Bitch ass black history month recap

Alright, it is now March and I am over a month late for a black history month page, I am aware of that. So, in my attempt to offend all people, I have composed a quiz that will test the knowledge you got from black history month. I don't know how to make a good quiz, so match the descriptions on the left with the pictures on the right and i will include the answers at the bottom and you can mark youself. So here goes...

1. The First Black baseball player


2. Black people's nation of origin

B. Smart Guy

3. The first black cartoon character

C. Grape Soda

4. The first Black singer

D. Doug Glanville

5. The First Black Basketball Player

E. The City of Baltimore

6. The Greatest Invention Ever

F. Kool Aide Man

7. He Freed the Slaves

G. The PJs

8. The First Black TV show

H. Manute Bol

9. The Greatest thing allowed on television

I. Carl

Answers At the Bottom

1) D. Doug Glanville
2) E. Baltimore
3) I. Carl
4) A. MC Hammer
5) H. Manute Bol
6) C. Grape Soda
7) F. Kool Aide Man
8) B. Smart Guy
9) G. The Pjs

Thanks for taking the black history month quiz, I hope you all learned a lot.