1666 ANNE DEBDEN of Fawley, Hants.
1836 ANN DIBDIN of Stewarts Grove, Queens Elms, Mddsex.
1665 BRIDGETT DIBDEN of Twyford, Hants.
1814 CATHERINE DIBDEN of Bramshaw, Hants.
1814 CHARLES DIBDIN of St. Ann, Soho & Cranford, Mdsx. $
1781 ELIZABETH DIBDIN (heretofore Compton) of Middleburgh, Zeeland
1828/9 F. DIBDIN of the 3d Reg. of Light Cavalry
1660 GEORGE DEBDEN of Garboldisham, Norfolk
1663 GEORGE DEPDEN of Garboldisham, Norfolk
1792 GEORGE DIBDIN of Liverpool
1540 GREGORY DEPDEN of Brampton, Suffolk
1690 JAMES DIBDEN of Itchen Ferry, Southampton, Hants.
1850 JANE DIBDEN of St. Pancras, Mddsx.
1616 JOHN DEPDEN of Ipswich, Suffolk
1670 JOHN DOBDEN of Publow, Somerset
1728 JOHN DIBDEN of Alverstoke, Hants.
1762 JOHN DUBDON of H.M.S. Northumberland
1781 JOHN DIBDEN of Bramshaw, Hants.
1834 JOHN DIBDEN of Hewelsfield, Gloucs.
1849 JOHN DIBDEN PAINTER of Plaitford, Wilts.
1844 JOSEPH DIBDEN of Eling, Hants.
1775 MARTHA DIBDON of Lymington, Hants.
1834 MARY DIBDEN of Hewelsfield/Brockweir, Gloucs.
1857 MARY ANN DIBDEN of Norwood, Surrey
1856 MOSES DIBDEN of Bramshaw, Hants.
1472 NICHOLAS DEPDEN of St. John Maddermarket, Norwich, Norfolk
1804 PHILIP DIBDEN of Bristol, Gloucs.
1614 RICHARD DIBDEN of Eling, Hants.
1650 RICHARD DEBDEN of Backwell, Somerset
1845 RICHARD DIBDEN of Eling, Hants.
1518 ROBERT DEPDEN of Fresynfelde, Suffolk
1574 ROBERT DEPDEN of Northales, Suffolk
1625 ROBERT DEPDEN of St. Margaret, Westminster, Middlesex
1625 ROBERT DIBDEN, Jun. of Twyford, Hants.
1845 SARAH DIBDEN of Eling Hants.
1627 THOMAS DEBDEN of Backwell, Somerset
1649 THOMAS DIBDAN (?of Backwell, Somerset)
1666 THOMAS DIBDEN of Alverstoke, Hants.
1733 THOMAS DIBDEN of Bramshaw, Hants.
1796 THOMAS DIBDIN of Mt.Ship 'Expedition'
1813 THOMAS DIBDIN of Hewelsfield, Gloucs.
1813 THOMAS DIBDIN of Hewelsfield, Gloucs.
1603 WILLIAM DIBDEN of Eling, Hants.
WILLIAM DIBDEN of Langley, Fawley, Hants.
WILLIAM DIBDEN of Bramshaw, Hants.

Proved 1472 Norwich
Ref. NCC, will register, Jekkys, 40 - Norwich Consistory Court Probate Records: Will Register 11 (Jekkys)
Source - Norfolk Record Office

Nicholas Depden
of St. John Maddermarket, Norwich

Proved 1518 Norwich
Ref. NCC, will register, Gylys 104 - Norwich Consistory Court Probate Records: Will Register 32 (Gylys)
Source - Norfolk Record Office

Robert Depden
of Fresynfeylde

GREGORY DEPDEN : WILL (not proven)
1540 Norwich
Ref. NCC, will register, Mingaye, 188 - Norwich Consistory Court Probate Records: Will Register 48 (Mingaye)
Source - Norfolk Record Office

Gregory Depden
of Brampton, Suffolk

Granted 1574 Norwich
Ref. NCC, Adminstration Act Book 1570-1579, fo.253 - Norwich Consistory Court Probate Records: Administration Act Books
Source - Norfolk Record Office

Robert Depden
of Northales, Suffolk

Will dated 30 Dec 1602
Inventory undated
Proved 1603 Winchester
Ref. 1603A/19 - Hampshire Wills pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

In the name of god amen the XXX day of December in the yeare of our Lord god 1602 I William Dibden of Winsor in the parryshe of Elinge in the dioses of Winton do ordayne and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following first I bequethe my soule to almighty god my creator and redemer and my body to the earthe to be buried in the churche yearde of Elinge I bequeth to the cathedrall churche iiijd and to the parrishe churche of Elinge xijd I bequethe to elizabethe truslow on cowe Item I give and bequeath to thomas dibden my brother on whit backed cowe bullock of twoe years of age and the umbage Item I give and bequeth to Richard Dibden my godsonne on steere bullock of on yeare olde Item I give and [bequeath to] thomas Rogers vs If he him selfe com for it Item I give and bequeth to James Dibden my brothers sonne my best gierken and brechet I do ordayne and [make] my wellbeloved in christ Robert Lambe and Henry Dale my overseers and I give to each of them iijs iiijd apece of all the rest of my goods unbequethed I doe make Thomas Truslow my full and sole executor

A true Inventory of all the goods and cattells of William Dibden of eling late deceassed

In Primisse In the hawle the table borde benches and formes & stoles.......vl
Item the stayned clothes......iiis iiijd
Item in the chamber on fether bede a fether boldster and on pillow on coverled and on payre of bankets......xxs
Item the brasse in the chamber......xvis
Item the pewter......xiiijs
Item on andirons on broche on trivet on g(rate?) on pot hangers......ijs iiijd
Item on picke furnisshed......vis vijd
Item the trene vessell......vis vijd
Item the old irons......vijs iiijd
Item twoe payr of sheetes and other linnene......vs
Item twoe cofers......xs id
Item his wearing aparrill......xxiijs

The cattell
Item foure kynne and vj bullocks......xl
Item on nagg......xxs
Item two hedges......vjs vijd
Item twoe bee stales......vjs vijd

Will dated 19 May 1614
Inventory dated 14 Jun 1614
Proved 1614 Winchester
Ref. 1603A/19 - Hampshire Wills pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

