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Welcome to the World of BEAU

My Favorite things about Baseball

My Favorite Web Sites

Find Beau Throughout his school years
This is my first website I ever made back in the Summer of '98.
A Yankee Tribute
My Resume as of July 2006
The Project that was supposed to win the Science Fair in 2000
Senior Design Project 2004 (I mirrored the site with the links done correctly)
My Sparse Newspaper clippings
Midi Project - 13 Innings (Yankees vs Redsox July 1, 2004)
This is the High Tech Alumni Yearbook pictures

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

By the way, I have no intent to pimp this page - at least anytime soon. Just click the links. That's why I put them there.

Beau Kupferberg 11/19/06

