Item |
Item Cost(in zeni) |
Item description |
Silver Armor of the gods |
10,000 |
Doubles power level gainage per day of training. Equipped on the body. |
Heavens Golden Power |
15,000 |
Adds +4 all stats per day, and adds +4,000 to power level daily. Must have silver armor of the gods to wear. Doesn't count as anything equipped. |
Power Level Booster |
6,000 |
Will add +10,000 to your power level once. Can only use 1. |
Ki Maximizer |
5,500 |
A drink that adds +25 ki after being drank in a battle. |
Avalon Star Destroyer |
18,000 |
A ship that can hold any amount of people, and any training items you want. Comes equipped with A swordsman dojo room that adds +2 swordsman ship each day you swordsman train. This ship has speed II. |
Avalon Capsule |
2,000 |
A small tube ship that 1 man can fit into. You can't train or anything while in here. This ship has Speed III. |
Gravitron Upgrade 1 |
500 |
Uprades a gravitron to do x10 more gravity. |
Gravitron Upgrade 2 |
1,000 |
Must have gravitron upgrade 1, this further increases the gravity amount you can do by x10. |
Dragon Flame Sword |
8,800 |
A sword that has the ability to heat up and cut through any armor. Has a base swordsmanship of 20. Raises strength +15 in battle. |
Diamond Sword |
5,950 |
A very hard sword that has a base swordsmanship of 25. Raises strength +18 in battle. |
Blade Of Hawtser |
13,000 |
An unbreakable sword that has a base swordsmanship of 35. Gains +1 swordsmanship each day of training, even if it is not swordsman training. Raises strength +25 in battle. |
Avalon Mastery Sword |
10,000 |
Requires swordsmanship of 70 to buy. This sword has a swordsmanship of 70 and may not be increased. This adds +50 strength in battle. |
Personal Cloaker |
2,000 |
Allows you to run from 1 battle. May only use 1. |
Avalanian Warrior Armor |
3,400 |
Decreases damage done to the wearer by 10%. Increases speed by +5 in battle. Equipped on the body. |
Avalanian Undercoat |
4,000 |
An undercoat worn underneath armor. This doesn't count as an equipped thing. This will further decrease damage by 10% and increase speed +5 in battle. |
Weighted Body Suit |
7,850 |
Counts as an item equipped for all body parts. Adds +40% power level gainage and +6 strength a day. |
Golden Gauntlets |
4,100 |
Increases intelligence +10% in battle, strength +10 in battle, ki +10 in battle, and ki attacks do +10% more damage in battle. Equipped on the arms. |
Potion |
400 |
Decreases fatigue by 1. May only carry 1. |
Super Potion |
850 |
Decreases fatigue by 2. May only carry 1. |
Elixer |
1,300 |
Decreases fatigue by 3. May only carry 1. |
Gem Of Truth |
4,200 |
When in the inventory, this item will increase all stats by +25 in battle. |
Speed Slippers |
1,000 |
Equipped on the feet, add +5 speed in battle. |
Studded Tunic |
3,000 |
Cuts down fatigue gainage by 50% when equipped on the body. |
Zeni Multiplier |
9,850 |
Doubles the zeni gained from battle. |
Avalon Impenetrable Armor |
15,000 |
Steel armor worn on the body that will decrease damage dealt to the wearer by physical attacks by 85%. They will also take 0 damage from swords. Ki blasts will do double damage however. |