Parish and Poor Law Records

Ugborough 1822 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Settlement Examination Mary Dibdin (Examinee)
Bristol 1891 Lady Haberfield Almshouse Trust; Inmates Applications for admission Martha Dibden (Applicant)
Newland 1735 Churchwarden's Accounts Solomon Dibdon
Painswick 1702 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Bastardy Bond William Dibdon
Alverstoke 1703 Churchwardens Accounts; Pauper Apprenticeship John Dibden (Master)
  1705 Churchwardens Accounts; Allocation of church pews John Dibden
Bramshaw 1814-1829 Churchwardens Accounts; Church Rates William Dibden
  1828-1829 Churchwardens Accounts; Church Rates Moses Dibden
  1828-1829 Churchwardens Accounts; Church Rates Thomas Dibden
Eling 1769 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Pauper Apprenticeship Sarah Dibden (Apprentice)
  1769 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Pauper Apprenticeship John Dibden (Apprentice)
  1771 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Pauper Apprenticeship Moses Dibden (Apprentice)
  1772 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Pauper Apprenticeship James Dibden (Apprentice)
  1775 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Pauper Apprenticeship Hannah Dibden (Apprentice)
  1778 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Pauper Apprenticeship James Dibden (Apprentice)
  1778 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Pauper Apprenticeship George Dibden (Apprentice)
  1779 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Pauper Apprenticeship William Dibden (Apprentice)
  1781 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Pauper Apprenticeship William Dibden (Apprentice)
  1800 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Pauper Apprenticeship Ann Dibden (Apprentice)
  1774 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Bastardy Bond John Dibdon (Father)
  1782 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Bastardy Bond John Dibdon (Father)
  1759 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Settlement Examination Thomas Dibdin (Examinee); Elizabeth (wife); James (son) & daughter
  1759 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Settlement Examination George Dibdin (Examinee)
  1795 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Settlement Examination William Dibden (Examinee) & Elizabeth (wife)
  1818 Vestry Minutes; Election of tax collector Thomas Dibden
Fawley 1816 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Bastardy Maintenance Bond Mary Dibden (Mother)
  1816 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Bastardy Warrant Mary Dibden (Mother)
  1831 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Removal Order Mary Dibden
Lyndhurst 1783 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Settlement Examination David Dibden (Examinee) & Sarah (wife)
  1783 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Removal Order David Dibden & Sarah (wife)
  1783 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Removal Order David Dibden & Sarah (wife)
Romsey c1848-1870 Tylee Mortimer and Attlee of Romsey, solicitors: Poor law; Removal Order A Dibden
Sherfield English 1783 Churchwardens Accounts; Church Rates John Dibden
Southampton 1669 Apprenticeships; Poor Child Register James Dibden (Master)
  1678 Poor Child Register; Apprenticeship Ann Dibben (Apprentice)& Richard Dibden (Apprentice's father)
Southampton, Holy Rood 1758 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Poor Relief Accounts Mrs. Dibdin (recipient)
  1759 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Poor Relief Accounts Mrs. Thomas Dibdin (recipient)
  1760 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Poor Relief Accounts Thomas Dibdin (recipient)
  1762 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Poor Relief Accounts Mrs. Dibdin wife of Thomas Dibdin jnr.(recipient)
Southampton Workhouse 1751 Workhouse Examination Richard Dibdin (Examinee); Mary (wife); Richard & Thomas (sons)
  1767 & c1770-1781 Workhouse Examination Thomas Dibdin (Examinee); Mary (wife) & Elizabeth Mary (daughter)
  1835 Workhouse Examination Ann Dibden (Examinee); Henry (husband); Frances (son) & 5 children from her previous marriage
  1835 Workhouse Examination John Dibden(Examinee) & Henry (son)
Southampton; Thorner Charity 1773 Apprenticeship Indenture William Dibden (Apprentice) & Nicholas (father)
Twyford 1670 Parish Brief John Dibden
Winchester, St. John 1703 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Settlement Certificate Nicholas Dibden (Holder) & Penelope (wife)
Winchester, St. Peter Chesil 1708 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Settlement Certificate Nicholas Dibden (Holder); Penelope (wife)& children
Chepstow 1875 Board of Guardians Alice Dibden
Chichester, St. Bartholomew 1805 Churchwardens Miscellaneous Stephen Dibden
Salisbury & Amesbury 1825 County Petty Sessional Division; Justices' Minute Books; Bastardy Order Harriet Dibden (Mother)
Salisbury 1828 Register of Bastardy Examinations Elizabeth Dibden (Mother)
  1810 Overseers of the Poor Papers; Settlement Examination David Dibden (Examinee); Sarah (wife) & 9 children