In the name of god amen on the xixth day of May in the year of our Lord god 1614 I Richard dibden of winsor in the parishe of Eling being Wecke in bodie but of good and perft memory thankes be to allmighti god Doe ordayne & make this my last will & testament in manner & forme folowing First I bequeth my soule to allmighty god my creatore & to Jesus christ my redeemere & my bodie to the earth when it shall please god to call me.
Imprimus I give to the parishe of Eling xijd
Item I give & bequeath to Christopher my sone my best ----- of parrik & ----- on tabell bord and all the benches silver & on silting tren on spade --- the biges brase pote
Item I give to John my sone all the rest of my aparrell except my best clocke
Item I give to John my sone one ------
Item I give to Mathew my sone one cow and two yerling bullocks & my will is that my sone christopher shall --- of them iij years after my deceased and to ------ then with ----
Item I give to my daught Elizabeth on cow & a flocke bede & on bras pote
Item I give to Jane my daughter two kine called by the manner of ----- & an gray mare & two pyges the best and the worst & on great brass bitell and two pottengeres
Item I give to John Dibdens sone richard dibden on pyge
Item I give to my daughters child alice dibell on bullock & on candellstick
Item I give to Christian my wiffe on -ose of ------- to ----- & for to take the hay all the rest of my goods unbequethed ----- & ----- I give to Christian my wiffe whom I make my executrix to see my debts paid and my will performed

Witnes here unto
Henry dall William
Whit & Thomas langhtfurd

A true Inventorie of all the goods & cattells of Richard dibden late of winser in the countie of Southt deceased viewed valued and praissed by henry dale william white and Roger warrine the xiiijth day of June 1614

In primis in the hale the tabell bords formes benches & cubords and all othere things in the halle......viijd
Item all his wearing aparrell......xxxiijs iiijs
Item all the pewter and brasse and candellstickes......xxxs
Item on broch on girdier on triebete on girde pote hanger & all othere --- ......iijs iiijd
Item in the outtermost chamber on fether beade & on flocke bead and all that doe be longe to them......xxxs
Item all the ferkines and toles and all othere old trene stufe......viijs
Item all the ----- potes & panes......ijs
Item two quoffers and Staine clost......vs
Item v kine and iij bullockes......xl
Item on sowe & vj sucking pigges and iiij sh--es......xxijs viijd
Item two wenting calfes......xiijs iiijd
Item two mares and a sucking colte......iijl xs
Item the haye in the barne......iijs iiijd
Item on paire of wollen wheles & a pote......iis
Item on ladder on harrow......iis
Item all his working toles acks bils picke and spade & all other things about the house......vs vid

Proved 1616 Norwich
Ref. NCC, will register, Sayer, 79 - Norwich Consistory Court Probate Records: Will Register 111 (Sayer)
Source - Norfolk Record Office

John Depden
, gentleman of Ipswich, Suffolk

Dated 2 Nov 1625
Proved 17 Nov 1625 Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Ref. PROB 11/147 - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; PCC & related Probate Jurisdictions, Will Registers - Clarke Register, Quire Nos: 103 - 147
Source - DocumentsOnline: Wills

Memorandum That the second daye of November Anno Dom 1625 And in the first yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles, by the grace of God kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the faithe &c. Robert Depden of St. Peeters Streete in the pish of St. Margarett neere to citty of Westminster in the county of Midd gent, beinge sicke in body but of cound and perfect minde & memory praise be given to Allmightie God Doe give and bequeath unto my lovinge and ------ friend Rebecca Boston of the streete parish and countie aforesaid widdowe All my bonds billes sureatties & other estate whatsoever And doe make her my sole executrix In testimony wherof wee have hereunto sett our hands the marke of Joane Hall, Edward Nicholls

Dated 13 April 1627
Proved 24 May 1627 Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Ref. PROB 11/51 - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; PCC & related Probate Jurisdictions, Will Registers - Skynner Register, Quire nos. 1-59
Source - DocumentsOnline: Wills

In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Debden of the parish of Backwell in the Countie of Somersett gent, and within the Diocese of Bath and Wells, being sicke in bodie, nevertheless of perfect memorie thankes be to god Doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following. First I bequeath my soule into the handes of Allmightie god my maker and Redeemer, And my bodie to be buried in Christian buriall in the parish church of Backwell. I tem I give to the Catherdrall Church of Wells, twelve pence. Item I give to the poore of the parish of Backwell, Five poundes to remaine forever and the interest thereof to be distributed yearelie at the discrecon of the Churchwardens of Backwell aforesaid. Item I give to the poore of the parish of Backwell Twentie shillinges to be distributed to them at the daie of my buriall, at the discrecon of the Vicar and Roger Willmott my neighboure Item I give to John James Twentie shillinges to be paid unto him as followeth Vidlt. Two shillinges and and six pernce yearelie untill the said sume of Twentie shillinges be fullie satisfied. Item I give to my wife Margarett Debden Fiftie pounds Item I give to my daughter Margarett Debden Two hundred poundes Item I give to my said daughter Margarett Debden her lief time in a Tenement in Downeside nowe in the possession of Robert Edson if she happen to outlive the terme of yeares that the said Robert Edson hath in the said tenement Item I give to Thomas Debden my sonne Fifty poundes Item my will is that if the said Thomas Debden my sonne shall not peaceablie and quietlie possesse one lease of lives called the Whittens the Moore Close the Furrlonge and the grove, called by the name of ould Walles according to my intent & meaning then I give to the said Thomas my sonne, One hundred and Fiftie poundes no more Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth two hundred poundes Item I give to my sonne John Debden two hundred poundes. All which said somes of money given to my before named children my will is shalbe paid to them within one yeare after my decease by my executrix and to be imployde by her to theire best proffitt and advantage Item I give to my sonne Richard Debden one great brasse Crocke Item I give to my daughter Margarett Debden a featherbed that is in the Parlor chamber, with thappurtenances (the Bedstead excepted) Item I give to my said daughter Margarett Debden, one brasse pann, the third beast, a Cowe which I bought of ould Barnes and a Brasse Crocke the third best Item I give to all my godchildren Twelve pence a peece Item all the rest of my goodes moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeath to Margarett Debden my wife whom I nominate and appointe to be my executrix of this my last will and testament Item I nominate Robert Parsons and John [?Bowles] to be my Overseers of this my last will and testament, and for their paines I give them Twentie shillinges a peece In wittnes that this is my last will and testament I have hereunto sett my hand nd seale the daie and yeare above written Thomas Debden Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Humffrey Jenkins Roger Willmotts marke

Not dated
Proved 30 Apr 1649 Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Ref. PROB 11/207 - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; PCC & related Probate Jurisdictions, Will Registers - Fairfax Register, Quire nos. 1-57
Source - DocumentsOnline: Wills

Heare Thomas Dibdan the Sone of Thomas Dibdan douth have intend to make manifest his will and intent for distributinge of his estate unto his freindes for the clearinge of all controversie that may or shall happen or fall out hereafter which to the better satisfaction of my selfe and them I will make the particulars known as follwoeth To my mother I will give Twenty poundes, and to my Syster Elizabeth Shortrig Five poundes that her husband shall have nothing to do with yt; to my Sister Margarett Watkins Five poundes her husband shall have nothing to doe with yt, To my kinswoman Frances Shortrig Twenty poundes her Father shall have nothing to doe with yt, but the Executor shall put yt forth for her best advantage returrninge the principall and use when shee doth come of age, to the poore Twenty shillings of St. James parish and my brother John Dibdan shall be whole Executor Thomas Dibdan Given by my hande in the presince of William Jennings and Elizabeth Grig be my wittnis

