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Seward Excursion

Seward Excursion

A stop along the way

A view of a river on the way down to Seward

Seward Harbor

I decided to get a shot of the harbor once I was on the View Finder, the boat I was on for my whale-watching cruise.

Sea Life

We saw this little sea otter before we even got out of the harbor. Unfortunately, this is about all the sea life I was able to get pictures of because the batteries in my camera died and I hadn't thought to bring extras...


Although it wasn't a "glacier cruise", we could still see them. Notice the bluish area in the snow - that's the ice of the glacier and not rocks...

Dall Sheep

You can see Dall sheep a lot of places in Alaska. We saw this on, casually sitting on the steep rockface above the waters of Resurrection Bay. You have to wonder how they can get there....


There were lots of waterfalls to be seen as we went along on our cruise through Resurrection Bay (named so because the original sailors landed there on Easter Sunday)....

Looking ahead...

We got going kinda fast at times, at least it felt like it to me. I was quite pleased that I managed not to have motion sickness at all during the cruise, even though it was a bit choppy occasionally...


After the cruise, I was able to tour the Alaska Sea Life Center. There, you can see Woody, a 2000 pound sea lion.

The way home

I took the Alaska Railroad train back to Anchorage. I was able to enjoy a different view, as well as a tasty roast beef dinner in the dining car.

We passed and went over several bodies of water on the way to Anchorage. I'm not sure which on this is.

I spent a bit of time after dinner in up in the viewing platform. I was able to get this shot of the engine as we rounded a cuve in the tracks.

As we got closer to Anchorage, the sun was a bit lower on the horizon. This mountain is referred to as "The Sleeping Lady". You can imagine her head, shoulders and legs. This photo was taken just before 10 o'clock at night.

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