Source: Access to Archives (A2A)

Document held by the Plymouth & West Devon Record Office

Ref. No. 884/279/24: Date 1822
Mary Dibden
, singlewoman



Source: Bristol City Record Office: Online Catalogue

Ref. No. 35717/I/3a/16: Date 10 Feb 1891
Martha Dibden
: 18 South Parade, Redcliffe, with letter of application; Elected 3 Jul 1891


Source: Gloucestershire Archives: Online Catalogue

Ref. No. P227 CW 2/1: Date 1735
Solomon Dibdon


Source: Gloucestershire Archives: Online Catalogue

Ref. No. P244 OV 5/3/11: Date 1702
William Dibdon
, collier & Anne Powell, singlewoman



Source: Hampshire Record Office

Date 1703
William Jobson, a poore parish child, was bound by an indenture to John Dibden

Date 19 Sep 1705
An account of parishioners & inhabitants of Alverstoke & Gosport in the pews or seats as agreed: John Dibden – for his tenement in Gosport


Source: Hampshire Record Office

A rate made for the repairs of the church on that part of the parish of Bramshaw that lies in the county of Wilts.

Name Date Rate in £ Value Assessment
William Dibden 1814 3d £5 1s 3d
William Dibden the elder 1815 6d £5 2s 6d
William Dibden the elder 1816 6d £5 2s 6d
William Dibden snr. 1816     Uncollected rates, 2s 6d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1817 3d £5 1s 3d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1819 3d £5 1s 3d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1820 3d £5 1s 3d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1821 3d £5 1s 3d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1822 3d £5 1s 3d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1823 3d £5 1s 3d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1824 3d £5 1s 3d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1825 3d £5 1s 3d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1826 3d £5 1s 3d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1827 3d £5 1s 3d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1828 3d £5 1s 3d
Moses Dibden 1828 3d £3 9d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1828 3d £3 10s 10 1/2d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1829 5d £5 1s 3d (?2s 1d)
Moses Dibden 1829 5d £3 1s 3d
Thomas Dibden 1814 5d £3 10s 1s 5 1/2d
Wm. Dibden snr. 1829     Uncollected rates, 2s 6d
Moses Dibden 1829     Uncollected rates, 1s 6d


Source: Hampshire Record Office

Apprentice Age Master Trade Date
John Dibden 10y John Warwick Husbandry 18 Mar 1769
Sarah Dibden 9y Robert James Wifery 14 Oct 1769
Moses Dibden 10y John Lane of Eling Husbandry 24 Aug 1771
James Dibden 9y John Bannister of Eling, Yeoman Husbandry 5 May 1772
Hannah Dibden 11y Rt. Hon. Hans Stanley of Poulton Good Housewifery 15 Apr 1775
James Dibden 10y Mary Heathcote, widow of Eling Good Husbandry 4 Jan 1778
George Dibden 12y Thomas Luke, Mariner   5 Aug 1778
William Dibden 9y Rebecca Byam, spinster Husbandry 19 Nov 1779
William Dibden 10y John Wilde of Eling Teaching him the skills of a mariner 29 Dec 1781
Ann Dibden 10y James Wallace Housewifery 21 Jun 1800