Dated 3 Jan 1649/50
Proved 11 Feb 1649/50 Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Ref. PROB 11/211 - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; PCC & related Probate Jurisdictions, Will Registers - Pembroke Register, Quire nos. 1-54
Source - DocumentsOnline: Wills

In The Name of God Amen the third day of January in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred fortie and nyne I Richard Debden of Backwell in the County of Somersert gent beinge weake in body, but of sound and perfect memory (thanks be to God) doe make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to saye) First and principally I doe comend my soule into the hands of Almightie God my Creator hopeinge through the merritts of Jesus Christ my Savioure and Redeemer to be made partaker of everlastinge life. And my bodie to be buried in Christian buriall neare unto my [...?...] Item I give unto the poore of the parish of Backwell twentie shillings Item I give unto Mary Debden my eldest daughter my eldest cowe that is nearest calvinge, my white tayled heyfer, and redd heyfer and three weneinge calves, and hay enough to keepe the said Cattle wch I have given her untill the third day of May next cominge Item I give to my said daughter Mary Debden my two acres and half of wheate now growinge in the lower furlonge of Fareleiges field in the east side of Two acres of Robert Tovyes. Item I give unto my said daughter Mary Debden my bigest brasse pann, my second best bedd, my second best boulster, my second best Coverlett and my second best paire of blanketts Item I give unto Thomas Debden my eldest sonne twenty shillings [insert, written in the right margin – Item I give unto Richard Debden my second sonne twenty shillings] Item I give unto John Debden my youngest sonne twentie shillings Item I give to my daughter Anne Debden twentie shillings Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth Debden twentie shillings Item I give to my Sister Margarett Watkins Fortie shillings Item I give unto my lovinge friend Thomas Perryn duringe his life, one full tenth parte of my tenth parte of all such [...?...] as shall [inserted – be] come due unto me out of all my lands in Downeside in the parish of Backwell aforesaid upon this hope and assurance that he will be aidinge and assistinge unto my sonne and heire in rakinge up the same for his use as hath formerly ben unto me The residue of all my goods and chattells not formerly bequeathed my debts [...?...] paid And my funerall charges defrayed I give and bequeath unto my said sonne John Debden whom I make my sole Executor of this my Will And I doe hereby intreate nominate and appoint the said Thomas Perryn and my [...?...] and freind Robert Tovey to be Overseers of this my Will to see the same performed And I doe give unto each of them for their care and paines therein to be taken three shillings fower pence a peece In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seale the day and year first above written. The marke of Richard Debden, Published signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Edward Bullock John Read after the interlyninge of the guift of Forty shillings to Margaret Watkins

Proved 1660 Norwich
Ref. NCC, will register, Tennant, 193 - Norwich Consistory Court Probate Records: Will Register 135 (Tennant)
Source - Norfolk Record Office

George Debden
, clerk of Garboldisham

Ref. DN/INV50B/126 - Norwich Diocesan Records: Probate Inventories exhibited in the year from 26th March 1663 together with some exhibited in the following year, 1664
Source - Norfolk Record Office

George Depden
, Garboldisham, Norfolk, clerk.

Will dated 9 Jun 1664
Inventory dated 6 Oct 1664
Proved 6 Apr 1665 Winchester
Ref. 1665P/13 - Hampshire Wills pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

In the name of God Amen I Bridgett Dibden, the relict of Robert Dibden of Twyford in the County of Southton Blacksmyth deceased being weake in body, but of good and perfect memory, blessed be God, do make and ordaine this my last will & testament First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Jesus christ my only Saviour and blessed redeemer . and my body to be interred by my husband in Twyford churchyard by mine Executrix. And as for my wordly estate, according as it was the desire of my deceased husband expressed by word of mouth to Roger Hockley, John Earle and John Todd that my son Thomas Dibden, my daughter Joan the wife of John Robinson of Tame in Oxfordshire Carpenter & my daughter Bridgett the wife of Richard Gile of the parish of Upham husbandman, should have twelve a piece as their childs portion yett remaining. And that my son Robert Dibden of Twyford Balcksmyth should have all his tools belonging to his trade of a Blacksmyth, and that my daughter Elizabeth should have the whole personall estate of goods or money to w(hic)h I should die possessed of. So it is my will also that the said desire and mind of my said husband shalbe fullfilled and performed And by this my last will and testament I hereby make and ordaine my daughter Elizabeth aforesaid my sole Executrix, wittnesse myne hand and seale this ninth day of June 1664.

Signed and Sealed in the presence of Bridgett Dibden (her mark)
John Jackson
John Earle
John Todd

Roger Hockley (his mark)

An Invatorie taken the 6th day of October 1664 of all the Goods and Chattells of Bridget Dibden the Widdow of Robert Dibden of Twyford Latly deceased as followeth

Imprimis in the hall one forme And table board....5s
It(em) one Chairtable....1s
It(em) in the Butterie 3 barrells....6d
& one Ciffor....5s
It(em) in the sinkehouse 3 scillets Ane iron pott & 1 brasse potte....12s
In the Larder 4 paires of pewter....2s 6d
In the Shoppe One Anvell 3 shedges one --- one paire of Bellows & the Bocke forme....£2
It(em)in the Chamber over the hall, Chest & 3 Coffers 2 beds 2 bolsters 1 pillow –ee....£2
It(em)her Linnen & her wearing Apparrell....£1
It(em) one paire of Andirons & one paire of Doggs....2s 6d
It(em) one Chaire & other old Lumber....2s
Sume is £6 9s 6d

Appraised by us
R Beare John Earle Rodger Hockley

Proved 1665 Winchester
Ref. 1665AD/032 - Hampshire Inventories pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

Robert Dibden, Jun.
of Twyford, ?Blacksmith

Proved 1666 Winchester
Ref. 1666AD/042 - Hampshire Inventories pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

Thomas Dibden
of Brockhurst, Alverstoke, Blacksmith

Proved 1666 Winchester
Ref. 1666P/12 - Hampshire Wills pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

Anne Debden
of Fawley, Widow

Dated 6 Jul 1669
Proved 17 Aug 1670 Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Ref. PROB 11/333 - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; PCC & related Probate Jurisdictions, Will Registers - Penn Register, Quire nos. 67-128
Source - DocumentsOnline: Wills

