Interview with Dragonball Advances' James205
What makes Dragonball Advance different and better than the others ???
Well Dragon Ball Advanced, has lots of stuff first of all I will begin with the image gallery and as you notice that there is alot of images in the image sections. Enhanced IMages are images made by me the webmaster James205 and I take images, and fix them up. Edited IMages are images that have been cut from there background and make it so you can get rid of the background color so you can make enhanced images and other stuff.
Who are your role models in the anime community ???
I dont know what excactly you mean, but I think you mean people who inspire me. Well Tim has inspired me from who knows when, he inspires me to do images, and enhanced images, and html, his site is dbzrush and he has been a very nice guy since my old site BUDBZ sucked big time, but now I have gotten much better.
When did you start your first website ???
When I first started web page building it was about 5 years ago when I opened a page called BUDBZ, it was open for 4 years, then I shut it down to do Dragon Ball Advanced because I knew it would make it, and that was the best decision ever.
What makes you want to continue on with Dragonball Advanced ???
No Comment.
What was your first website about ???
Dragonball Z of course.
How old are you ???
Everyone wants to know, hmmm I dont know my age I forgot.....
What would you say makes a site great ???
What makes a site great is mostly the multimedia. Because if you dont have multimedia, then whats the point to go to the site ?
What do you have planned for the future of DB Advanced ???
I plan, to get a better host so I can put more movie clips and sounds up, and also I need to get that midi section up. Also a new layout and more hits, less errors, more enhanced/edited images, more info more everything there are so much coming thing in Dragon Ball Advanced! Thanks for interviewing me Anime Arsenal !