Source: Hampshire Record Office

Date 24 Jan 1774
John Dibdon of Bramshaw in the County of Southampton, blacksmith, held and firmly bound unto the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of Eling in the said county of Southampton in trust for the parishioners of the said parish in £50 to be paid to the said churchwardens and overseers in respect of one Hannah Painter, now residing in the parish of Eling singlewoman who in her examination in writing on oath declared that about 7 months ago she was delivered of a bastard child (male) in the said parish Eling and that the said child is now chargeable to the said parish and has charged the above bounden John Dibden to be the father of the child. The condition of the written obligation is such that the above bounden John Dibden his heirs etc shall provide educate etc the above bastard child and relieve the parish of Eling of all costs taxes etc touching or concerning the same.

Date 21 Dec 1782
John Dibdon of Sherfield English in the County of Southampton, blacksmith, held and firmly bound unto the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of Eling in the said county of Southampton in trust for the parishioners of the said parish in £50 to be paid to the said churchwardens and overseers in respect of one Hannah Painter, now residing in the parish of Eling singlewoman who in her examination in writing on oath declared that about 12 months ago she was delivered of a bastard child (male) since baptised James in the said parish Eling and that the said child is now chargeable to the said parish and has charged the above bounden John Dibden to be the father of the child. The condition of the written obligation is such that the above bounden John Dibden his heirs etc shall provide educate etc the above bastard child and relieve the parish of Eling of all costs taxes etc touching or concerning the same

Source: Hampshire Record Office

Date 20 Mar 1759
Thomas Dibden, wife Elizabeth and their son James aged 2years and daughter aged 1 month. Examinant was hired by farmer Richard New of Newbridge, Eling, for 1 year about 6 years ago.

Date 23 Mar 1759

George Dibden
was hired 17 years ago by Stephen Newland of Eling.

Date 1795
William Dibden
and wife Elizabeth were removed from the parish of Millbrook to the parish of Eling in 1795. Overseers of the poor granted them poor relief.

Source: Hampshire Record Office

Vestry Minutes

Date 7 Mar 1818
Thomas Dibden
elected as a tax collector (land and assessed taxes) for the year ensuing - Eling North


Source: Hampshire Record Office

Date 20 Jan 1816
Mary Dibden
delivered of a child, female, by one Joseph Rann. Joseph Rann ordered to pay 14s for the lying-in of Mary Dibden, plus 1s 6d every week for the upkeep of the child while ever the child is in the care of the parish of Fawley. Mary Dibden also required to pay 6d a week to the parish while ever the child is in the care of Fawley parish.

Ref.No. 25M60/PO59/41: Date 12 Jun 1816
Warrant to apprehend the father of the bastard child of Mary Dibden, singlewoman.
Father - Joseph Rann
Child - female born 3 Jan 1816

Ref.No. 25M60/PO51/55: Date 20 Jan 1831
Order for the removal of Mary Dibden, singlewoman, from Millbrook (to Fawley)


Source: Hampshire Record Office

Ref.No. 25M84/PO44/56: Date 1 Feb 1783
County of Southampton. The Examination of David Dibden now residing within the parish of Lyndhurst in the County of Southampton Blacksmith concerning the Place of his last legal Settlement taken on Oath this first Day of February 1783 before us his Majestys Justices of the Peace in and for the said County. The said David Dibden on his Oath saith that about nine years ago he this Examinant bound himself Apprentice by Indenture to William Knoulton a blacksmith for the Term of seven years and pursuant to such binding he lived with and served his said Master in the parish of St. Martin in the City of New Sarum in the County of Wilts for and during the said Term of seven Years And that he hath not since done any Act whereby to gain a legal Settlement and that his Family consists of Sarah his Wife