In the Name of God Amen The Sixth day of July in the One and Twentieth year of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland king Defender of the faith etc. and in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred Sixtie and Nine I John Debdin of Pensford within the parish of Publow in the County of Somersett gent being sicke in body but of sound and perfect minde and memory (thanks bee given to God) Calling to mind the frailty and uncertainty of this mortall life [inserted and written in the margin – not] knoweing the Day nor howr when it shall please God to call mee And being willing and minded to sett in order these goods and possessions which God in mercy hath lent mee whilst I have heere lived Doe make this my present Testament Conteyning herein my last Will in manner and forme following And first and principally I Comend my Soule into the hands of almightie God my Creator that gave it mee And for my Body I Comend it to the Earth to be buried in Christain like and Decent manner nothoing douting but at the glorious Resurrecon I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God through the only meritts Death and passion of Jesus Christ mine only Saviour and Redeemer And as touching such wordly estate where with it hath pleased God to bless mee in this life I give Devise bequeath and Dispose thereof in manner and forme following Imprimis my Will is that all those Debts and Duties which I owe in right or conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shalbe well and truly paid by my Executrix herein after named within Convenient tyme after my Decease Item I give and bequeath unto Joane my Wife for the Better Accomplishment of this my Will All those my Chattle Leases (purchysed from Alexander popham Esquire, William Cox and other the lands of Backwell) herein after named (That is to say) [...?...] and Lette Tenements now joyned [...?...] My Tenement at Belluton called Trigland my [...?...] Tenements at Backwell called Woddmeade And the Reverson of the Tenements now in the tenure of Katherine Palmer Widdowe Which said Tenements my Will is my Wife shall enjoy and receive the profitts thereof dureing the terme of Six years Toe Comence from and imeadiatly after my Decease And at the end and expiracon of the said Six yeares my Will is that my sonne John Debdin shall hold and enjoy the same Tenements during the [...?...] of the said Chattle Leases (Continually) That he pay [inserted – unto] my said Wife his Mother out of the Same Tenements during such tyme as she shall continue my Widdow the yearly Annuity of Twenty pounds per Annum of Lawfull english money And if in case shee shall marry then only Five pounds per Annum During her natural life. And further likewise that my said Sonne John Debdin doe and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid within the space of Two yeares next after hee shalbe possessed and Enter to the said Chattles unto his Brother Richard Debdin my Sonne the sume of Two hundred pounds of Lawfull money of england for and in lieu of his [...?...] Item I give and bequeath unto Sarah Debdin the sume of Two hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England to bee paid her by my Executrix herein after named within Two yeares next after my Decease if shee marry with the consent of my Executrix and Overseer herein after named Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Jane Dibdin the sume of One Hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England to her ymeadiatly after my Decease put but to Interest for her best Advantage by the approbacon of my Overseer whereby my said daughter Jane may receive the same with the Interest thereof when as shee shall accomplish her age of Eighteen yeares And moreover my will is that if in case my said Sonne John shall Die before hee enters unto the said Chattles or in case any of my other Children shal Die before their Legacice hereby given shall become Due Then my Will and mind is That such Legacies shall remaine unto my Executrix and the rest of my said Children as still bee then living Equally to be divided between them All the rest and residue of my goods Chattles Cattle and money I give and bequeath unto my said Wife Joane whom I make and ordaine my full whole and only Executrix of this my last Will and Testament utterly Revoaking and Disanulling All former Wills and Testaments heretofore made And I doe hereby nominate and appoint my loving freind and kinsman Roger Willowbee to be Overseer of this my Will desiring him to bee aiding and assisting unto my Executrix in the faithfull performance thereof In Witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the day and yeare first above written

Memorand That Notwithstanding any thing herein conteyned my mind and Will is That if my said Sonne John Debdin doe marry with any person without the Consent or Approbacon of my said wife That then my said Legacie to him before given shalbe utterly void and to remaine to my Children that shalbe then living. John Debdin Signed Sealed and published in the prescence of us Signed Dorothy Cox, Rich Chaloner

Proved 1675 Winchester
Ref. 1675AD/031 - Hampshire Inventories pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

William Dibden
of Langley, Fawley

Proved 1690 Winchester
Ref. 1690AD/049 - Hampshire Inventories pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

James Dibden
of Itchen Ferry, Southampton, ?Fisherman

Dated 25 Oct 1727
Proved 8 Mar 1728 Winchester
Ref. 1728P/054 - Hampshire Wills pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

John Dibden
of of Brockhurst, Alverstoke, Blacksmith

Granted 8 Nov 1733 Winchester
Ref. 1733AD/036 - Hampshire Administrations pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

On which day Administration of all and singular the goods rights and credits of Thomas Dibden late of Bramshaw in the county of Southampton and Diocese of Winton deceased was granted to Thomas Dibden naturall and legitimate sone of the said deceased and swore that all the Goods did not extend to Twenty Pounds as he verily believes.

Dated 20 Oct 1756
Proved 29 Nov 1762 Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Ref. PROB 11/881 - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; PCC & related Probate Jurisdictions, Will Registers - St. Eloi Register, Quire nos. 444-490
Source - DocumentsOnline: Wills

In the Name of God Amen I John Dubdon belonging to his Majestys Ship Northumberland the Right honourable Lord Colvill Commander being in Bodily health and of sound and disposing Mind and Memory and considering the perils and dangers of the Seas and other Uncertainties of this transistory life (do for avoiding controversies after my decease make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say) First I recommend my Soul to God that gave it and my body I commit to the Earth or Sea as it shall please God to order and as for and concerning all my Worldly Estate I give bequeath and dispose thereof as followeth that is to say All and Singular such Wages Sum and Sums of Money Lands Tenements Goods Chattels and Estate whatsoever as shall be any ways due or owing or belonging unto me at the time of my decease I do give devise and bequeath the same unto my Son in Law Robert Johnson living at Dunsell near Newcastle upon Tyne in the County of Durham and I do hereby nominate and appoint the said Robt. Johnson to be the whole and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former and other Wills Testaments and deeds of Gift by me at any time heretofore made And I do ordain and Ratify these presents to stand and be for and as my only last Will and Testament In Witness whereof to this my said Will I have set my hand and Seal the twentyeth Day of October in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and fifty Six and in the Thirtyeth Year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the Second over Great Britain etc. Jno. Dubdon signed Sealed published and declared in the presence of Colville Willakes, Jas Millbriath

This Will was proved at London before the Right Worshipfull Sir Edward Simpson knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted on the Twenty ninth day of November in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and Sixty two by the Oath of Robert Johnson the sole Executor named in the said Will To whom Administration of all and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased was granted he having been first sworn by commission duly to Administer

Dated May 15 1775
Proved 1775 Winchester
Ref. 1775A/022 - Hampshire Wills pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

In the Name of God Amen I Martha Dibdon of Lymington in the County of Southampton Spinster do make this my last Will and Testament in Manner following (that is to say) first I will that my Debts and Funeral Expenses shall be paid and satisfied. I give and bequeath unto my Brothers Richard Dibdon and Nicholas Dibdon and to each of them the sum of five Pounds a piece of lawful Money of Great Britain and unto my Sister in Law Sarah Dibdon the Sum of five Pounds of like lawful Money. And I give and bequeath unto the six Children of my Brother in Law Joseph Lawrence of Cowes in the Isle of Wight and to each and every of them the sum of five pounds apiece of like lawful Money And I will that the said several Legacies or Sums of Money above mentioned shall be paid by my Executrix herein after named at the end of six Months next after my Death And I give and bequeath all the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Goods Chattles Effects and Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever unto my Niece Penelope the wife of William Thring And I do revoke all former and other Wills by me made and do make and appoint my said niece Penelope Thring full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament And I desire to be buried in the Parish Church of Milford In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this fifteenth Day of January in the Year of our Lord 1775.

