Why the Sentors are a key part of Canada. Hockey is a Canadian sport. So if the Sentors leave to America then that will leave Calgary, Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto. In my mind Calgary and Vancouver won't be able to last that long because they ain't doing to well. And business around Ottawa get more business when the Sens play. And it's not like Ottawa sucks. They've made it to the playoffs 2 years in a row, and once they got into the second round. So if you live in Ottawa, or can do something from somewhere else, do so. Thanks
Anyways onto the regular column, I guess you've seen them, The Frames. See it only took me 4 days to create a finish, with lots of help from the people atNewgrounds. They Making amazing flash games and stuff, it's just amazing. My next project is secret, but after doing the Frames learn how to use labels it will be amazinglyt easier. I'm not sure if I told everyone but my C Drive was formatted and all was deleted, anyways I start doing this secret project but it got erased so I'm back at Scratch. If you have a complaint or compliment put it on the message board. That's what it's there for.
Monday is Febuary 14th, That's Valentine's day, and I hope everyone has a happy, safe and good one.
I had fun last week with in the Future stuff, so here's some more.
Oh yeah I got a really cool Mp3 last night, the song has a racy title, but it's amazing. It's Called, Clubbed to Death by Rob D. It's 7 minutes and 26 seconds long, without one lyric. If i make a Flash thing that fits the song, I'll use it. So if you have Napster or some very good search I recommend this song.
Well that's it for this column, I hope you enjoy the new frames. See yeah!