Signed - David Debden

Taken and sworn the Day and Year above written Before us

Source: Hampshire Record Office

Ref.No. 25M84/PO13/2&3: Date 1 Feb 1783
County of Southampton to wit. To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Lyndhurst in the County of Southampton and to the Churchwardens and the Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Saint Martin in the City of New Saram in the County of Wilts. WHEREAS Complaint hath been made unto us, two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Southampton aforesaid (one whereof being of the Quorum) by the Churchwardens and the Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of Lyndhurst That David Dibden and Sarah his Wife lately intruded, and came into the said Parish of Lyndhurst and are likely to become chargeable to the same: We the said Justices, upon Examination of the Premises upon Oath, and other Circumstances, do adjudge the same to be true, and do also adjudge the Place of last legal settlement of the said David Dibden & Sarah his Wife is in the said Parish of St. Martin. These are therefore in his Majesty's Name to require you forthwith to remove and convey the said David Dibden and Sarah his Wife from out of your said Parish of Lyndhurst to the said Parish of Saint Martin and them deliver unto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor there, or to some or one of them, together with this our Order, or a true Copy hereof, who are hereby required to receive and provide for them according to Law. Given under our Hands and Seals, this first Day of February in Year of our Lord 1783



Source: Hampshire Record Office Catalogue search

Ref.No.4M92/O/5: Date c1848-1870
Includes order for A. Dibden

Sherfield English

Source: Hampshire Record Office

Date 1785
John Dibden
for Rogers - 2d


Source: Hampshire Record Office

Date 26 Mar 1669
Anne Shedd d/o Richard Shud late of South’ton, butcher apprenticed to James Dibden of Itchen Ferry, for 4 years from Lady Day last. Apprentice to have at end 2s 6d and double apparel. Master to have £3 of gift of Mr. Nathaniel Mill

Date 8 Sep 1678
Mary Dibben d/o Richard Dibden
deceased to Edward Clements , victualler, for 7 years. Master to have 50s.

Southampton, Holy Rood

Source: Southampton City Archives

Date Jul 1758
Paid Mrs Dibdin 49 weeks at 3/- a week = £7 7s
Paid ditto per order £1 12s 6d

Date 23 Jul 1759
To cash paid Thomas Dibdin’s wife; at 3s each week for 4 weeks = 12s

Date 1760
Deficiencies allowed Thomas Dibdin; 10s

Date 12 Feb 1762
To Mrs. Dibdin junior, wife of Thomas Dibdin jnr.; from 12 Feb 1762 to 9 Mar following, for subsistence of her child in smallpox, £1 2s 6d

Southampton Workhouse

Source: Southampton City Archives

Date 24 May 1751
Town and County of Southampton to wit The Examination of Richard Dibdin now residing in the Parish of St Michael in the said Town and County marking his Settlement taken on oath the twentyfourth Day of May 1751 This Examinant on his Oath saith that upwards of twenty years ago he was bound Apprentice by Judith Newton to Thomas Cowole Woolcomb in the Parish of Holy Rhood in the said Town and County for the Term of seven years which he duly served and lodged with his Master all that time in the said Parish and hath not since done any Acts to his knowledge whereby to gain a Settlement And that he hath a wife named Mary and two children, to wit Richard aged about sixteen years and Thomas aged about ?10 years.

Richard Dibdin

Source: Southampton City Archives

Date ?21 Dec 1767
Thomas Dibden Bricklayer saith that about nine years ago he was bound apprentice by ? to John Vining of the Parish of Holy Rhood in the County of Southampton ??????? and Plumber for seven years which time he duly served his said Master accordingly. There that he hath since done naught whereby to gain a Settlement that he hath a wife named Mary and one child named Elizabeth Mary aged a twelve month.

Thomas Dibdin.

Source: Southampton City Archives

Date ?
Thomas Dibden Bricklayer saith that he hath heard his Examination taken the twentyfirst Day of December 1767 before Thomas Guillaume and Robert Ballard gentlemen now read that the same is true that he hath since done no act since whereby to gain a Settlement that he hath the same wife and child as are therein named and no other.