(her mark)Martha Dibdon

Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Martha Dibdon as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses in her presence and in the presence of each other
Edwd Hicks Junr.
C Budden

Dated 29 Apr 1780
Proved 1781 Salisbury (Dean and Chapter of Sarum)
Source - Wiltshire & Swindon Record Office

This is the will of John Dibden of the parish of Bramshaw and County of Wilts. I give my son Joseph Dibden Diment I give to my daughter Sarah Dibden the black nagg colt I give to my daughter Hannah Dibden the oldest dun mare I give to my son Moses Dibden the youngest dunn mare I give to my son James Dibden the dunn nagg I give to my son William Dibden the colts that I gave him before I give to my son Thomas Dibden the brown mare I give to my daughter Anne the diment colt I give to my son David Dibden the sum of thirty shillings to buy him one I give to my son John Dibden the sum of one shilling to be paid one year after my decease. All the rest residue and remainder of my estate houshold goods stock of cattle of all kinds, implyments of husbandry of all kinds, sum and sums of money and all and every other thing and things of any kind whatsoever I die possessed of, I give to my beloved wife Catherine Dibden to do her will and pleasure. Therewith, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand.

The mark of John Dibden

Witnesses - Benjamin ?
Mark of John Plowley
Witness my hand David Nolten
Mark of Rebecca Nolten
Mark of Elizabeth Plowley

Dated 10 Oct 1780
Proved 27 Jan 1781 London Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Ref. PROB 11/1073 - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; PCC & related Probate Jurisdictions, Will Registers - Webster Register, Quire nos 1-47
Source - DocumentsOnline: Wills

This tenth day of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty in Middleburgh In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Dibdin Widow of the late Thos Dibdin who died at the Cape of Good hope when I was in the Ship Huys Om I made a kind of Will or rather two Wills one to my Aunt Mrs Clementia Frognal and Mr. William Compton my brother at which time I wrote another Will desiring Capt. Undernous to take care of my child if I died in his Ship But as I was so happy as to arrive safe at Middleburgh all obligations to Capt Undernous cease as I have fully paid him all my obligations In respect to the black woman Flora I have no obligations due to her at all as she would not come with me to England but left me in a state of distress notwithstanding which Treatment I paid her the full demand she had on me and so in Gods Grayce let her go in peace In respect of my daughter in Law Sophia Dibdin I give and bequeath her half the sum my Uncle left me which was five hundred pounds in Stock and three hundred Pounds in Money so that what becomes due to her is four hundred Pounds as to the sum which devolves to me at my Aunt Clementia Frognals decease which is the third part of seven thousand Pounds my daughter in law has nothing to do with it as I give and bequeath the whole aforesaid sum to my son Thomas Frognall Dibdin The aforesaid Mr. Dibdins affairs in India being left in a very confused State but happily in the hands of a very good Friend Capt Math Barow who is Mr. Dibdins Attourney and will I dare say do every assistance in his power therefore it is not impossible that when all the Debts are paid in India there may remain some Money which if it should happen so I give and bequeath all that may be remitted nowe to my son Thomas Frognall Dibdin and Sophia Dibdin and at my Aunt Frognalls decease I beg and request that my brother Wm Compton will be Guardian to these two helpless orphans and in case of my Sons Decease before he becomes of age the Money left by my Uncle Thos Frognall I give and bequeath to be divided equally between my sister Sarah Compton and my brother William Compton all those little trifling legacies mentioned in the two foresaid Wills may stand good and fulfilled and as I did a great deal of work in the Ship Huys Om for my amusement and made a great number of Needle Books I request that my dear Aunt would keep one for my sake and give one to her niece Eliz: Boon and to my sister Sarah Compton one to my Daughter in Law Sophia Dibdin one to my mother in law and one to my sister in law Compton and all my wearing apparel Goods ready Money which may be in my possession at the time of my Decease I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Frognal Dibdin aforesaid. Elizabeth Dibdin Witnesses Saml Wilcocke, Danl Smith

One Circumstance which did not occur till this Minute but very necessary to be known is that I Elizabeth Dibdin am left whole and sole Executrix to all that Mr. Thomas Dibdin my late Husband died possessed of as Mr. Dibdin has a Will properly attested and signed which gives Mrs. Dibdin an undoubted right to all that Mr. Thomas Dibdin died possessed of and in case any accident should happen to my son Thomas Frognall Dibdin by death in Middleburgh in Zeeland what I intend for him I give and bequeath to be equally divided between my Father my Aunt my Brother William Compton and my daughter in law Sophia Dibdin I Elizabeth Dibdin have likewise by me a Marriage Settlement of twenty thousand Rupees which I have never received one farthing of or laid any claim on the Creditors when my husband died I have likewise a Licence by me of my Marriage and it is the first that ever was given I mention all these circumstances to prevent confusion after my decease I Should like to have a modest Tomb Stone upon my Grave with a few Lines to be purport of an unfortunate traveller is through mercy in the arms of redeeming Love & my age was thirty six years the 30th June last and now to that God who has been so gracious to me in so many troubles I commit my Soul and body in sure and certain hope of a glorious Ressurection and happiness to all Eternity as I would wish to die in charity with all Mankind I give and bequeath to my brother Capt Thomas Compton Mr. Dibdin’s silver hilted Sword to wear to his sister who was sure so dear to him I give and bequeath to my Aunt Mrs Clementia Frognall my large Bible full of Scripture pieces for her life and all my little poems. Elizabeth Dibdin Witnesses Saml Wilcocke, Danl Smith

On the twenty seventh day of January in the Year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and eighty one administration with the Will and Codicil annexed of all and singular the Goods Chattells and Credits of Elizabeth Dibdin heretofore Compton formerly of the Parish of St. Mary Stoke Newington in the County of Middlesex but late of Middleburgh in Zealand a widow deceased was granted to William Compton the Uncle and Curator or Guardian lawfully assigned to Thomas Frognall Dibdin an Infant the natural and lawful Son and only Child of the said deceased for the Use and Benefit of the said Infant and until he shall attain his age of twenty one Years having been first sworn duly to administer

Dated 24 Mar 1791
Proved 11 Apr 1792 Chester (Infra Wills)
Source - Lancashire Record Office

In The Name of God Amen I George Dibdin of Liverpool Mariner now bound to Africa in the Ship Gascoyne Capt. Hughes Comder being of Sound and disposing Mind and Memory do hereby make this my last Will and Testament. First and Principally I commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God hoping for Remission of all my Sins through the Merits of JESUS CHRIST my blessed Saviour and Redeemer and my Body to the Earth or Sea as it shall please God. And as for such Worldly Estate and Effects which I shall be possessed of or intitled unto at the Time of my Decease I give and bequeath the same as followeth that is to say, I Give and bequeath the same unto my beloved Friend William Falk of Liverpool Victualler all such Wages Sum and Sums of Money as now is or hereafter shall be due to me for my Service or otherwise on Board the said Ship or any other Ship or Vessel. And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the aforesaid William Falk of Liverpool Victualler Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. And I do give and bequeath unto my said Executor all the Rest and Residue of my Estate whatsoever both Real and Personal hereby revoking and making Void all other and former Wills by me heretofore made And I do declare this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this Twenty Fourth Day of March in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Ninety One and in the Thirty First Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc.

Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said George Dibdin as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses in the Presence of the said Testator

George Dibdin his mark
Thomas Billison
Alexander Johnson his mark

1792 11 Apr William Falk within named was Sworn Executor in common form Before me John Shirvill Surrogate
Effects under Twenty pounds

Dated 19 Apr 1777
Proved 15 Feb 1796 Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Ref. PROB 11/1271 - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; PCC & related Probate Jurisdictions, Will Registers – Harris Register, Quire nos 49-97
Source - DocumentsOnline: Wills

In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Dibdin Commander of the Snow Expedition being perfectly in health both in body and mind and of sound disposition for divers good causes have this day made my last [Will] and Testament in form and manner as follows (that is to say) I recomend my Soul to God the all wise Creator of the Universe who gave it me and my body to be disposed of as is most convenient after my decease I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved Wife Elizabeth Dibdin every thing I die possest of in this world both real and personal And also I appoint her the said Elizabeth Dibdin my true and lawful Wife to be Sole Executrix to this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have set my Hand in the Harbour of Juddah this nineteenth day of April 1777 Thomas Dibdin Signed in the presence of Robt. Rutherford – G: Romaine – Tho. Smith McLeod

On the fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety six Administration (with the Will annexed) of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of Thomas Dibdin formerly Commander of the Mercht. Ship Expedition at Calcutta but at the Cape of Good Hope deceased was granted to William Compton the Adminstrator (with the Will annexed) of the Goods of Elizabeth Dibdin Widow and Universal Legatee named in the said Will (who survived the Testator but who died without having taken upon her the execution thereof) having been first sworn duly to Administer for the use and benefit of Thomas Frognall Dibdin a Minor and until he shall attain the age of twenty one years

PHILIP DIBDEN : ADMINISTRATION (entry in Death Duty Register)
Dated 26 Jan 1804
Proved Bristol
Ref. IR 26/294 - Records of the Boards of Stamps, Taxes, Excise, Stamps and Taxes, and Inland Revenue / Board of Inland Revenue and predecessors: Estate Duty Office and predecessors: Registers of Legacy Duty, Succession Duty and Estate Duty / BRISTOL: Episcopal Consistory
Source: DocumentsOnline: Death Duty Registers 1796-1811

Date of Administration & Sum sworn to: 26 Jan 1804; under £300
Name & Description of Intestate: Philip Dibden, late of the city of Bristol, Victualler
Name & Place of Abode with Degree of Kindred of the Administrator or Administratrix: Ann Dibden, of the same City, his Widow

Proved 1813 Gloucester
Ref. 1813/195 & 1819/205 - Gloucestershire Wills Index 1541-1858
Source - Gloucestershire Record Office

Ref. 1813/195
On the Oath of Margaret Worgan, wife of Henry Worgan and the sister of Thomas Dibdin of Hewelsfield, Gloucestershire. Bond annexed & executed by Henry Worgan together with two good and sufficient surreties before the last day of November. 4 Nov 1813.
Oath of Margaret Worgan. One of the sisters and next of kin of Thomas Dibdin of Hewelsfield of Hewelsfield, Gloucestershire, Waterman. Goods not exceeding £100. Margaret Worgan duly Sworn. 9 Nov 1813.

Ref. 1813/205 27 Nov 1813. On which day appeared personally Hannah Davis wife of Thomas Davis and alledged that Thomas Dibdin late of the Parish of Hewelsfield, in the diocese of Gloucester, Waterman, lately died intestate, and that she the said Hannah Davis was and is one of the sisters and next of kin of the said Thomas Dibdin deceased wherefore she prayed that administration of all and singular the goods Chattles Rights and Credits of the said deceased might be granted and committed to her upon giving such gtood and sufficient security as in this behalf is required and so forth.

Will dated 24 Nov 1798
Codicil dated 16 Jun 1808
Proved 21 Oct 1814 Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Ref. PROB 11/1561 - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; PCC & related Probate Jurisdictions, Will Registers - Bridport Register, Quire nos 543-591
Source - DocumentsOnline: Wills

In the Name of God Amen I Charles Dibdin of Leicester Place, Leicester Square in the Parish of St. Ann Soho Music Seller being of sound and disposing mind & memory & understanding do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say I do order and direct that all my just debts Funeral Expenses and the charge of proving this my Will be fully paid and discharged by my Executrix hereinafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my decease and after persuient thereof and subject thereto I give devise and bequeath all my Estate and Effects both real and personal of what nature or kind soever or wheresoever unto my true and lawful Wife Ann Dibdin To have and to hold the same unto the said Ann Dibdin her Heirs Ex(ecut)ors Admin(istrator)s & Assignes forever and I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said Ann Dibdin Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and hereby revoking and making void all and every other Will or Wills by me at any time heretofore made do declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Charles Dibdin have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight. C. Dibdin
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Charles Dibdin as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other and at his request have subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto John Nelson, Henry Harcourt Draper, Joseph Mills

Declaration of Charles Dibdin of Cranford in the County of Middlesex relative to his Will made on the twenty fourth of November in the year of our Lord 1798 and now in the possession of his Wife Ann Dibdin Whereas I made a Will bearing date as above which was witnessed by three persons of the Names of John Nelson Henry Harcourt Draper and Joseph Mills and in which I devised every thing I might die possessed of to my dear Wife Ann Dibdin as my Sole Executrix and as the above mentioned Witnesses are men who having had merely occupations in my family are now dispersed and may not be to be found at the time of my decease I think it material to make this declaration which which I desire may be annexed to the above mentioned Will as a full and unequivocal confirmation of what were my sentiments then which I have never since for one single moment repented and also to explain a Circumstance relative to my daughter Ann Dibdin now residing with her Mother and me which though it is implied in leaving her and her fortune to the disposal and direction of her Mother who has the tenderest affection for her is not expressed in words in the Will itself Be it known and understood that this is written as well to confirm and coroborate every thing in that Will as to explain that if by any adverse chance my said Wife Ann Dibdin should die without making a Will which I know and am convinced would otherwise be exculsively in favor of my daughter Ann Dibdin then and in that case my said daughter Ann Dibdin is to be considered to be in the place of her Mother to be my Sole Executrix and to possess all I leave behind me Be it further known that I have written this declaration upon due reflection and consideration from a perfect conviction of its propriety and I am at this present minute in possession of as sound health both of body and mind as I have enjoyed for many years Witness my hand C. Dibdin dated on the sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight and signed in the presence of Benjemin Smith No.21 Budd Place West New Road Ralph (?Batho) living with Mr. Dibdin No.25 Strand

Proved at London with a Codicil 21st October 1814 before the Worshipful Samuel Pearce Parson Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of Ann Dibdin Widow the Relict and sole Executrix to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn duly to Adm(iniste)r.

