Perhaps no other person in our family changed the destiny of so many lives as the birth and adoption into our family of Leah. In retrospect I would say that ‘meeting’ her for the first time in that far away land (the Philippines) changed the course of our lives and commissioned us in a way we could never have dreamed possible.
Since Leah’s arrival story is told with much detail in the book I will focus on the wonderful young woman Leah has become in the 30 plus years since ‘our’ story first began to unfold.
A woman with many talents and interests Leah loves living in rural American, enjoying the natural beauty of the woods and meadows when away from her chosen career as a USPO mail carrier. Her simple log cabin is a true expression of her non-materialistic beliefs. When not working or helping others she also loves to garden and camp. Leah has shared her fond memories of the ‘Little House on the Prairie’ television series with her daughter and younger sisters by purchasing the video sets and many books Laura Ingalls Wilder, perhaps that is where her fondness for the simpler things in life was born, watching that series so many years ago.
Leah has been a true blessing to our family through the best of times and the worst of times. She has a natural ability to sense a need and set about helping to fill the needs of others whether through finances, physical labor or gifting of necessary items. She remains a very accessible eldest sister, frequently taking upon herself the roll of second mother to this brood of many. As her mother I know that I can count on her to help me out of my distress when my own ill health or over-loaded schedule require the assistance of someone who knows the intricate workings of this very large and active household.
Leah is a mother herself, having gifted us with our first granddaughter, Angelica Hope nearly 8 years ago. Leah is a devoted and loving mother putting the needs of her equally beautiful daughter in a rightful place of priority in her life.
Having graduated from home school herself ever so many years ago, and even after observing the many challenges of the home education of her siblings, Leah has committed to home schooling Angelica too. When Leah works outside the home, Angelica loves sharing the joys and opportunities with her ‘aunts and uncles’ here at Shady Creek Academy. Leah and I have developed a very special ability to work together in meeting the academic needs of Angelica as well as all Leah’s other siblings. Everyone benefits from the teamwork.
She purposefully stays involved in our children’s’ lives, renting videos and games for them when ‘parents’ wouldn’t take the time…and nearly always taking someone home for a sleep over with Angelica when their schedule allows…a privilege and treat all the children here have begun to covet and tassel over. Even as an adult she has remained a very significant part of the day- to- day routine of our family. We are very humbled, proud, and privileged to have the opportunity to parent Leah, to share in her joys, sorrows and accomplishments.
We want to take this opportunity
to say we love you with all of our hearts
Leah Nichole