Source: Southampton City Archives

Date 30 Jun 1835
Examination of me Ann Dibden now residing in the Parish of St Mary in the Town and County of Southampton wife of Henry Dibden Labourer this thirtieth day of June 1835 before two of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in and for the said Town and County touching the place of my legal settlement
The said Examinant say That I was born in the Parish of West Willow in the County of Wilts as I have heard and believe where my parents and loyalty settled as I have also heard and believe That about fifteen years ago I intermarried with William Terry King at the Parish of East Willow in the County of Southampton That my said husband William Terry King died about four years and a half ago and since his decease I have constantly received relief from the Parish of Romsey Infra for the children I had by the said William Terry King in or about the month of September but I intermarried with Henry Dibden my present husband at the Parish of Eling in the County of Southampton by whom I have had a child and that about thirteen weeks ago the said Henry Dibden went away from and left me and I have not heard from him since that time. That when I was married to the said Henry Dibden he was living as Ostler at the Fighting Cocks at Wapping (?) in the said Parish of Eling where to the best of my belief he had been living some time previously but not as a yearly servant and I further say that to the best of my belief I have never heard the said Henry Dibden say where he was legally settled and hast I have five children by my said first husband now living with me, namely William Terry aged above twelve years, Emma aged ten years and upwards, Edwin aged eight years and upwards, Frederick aged seven years and upwards and Alfred aged six years and upwards and that I have one child by my said second husband now living with me namel Frances aged seven weeks

X The mark of Ann Dibden
Resworn before us this fifteenth day of July 1835
Mr J. Le Feuvre, Mayor
G. Atherley

The further Examination: That when I was married to the above named Henry Dibden my said husband I was living at the above named Fighting Cocks public house in the capacity of Housekeeper and had been living there for about fourteen years That the said Henry Dibden had not to the best of my belief lived at the Fighting Cocks aforesaid for one whole year at the time I married him.
Order of removal obtained to Milford, Wilts
Removed by Oakley on the 14th Aug 1835

Date 21 Jul 1835
Examination of John Dibden now residing in the Parish of Eling in the County of Southampton, Labourer. Taken on oath this twenty-first day of July 1835 before two of his Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in and for the said Town and County touching the place of the legal settlement of my son Henry Dibden. The said Examinant says that my said son Henry Dibden was born in the Parish of Plaitford in the County of Wilts. That he was never apprenticed. That when he was about twelve or thirteen years of age I hired him to Mr Lodge who then kept the Rising Sun Inn in the Parish of Milford in the said County of Wilts to serve him in the capacity of Oastler and to do anything there was for him to do, but no agreement as to the time he was to stay was made. He was not to have any wages but was to pick up what he could get by looking after the horses and so on. My son remained at the Rising Sun two years or two years and a half I don’t exactly know which. When he left the Rising Sun he came home and lived with me at Plaitford aforesaid. He used to go about the Country for work in the Summer and in the Winter he worked for the Parish Officers of the Parish of Bramshaw. He lived in this way about two or three years but I am not certain how long it was. He then went to live as Ostler at the Fighting Cocks Public House in the said Parish of Eling where he remained until he married. I think it was a little after Christmas 1833 when he went to the Fighting Cocks but I cannot exactly recall the time. I am nearly certain, however, that he did not live there a whole year before his marriage with Ann King.

X The mark of John Dibden.
Sworn before me J. Le Feurve, Mayor
Geo Atherley.

Southampton; Thorner Charity

Source: Access to Archives (A2A)

Document held by the Southampton City Archives

RICHARD THORNER, of Baddesley, Hants, was an elder of Above Bar Chapel, Southampton. He died in 1690 and in his will devised his real estate in London to be put to charitable use, portions of which were used to fund the apprenticing and setting up of youths in Southampton. D/TH 56/27: Date 1773
William Dibden
(son of Nicholas, woolcomber) apprenticed to Samuel Ward, Bricklayer D/TH 56/52: Date 1780-81
Sheet of Receipts for £5, John Weeks and William Dibden


Source: Hampshire Record Office

Date 3/4/5 Nov 1670
John Dibden paid 3d to collection for captives in Turkey.

