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This section of Videomanual1 supplies you with a selection of links which cover the subject of interviewing. The documentary video, may be entirely unscripted, and the dialogue be all natural. Although you cannot predetermine the response of your questions, knowing how to ask the questions is all important. As you scroll through the links on this page you will notice many of them have nothing at all to do with video or video production, but all of the areas are ripe for the documentarian to cover such interviews.

The documentary aspect of video is, 'in my opinion' one of the most important aspects for the home videographer. Oral history, is rapidly lost in out present culture. Now with the advent of the video camera much of this history can be saved. It is sad that we have become dependent upon a written record of the events of the past. In primative or native cultures the memory of the individual was of primary importance. Today few people have truly developed their memory and rely on the written word. Oral history records have for some time been recorded on audio tape, and many writers use short hand notes, video offers the viewer a personal view of the subject and has the abiltiy to show the humor and other attitudes.

This page may spark some ideas for you if you are considering making a living from your video skills

Interviewing links

Effective Questioning Techniques

ORAL HISTORY TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES" Videotaping interviews adds a new dimension to oral history. The final video product can juxtapose an interviewee to an object or setting that is the subject of the interview, such as a battlefield, where the combination of sight and sound allows for a clearer perception of the interviewee or subject. It also facilitates the use of visual enhancements, such as photographs and maps.


iVideotape by Dana Atchley Camera Techniques for Interviewing

The Writers Store books on directing and related media writing resources

Scriptwriting Software ( commerical-site sales)

Interviewing Techniques> Quick Tips on Interviewing The interview has been described as a "mutual exchange of information." Its objectives are to supply information about you to the employer that is not contained in your resume and to enable him/her to evaluate your... Arrive on...

Essential Interviewing Techniques by Alleen Barber We continue our on-going examination of interviewer training manuals with three new articles highlighting features from the best manuals submitted to our contest. A discussion of four essential techniques for uniform data...... As the......

Basic Interviewing techniques- exellent resource

UNCOVERING THE TRUTH! Advanced Investigative Interviewing Techniques For Investigators Learn Formulas, Approaches, Techniques And Specific Questioning Procedures For: Uncovering The Truth- Convince People To Confide In You- Know What People Really Think- And... WHEN IN... ... (books for sale)

Behavior Based Interviewing techniques Behavior Based Interviewing In this fast paced environment any recruiter that has not yet implemented Behavior Based interviewing might as well be selecting candidates with the "Dart Board Technique" "The most accurate predictor of future......... (going to be interveiwed? check this page)

Role Management - Interviews Interview Preparation and Technique This section is taken from the Role Management Job Search Guide Contact Role Management for more information on Interviews Role Management are able to offer support on effects arising out of enforced... What would.........

frontline: the child terror: interview techniques The testimony and statements of child victims is necessarily a central component of child sex abuse prosecutions. Eliciting that testimony often requires careful interviewing - a process that over the years has received increasing scrutiny by child.........

. Suggestible interviewing techniques used with children "IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED ME TO SAY?"Suggestible Interviewing Techniques Used With Children Find out more about...

Brain Awareness Week: General Techniques for Media Interview General Techniques for Media Interviews Know your purpose. Prepare two or three essential points that you want to get across during the interview. Support your points with facts or anecdotes from your experience. There is no substitute for............

Created on ... January 03, 2002