were the guiding rule.
The family kneeling in a circle for our evening prayers,
Preceded by a Bible Story to demonsrate principles good and fair.

With these picturesque scenes, don't think it was all fun and games ...
For chores came first, like getting in wood even in the snow and the rain.
We had to clean up the place when we bought it.
there was no running water not even a toilet!

An old outhouse sat on the hillside, with a rickety squeeky old door.
A long walk up the hill in the dark, but in daylight, how the condors soared!
At night when I lay in bed and all the world was still,
I listened to the music of night sounds of the crickets, Coyotes and whip-poor-wills.

It was with frozen fingers and faces, on many a cold winter day,
that me and my sister pulled water out of the well in the old-fashioned way.
We farmed the land with potatoes, tomatoes, veggies and beans,
but first, we did lots of work to remove all the trash, rocks, and things.

We planted spicy pines while Daddy remodeled the little ole house,
And when, with his masterpiece he was done, it was a palace! alas!
We carried lots of smooth round rocks and built a short stone wall,
Stacking the rocks wide and firm so they would never fall.

Four pretty new dresses were made fresh in the spring,
Oh! to me they were the prettiest things!
I'd chosen colors and patterns from Walmart's selections
And with special care, Momma created 'Nixie's Fashions'.

We moved in the summer of 1981; with broken heart and tears in my eyes,
I left my childhood dreams behind and to my pony "Frisky" I said "goodbye".
Life would never be the same again! I had parted with every known friend!
Didn't anyone understand what it's like when a 16 year old's life ends?

The old house still stands and time has come and gone
And now, many years later, I have four sons of my own.
And as I walk memory's leaf-strewn paths of my childhood home
I find those lessons 'stuck-fast' in my heart no matter where I roam.

[Written By Snow Horse 1999 - all rights reserved]

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