Winchester, St. John

Source: Hampshire Record Office

Ref.No. 88M81W/PO4/42: Date 28 Jun 1703
To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore of the Parish of St. Johns in the Soake neare Winton. Wee whose names are hereunto Subscribed Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore of the Parish of St. Thomas in the Citty of Winchester aforesaid doe hereby owne and acknowledge Nicholas Dibdon and Penelope his Wife to be legall Inhabitants of o(u)r Said Parish and Wee doe hereby Promise to receive them againe into our Said Parish when he or they shall become chargeable to o[u]r Said Parish of St. Johns Witnesse our hands the Eight and twentieth day of June in the in the Second Yeare of the Reign of Ann Queen of England etc Anno Dmi 1703

Atttested by us
Nicholas (Kaber?)
Roger Hayes (with seal)
John Ninn
------- Boyle (with seal)
William JL Pocock (with seal)
Ralph Crowbolt (with seal)

Wee whose names are hereunto Subscribed two of her Majties Justices of the Peace of the Citty of Winchester doe hereby ap[pro]ve of this Certificate and Confirme the Same p[ur]suant to the late acts of parliament

Geo: Cropp Mayor
John Penton

Winchester, St. Peter Chesil

Source: Hampshire Record Office

Ref.No. 3M82W/PO21/25: Date 26 Oct 1708
We whose names are hereunto Subscribed Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore of the Parish of St. Thomas in the Citty of Winchester aforesaid, do hereby own and acknowledge Nicholas Dibdon Penelope his wife and theire Children to be o[ur] Inhabitants legally setled in the Parish of St. Thomas aforesaid. In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our Hands and Seals , the 26th Day of October in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lady Anne by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Queen Defender of the Faith &c. Annoq; Dom. 1708

Attested by Churchwardens (with seals)
John Moriarty
Nich Ch (?)
J (?)

To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poore of the Parish of St. Peter Cheshill alt Cheswell in the Soak of Winton or to any or either of them. We whose names are hereunto subscribed, Justices of the Peace of the Citty of Winchester aforesaid do allow the certificate abovewritten. Dated the 26th day of October Anno Dom. 1708

Henry Sharpe
John Blake


Chepstow: Board of Guardians

Source: The British Newspaper Archive

Bristol Mercury: Sat. 13 Nov 1875

CHEPSTOW: BOARD OF GUARDIANS:The usual weekly meeting of this board was held on Saturday last. The master reported that Alice Dibden had been received into the workhouse that week by order of the overseers.


Chichester, St. Bartholomew

Source: A2A Access to Archives
Original Record held at West Sussex Record Office

Churchwardens' miscellaneous

Ref: Par/38/11/1: Date 31 May 1805

Receipt from Stephen Dibden for fees for serving the office of tithing man in 1799


Salisbury and Amesbury County Division

Source: Wiltshire & Swindon Record Office

Ref.No. B18/100/19: Date 31 May 1825
Harriet Dibden
(Mother) of Whiteparish & Isaac Prince (Father) labourer of Downton
Child - male

Salisbury City

Source: Wiltshire & Swindon Record Office

Ref.No. G23/1/146/27: Date 1828
Elizabeth Dibden
(Mother) of St. Thomas & John Oates (Father) of St. Martin, gardener

Ref.No. G23/1/136/152: Date 1810
David Dibden now residing in New Sarum - about 50yrs old, born in Bramshaw. Apprenticed at 14yrs of age to William Knowlton, blacksmith of St.Martin, Salisbury. Served whole of term. About 27yrs ago married in Sherfield English to Sarah, his present wife. 9 children now living.

Signed - David Dibden