It is late, and I have nothing to do since I don't sleep and have quit internet porn, so I was browsing about the rest of the internet. Let me tell you, there isn't much there. My searches into the vast nothingness that is the internet(minus pornography of course) led me to last week's Nielsen Ratings. They show how many Americans watched what show. Here are some things I found:

American Juniors had 17.9 million viewers last week.
Paradise Hotel had 7.28 million viewers.
Will and Grace had 7.78 million.
Jag had 6.86 million.
Cops had a combined 10.6 million.
Reba had 3.02 million.
Grounded for life had 2.31 million.
7th Heaven had 2.79 million.

Now for a little mathematics. That is a total of 58.54 million viewers total. Now, that does not account for repeat viewers. Lets say that the average person who would be dumb enough to watch one of those, would be dumb enough to watch 3 of those. Now I will divide that by three. We get: 19.51 Million Americans who should be taken out of the gene pool. I am not saying that we HAVE to KILL all of the people who entertain these shows, but I feel that it is a good enough test to see who should be allowed to reproduce and who shouldn't. A lot of people would disagree with me, these people need to prevented from having children.

I mentioned that killing these people wouldn't necesessarily be the best answer. After all, we need to have janitors and people to work at Taco Bell...and smart people won't want to clean up shit or give me the wrong FUCKING ORDER. I am real pissed at Taco Bell. Prepare for a tangent. Today, I went to Taco Bell. That is nothing new. As bad as I know it is for me, and as many doubts I have that what I am eating is really beef, I love the place. For my money, nothing beats a Baja Beef Gordita or Chalupa for $1.19. Well, today, the lady was completely, COMPLETELY imcompetant. There is acutually a person named Tuesday working there, and my "server" was even dumber than a long shot. It took me 4 times to explain my order to her. I got two things. And it took me four tries to explain to this total assclown what I wanted for my delicious delicious lunch. Low and Behold, my order was wrong. I fucking HATE tomatoes and stupid jerk-off lettuce on my goddamn gordita, and this slut completely failed. AFTER FOUR EXPLANATIONS! I think that anyone who applys for a fast food job, should have to pass an IQ test. Granted, the bar will be set nice and low, but below a certain line....BAM! Blast them in the head with a rifle, then kill off their decsendants. Just as a precaution. Back to whatever it was I was talking about.

Ok. Now that I have read what I was writing before the Taco Bell story, I have done some thinking. Every television should come equipped with a special chip. This chip will monitor what you watch. If you watch a show that is on a special list, compiled of shows similar to those on the list above, a strong radioactive blast will occur, killing off the sperm and eggs of all those who are watching, thus removing them from the gene pool. Behold:

Pretty soon, nobody will watch network television or MTV. Stupidity that is not amusing will be removed from television. The stupid and lazy will have no source of entertainment, and will wither and die. Children will no longer be exposed to the horrors of Martin Lawrence or Home Improvement. Thus, all will be right in the world, and people will get my fucking order right the next time I go to Taco Bell.