PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION TAPES - these tapes are specifically sales tapes and you must be totaly critical of each and every production detail.
HOW TO - OR - TRAINING TAPES, are far less critical of production and the emphisas is upon content education. This set of tapes will be less expensive for the client than the Product Demonstration Tapes, and take far less time, eqipment, expenses, or manpower to produce.
1. SHOW THE PROCESS OF MAKING SOME PRODUCT or DOING SOME ACT- (knitted sox, jewelry, pottery, making a fire, planting a plant -- your viewer should be able to follow the instructions and successfully complete the project 2. CREATE A TAPE WHICH WILL SHOW AN EMPLOY HOW TO WORK AT THEIR JOB - dishwasher at a resturant, buss-person, receptionist, (I chose these jobs because you could go to a restaurant and ask they help you make the video - in exchange you can give them a copy for their use) 3. Make a tape which shows the way a product looks and shows what it does. - make the product look great -and also - show it doing what it does - ( a toaster - a lawn mower - a disposable razor ) for this tape you will write a motivational script and read it - editing this voice over onto your footage. )(make decisions about natural sound, sound effects, music )