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The Arctic Fox

The cute little arctic fox, Alopex lagopus. The powder puff of the fox world. He leads a harsh life in the snow and ice, where friends can turn to enemies in the blink of an eye. Starvation makes the rules and knows no limits.

Appearance and Physical Facts

The arctic fox is a fluffy, thick coated fox with small ears and fur-covered feet. It has a small muzzle along with the ears to help prevent heat-loss which gives it a cat-like appearance. The arctic fox is usually thought of as to have white fur. Usually, this is not true. In the summer time, the average arctic fox actually has a greenish-yellow coat and during the winter, a creamy white color with white markings. There is however, a type of arctic fox that never actually turns white. He is a bluish-gray color year round. This variety known as the blue fox is most commonly found near the oceans and on islands where there is less snow. In western Greenland, as much as half or more of the arctic foxes are blue. In Canada, less than one percent are blue.

Arctic foxes live to be up to 13 years old. Their mating season is April through June. The foxes mate for life and often mate twice a year. The first litter is born in April or June and the second is born July or August. Their gestation period is 52 days and they then give birth to an average of anywhere from 4-14 kits, yet the highest recorded birth has been 25 kits!


They make dens that consist of one adult male, two females, and the year's litter(s). Only one female mates, the other stays there to help take care of the second of the two litters of the year. They don't hibernate, but stay active all year round, scavenging for any vegetables or animals they can possibly find. The foxes often follow polar bears and eat the carrion they leave behind. This is a dangerous practice though, as polar bears sometimes turn on the foxes out of hunger.


The arctic fox enjoys hanging out by the ocean or in the tundra or mountains. The arctic fox spreads throughout the arctic. (duh..) It is common in Canada, Alaska, and Greenland.

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