Trista is the only of our children that officially arrived on a
Silver Stork Plane. Though we have several children with roots on
other continents she is the only one who was escorted to us from
a far away land. She is the child that I saw in my first recalled vision
experienced when I was yet a teenager. I suspect that vision motivated
me toward our children in a subtle and incomprehensible way that I am
yet marveling over a quarter century later.
Though we had tried numerous times to adopt an Asian daughter it
seemed for a season that it was not to be so. Applications were
made, but different things had stopped our attempts and when a
move from one state to another came unexpectedly, I assumed God
was closing the door to my heart, at least in regard to the
adoption of an oriental baby.
I had no way of knowing that God was in reality making way for
innumerable doors to open with regard to adoption. While I, in
my limited vision thought that the door to one child had closed
and locked, over the coming years, doors to numerous to count
would open as the children of our hearts desires came to us,
one adoption at a time!
Each child’s arrival is a memory unmatched. Still, each
recollection of Trista’s homecoming prompts a lump of emotion
to rise in my throat. Words seem inadequate as I try to define
the mixture of melancholy, bliss, and amazement as God’s plan
unfolded that evening. The airport was packed with friends from
church and other families anxious to meet their Korean angels for
the first time. It continues to amaze me how we had eyes for TJ
only though there were other children who traveled with her to
this land. How does God make a child completely yours though
birthed in another place? Adoption is a miracle!
Time floats away contrasted with memories that accumulate in
proportions to huge to comprehend. Each child has brought gifts
and talents to our home unique to their creation. The one activity
that stands out most in the recollection of Trista’s childhood would
by far be that of her participation in gymnastics. Her high energy
required us to find an appropriate outlet at an early age. Gymnastics
quickly became her passion. She would go on to train in three
different states and spend more hours in a gym than in her own home!
Gymnastics required total family participation. We all traveled to
the many meets across the United States. It became our recreation,
our vacations and our life for a season. Trista showed determination,
self-discipline and was a team player extraordinaire. Her hope was
to compete on an Olympic team. Life happens. Multiple moves lack of
resources and other untold factors stifled that goal…but her passion
for gymnastics remained.
Though she stopped competing in high school she quickly joined the
coaching staff and has since reaped the benefits of her hard labor
by continuing to coach as she pays her way through college. We had
thought perhaps that her gymnastics might earn her a scholarship to
higher education. Coaching, Trista continues to use her gifts, talents
and experience in that arena to fund her college education, just not in
the way we as parents imagined. It has been a good investment of time,
energy and resources. I feel that gymnastics more than any other
influence has contributed to the whole person Trista has become.
God has plans far and above anything we can calculate or design.
Just as all our other children have contributed to our spiritual
growth and parenting maturity, Trista has influenced us beyond
description. She is organized, self driven, compassionate and
kind in ways I can only stand on the side lines of life and admire.
Whether it is her position as 3rd oldest in a family thus far of
fourteen children or a God given quality, she has a love and
commitment to her siblings and a servant heart that touches
us all. We are immeasurably richer from sharing our lives
with Trista.
Her special story continues to unfold as she makes plans to marry
the love of her life. John and Trista’s story is one from a storybook,
a tale to warm the heart and give renewed amazement at the plans
and purposes of our God when we are just going about living our
lives in obedience.
Sharing life with Trista has made me a much better person,
enlarged my compassion and grown me up in the Lord.
Your Dad and I love you more than words could express.
Thank you for unconditionally accepting God’s plan and
purpose for your life
and finding peace in your place
in this family.