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Cees House ~Squares For You~
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Dear Friend
I just wanted you to know today
How very special you are to me
I thank God for your friendship
May your life be filled with God's joy and peace
And may He always keep you in His loving care

Friendship quilt squares for you to take
Take one or all
Please link back to

My Gift's To You

Birthday, Picture, Crazy, Garden, Movie Star, Fathers Day, 4th of July, Coca Cola,and 9-11 memory squares

Some of you have started these quilts
So here is my squares for those quilts

Mother's Day Squares

Cause Squares

Baby Squares

My State Square

I would love to exchange State or Region squares
Just make it 130 X 130, and email me
Along with your URL

My License Plate Squares

My Valentine Squares are HERE

FriendShip Quilt #1

FriendShip Quilt #2

FriendShip Quilt #3

FriendShip Quilt #4

FriendShip Quilt #5

FriendShip Quilt #6

FriendShip Quilt #7

State And Region Quilt

Quilting Friends Pictures

Quilting Friends Birthdays

License Plate Quilt

Independence Day Quilt

Valentine Quilt


stitched a square for the
Quilt For The Cause
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Find out how to make a piece of the quilt
by clicking Here

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Friendship Quilt Ring
Net Ring owned by
Cees House.

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Page Added April 13 2001