Dated 22 Oct 1812
Proved 1 Nov 1814 Salisbury (Dean and Chapter of Sarum)
Source - Wiltshire & Swindon Record Office

This is the last Will and Testament of me Catherine Dibden of Bramshaw in the county of Wilts widow. First I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid and discharged by my executor hereinafter named. I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Dibden my leasehold cottage garden and land now occupied by him situate at Bramshaw aforsaid To hold to him his executors and administrators for all my term and interest therin. Also I give to my son Moses Dibden the purrock of land now occupied by him adjoining the messuage and orchard now in my own occupation situate at Bramshaw aforesaid, to hold to him his executors and administrators for all my term and estate therein. Also I give unto George Dibden, Benjamin Dibden, and William Dibden, children of my son Joseph Dibden deceased, all that my leasehold cottage garden and appurtenances thereto belonging situate at Bramshaw aforesaid equally to be held between them during my Estate therein. And it is my Will and I do hereby direct and particularly request that neither of them shall sell or dispose of their any or either of their third parts therein during their respective lives or mortgage or otherwise charge or incumber the same by any means whatsoever. Also I give to my sons John, David, Thomas, James and Moses the sum of Seven Pounds each. Also I give to my daughters Sarah Ashley, Hannah Effemay and Ann Prince the sum of Seven Pounds each. Also I give to my Grandson William Dibden the sum of One Guinea. All of which Legacies I direct shall be paid by my Executor in twelve months after my death. And all the rest residue and remainder of my messuages, lands and tenements, stock in husbandry, cattle, household goods and furniture, money, debts and effects whatsoever to my son William Dibden, his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, subject to the payment of my debts, funeral expenses and the Legacies hereintobefore by me given. And I hereby name and appoint my said son William Dibden Sole Executor of this my Will and I revoke all former Wills by me made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the twenty second day of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twelve.

The mark of Catherine Dibden
Witnessed by Lucy Fleet, Thos Warnes.

Wm. Dibden has a cottage and land held under Lord Henry Powlet for two lives - value £104?
Bramshaw 31st October 1814 Jno. Alexander

At Sarum on the 1 November 1814 Wm. Dibden of Bramshaw, the lawful son of the said deceased and the sole executor above named was duly sworn before me - R. Morres.

Source - London Gazette
Issue No. 18587 : Dated 23 June 1829

Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William, in Bengal.

A true and perfect Schedule of all Estates, the Administration of which was committed to the Registrar of this Court, under the Act of Thirty-ninth and Fortieth of George the Third, and of which the Net Balances remaining on the Administrator’s Account have been paid over to those who appeared entitled to the same since the last Report on the 1st day of March 1828.

Amount of Estate in Company’s Paper
Amount of Estate in Cash
Amount paid over in Cash and Company’s Paper
To Whom Paid
LIEUT. F. DIBDIN, late of the 3d. Reg. of Light Cavalry, deceased.
7000 Sa.Rs.
418 Sa.Rs. 13A. 11P.
7418 Sa.Rs. 13A. 11P.
Paid over to Nathaniel Alexander, Esq. one of the constituted attorneys of T.F. Dibdin, the lawful father of the late Lieutenant F. Dibdin, and administrator, de bonis non, to the estate of the said deceased.

Dated 1 Jul 1820
Proved 27 Jul 1830 Salisbury (Dean and Chapter of Sarum)
Source - Wiltshire & Swindon Record Office

I William Dibden of Bramshaw in the County of Wilts, husbandman, do make and publish this to be my last Will and Testament in writing in manner following, that is to say I will and direct that my first debts and funeral expenses be paid and discharged. I give to John Dibden, Sarah Ashley widow, David Dibden, Hannah Effamy, Anna Prince, Moses Dibden, Thomas Dibden and James Dibden, my brothers and sisters, the sum of five shillings each. And the rest, residue and remainder of my monies and securites for money, households and furniture, leasehold estate, chattles, debts and effects which I shall die possessed of, I give and beqeath to my beloved wife Sarah Dibden, her executors and administrators. And I hereby name and appoint my said wife Executrix of this my last will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the first day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty.

The mark of William Dibden

Witnessed - Thos. Warnes, Catherine Lowe

At Sarum on the 27 day of July 1830 Sarah Dibden widow, relict of the said deceased and the sole Executrix above named was duly sworn before me - Edmund Benson. Effects under £200.

Granted 15 May 1834 Gloucester
Ref. 1834/97 - Gloucestershire Wills Index 1541-1858
Source - Gloucestershire Record Office

Warren Dibden of Hewelsfield, Gloucs, Yeoman; Philip Dibden of the same place, Mariner; John Marett of Berkley, Mariner; Thomas Taylor, Gloucester, Sail-maker; bound in the sum of £40, 15 May 1834. Warren Dibden and Philip Dibden bound to administer the estate of John Dibden of Hewelsfield, Mariner.
Signed by all of the above.
Administration granted to Warren Dibden and Philip Dibden 15 May 1834. Widow dead. Warren Dibden and Philip Dibden, sons of the deceased. Testate died 8 Jan 1819; widow died 15 Mar 1834. Effects under £20.

