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Best Friends…Unconditional Love
(Andrea and Tim’s wedding story)



I shall never forget the day we drove down the tree-lined lane destined for our next God ordained relocation. Alone in the driveway, the empty house looking oddly abandoned in the background, stood a dejected young man, tears unashamedly in his eyes.

Though I have no clue what he was really thinking, I can guess that he was certain we had amidst our van load of children all his hopes, plans, and future. We were stealing away the love of his young life. I imagine that young man wondered in his heart of hearts just how he would manage to be reunited with his love and how he would endure the few years until both he and she were old enough to be married and live happily ever after. It was obvious
his heart was already aching with the thoughts.

We had no choice but to move on. It was obvious in a spiritual sort of way that the time had come to migrate once again to a new place, new sights, smells and anticipated dreams. Accustomed to our many relocations I don’t believe that Andrea suffered as much that day as the one left behind.

It seemed only ‘months’ ago that John and I too had endured a separation that seemed unfair and heart shattering.,It had, in reality been 30 years, and like all true love, ours had not only endured the separation and the unfairness of life, but many years of togetherness and love. In our experience we now understood that all steps, yes, even separations, are God allowed. We knew if indeed the tears shed that day were simply watering the soul and prompting the commitment, then the love would not only endure but flourish during the separation. One day they too would join together and time would fade the hurtful memory of separation.

As parents we were hurting along with our children, for relocation is never easy, but it is the most hurtful when young love is tested, this we knew from personal experience. Empathetic pain is also very real, especially to parents, even though the children might not understand it to be so at the time. We knew also that this would be a test of their love. If the youthful relationship endured the separation and grew, then a foundation would be built for a much more stable and enduring marriage. If distance caused the heart to lose it’s fondness, better now, in their teens, than later when life produced children and relationships that would be bruised even more deeply by broken marriage vows.

Determined, the young man traveled the 6 plus hours on a very regular schedule to woe his love, build on established relationships and convince our skeptical parenting selves that this was a love that would endure.

From two kids sitting on the back row of worship services along with others in the small youth group to a couple walking down the isle of that same church this is an old-fashioned love story.

On February 14, 2004 our family traveled back to the state we had left 3 years previously to share in the exchange of vows between Tim and Andrea. The vows were read by our pastor who had been their Sunday School teacher, a frequent visitor in our home, and a welcome support during the weeks before the wedding. In a simple yet memorable ceremony in the church where they first met more than 9 years previously the two hearts were formally united.

(wedding photo coming soon)

Congratulations Andrea and Tim…

and wish
God’s greatest blessings
on  your  marriage  and
the life you will build