Dated 7 Jul 1834
Proved 30 Apr 1836 Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Ref. PROB 11/1860 - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; PCC & related Probate Jurisdictions, Will Registers - Stowell Register, Quire nos 201-250
Source - DocumentsOnline: Wills

I Ann Dibdin of Stewarts Grove, Queens Elms, Middlesex Widow do make and declare this my last Will in manner following that is to say I give devise and bequeath all my Estate Property and effects whatsoever unto my dear Daughter Ann Dacre with whom I am residing her Heirs Executors administrators and assigns absolutely to and for her own use and benefit and I appoint her my sole Executrix But should my said daughter unfortunately die in my life time then I give devise and bequeath all my Estate and Effects whatsoever unto her daughter my dear Granddaughter Cecilia Ann Frances Dacre who now lives with her Mother And I appoint in that event my said Granddaughter my Executrix In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty four Ann Dibdin signed sealed published and declared by the said Testatrix Ann Dibdin as and for her last Will in our presence as witnesses – Thos Cleaver 34 Queen St, Brompton, Henry J. Chinnock 12 Michaels Place Brompton, William Knight Sussex St. Chelsea

Proved at London 30 Apr 1836 before the Worshipful William Calverley Curters Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of Anne (in the will written Ann) Dacre Widow the daughter the Sole Executrix to whom Administration was granted having been first sworn duly to administer

Proved 1838 Gloucester
Ref. 1838/46 - Gloucestershire Wills Index 1541-1858
Source - Gloucestershire Record Office

Mary Dibden
of Hewelsfield/Brockweir

Granted 3 Apr 1844 Winchester
Ref. 1844 AD/30 - Hampshire Administrations pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

The Third day of April One Thousand eight hundred and forty-four
On which day all and singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of Joseph Dibden late of Eling in the County of Southampton Yeoman deceased Intestate was granted and committed to William Dibden Turnpike Gate Keeper the only Brother and next of kin of the said deceased was duly sworn well and truly to administer etc And he further made oath that the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the said Joseph Dibden deceased did not at his decease amount in value to the Sum of One hundred and seventy Pounds as he verily believes

Before me William J G Phillips Surrogate

Deceased died on the 17th day of March 1844

Dated 26 Aug 1835
Proved 24 Apr 1845 Winchester
Ref. 1845B/024 - Hampshire Wills pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

This is the Last Will and Testament of me Richard Dibden of Ashurst Bridge in the Parish of Eling and County of Southampton Yeoman as follows (that is to say) First I direct that all my just Debts funeral Expences and the Expences of proving this my Will be first paid and discharged. Then I give and devise unto my beloved Wife Sarah Dibden the dwelling House Garden land and premises wherein I now reside and also a small Cottage & the land thereunto belonging situate all at Ashurst Bridge aforesaid And all other my personal property that I may [be] Possess’d of or intitled such at the time of my Decease to hold to her my said Wife Sarah Dibden for and during all the rest residue and remainder of any Term of Interest therein and by her to be disposed of either by Will or otherwise as she shall think proper and I appoint my said Wife Sarah Dibden sole Executrix of this my Will and do declare this to be my last Will and Testament hereby revoking any Will by me made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this Twenty Sixth day of August in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty five.

Signed Sealed Published and declared by the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who in his presence, at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto.

Felix Lovell
Charles Hinbest
James Luke

Richard Dibden (his mark)

The Twenty Fourth day of April 1845
On which day Administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the within named Richard Dibden with the within will annexed was granted and commuted to Thomas Dibden of the parish of Eling in the County of Southampton Husbandman, son of the within named Richard Dibden and Sarah Dibden now deceased and he was duly sworn to administer the Gods and Chattles of the said Richard Dibden deceased according to Law and the said Thomas Dibden at the same time made oath that the whole of the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said Richard Dibden deceased do not amount in value to the sum of one hundred pounds to the best of his belief.

before me Charles Hickton Surrogate

BOND to administer - Thomas Dibden of Eling, Southampton, Husbandman; George Beight Footner, Romsey, Gent & John Medley, Romsey, Gent. 24 Apr 1845.

Dated 7 Dec 1844
Proved 24 Apr 1845 Winchester
Ref. 1845A/029 - Hampshire Wills pre-1858
Source - Hampshire Record Office

This is the last Will and Testament of me Sarah Dibden of Ashhurst Bridge in the parish of Eling in the County of Southampton Widow I give and bequeath All my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever unto my dear son Thomas Dibden his Executors Administrators and Assigns absolutely subject to the payment of my debts and funeral expenses And I appoint my said son sole Executor of this my Will In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand this seventh day of December in the year eight hundred and forty four

Sarah Dibden (her mark)

Signed and declared by the above Testatrix as and for her last Will in the presence of us who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our Names as witnesses

George Hill Sutton
Gen ?Brylot ?Fortune Ramsey

The 24th Day of April 1845
On which day Thomas Dibden the Executor named in the assigning Will of Sarah Dibden deceased was duly sworn this ------ ----- ---- he at the same time made oath that the whole of the Goods Chattels and Credits of which the deceased died possessed were under the value of one hundred pounds to the last of his belief

before me Charles Hickton Surrogate

Dated 23 Sep 1848
Proved 23 Oct 1849 Salisbury (Dean & Chapter of Salisbury)
Ref. P24/1395 - Wiltshire Wills Index 1540-1858
Source - Wiltshire & Swindon Archives Catalogue

I John Dibden Painter of the Parish of Plaitford in the County of Wilts Widower do this twenty third day of September one thousand eight hundred and forty eight make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, I give devise and bequeath unto my respected friend Mr. James Noble of the Parish of Landford in the county of Wilts Yeoman whom I appoint sole executor of this my Will and Guardian of my child all my property of what nature or kind soever that I may die possessed upon trust until my son attains the age of twenty one years, with full power to my executor to let my Cottages and receive the rents and apply such part as he may find sufficient for the maintenance and education of my child during minority, I give devise and bequeath unto my son John Thomas Painter (caled Dibden) all my Freehold House with appertunances to his Heirs Executors administrators and assigns for his and their own absolute use and benefit should he attain the age of twenty one years situate lying and being at Cadnam in the parish of Eling in the County of Southampton and in the occupation of Joseph Newman, also I give and bequeath unto my Son on his attaining the age of twenty one years all my leasehold House and appertunances situate lying and being at Furzley in the Parish of Bramshaw in the County of Wilts, and so to all the rest residue and remainder of my effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature and kind soever not herein disposed of I appoint my executor to convert into money as soon as he may see proper to the best advantage of my Son and after payment of all my Debts Funeral and testamentary expenses to invest the proceeds of remainder in some saving bank or other security for my son’s absolute use and benefit, but if my Son should die before he attains the age of 21 years I direct my executor to convert the whole of my estates into money and give it equally between all my Brothers and Sisters, but if either of my Brothers or Sisters should be dead and have no issue their share to be divided equally between my surviving Brothers & Sisters, but if either my Brothers or Sisters should be dead their issues to receive their parents share, I further direct my executor to keep the cottages in tenantable repairs and if one of the lives should drop in the leasehold property to constitute my Sons Life in its place if my executor in his discretion should think fit the money to be paid out of this [ ---- ] fore named funds, and I invest my Executor with full power to apply my part of the Principal for advantageously placing out in life my son if my executor in his discretion shall think fit, I do hereby declare that my said executor or administrator shall not be answerable for any loss which may happen to the trust premises unless the same shall happen by or though his willful neglect, nor for any loss which may happen from depositing any of the monies which may come to him under and by virtue of this my will, and hereby revoking and making void all former wills and testaments by me at any time made I do declare this to be my only last will and testament in witness whereof I the Said John Dibden Painter the testator have to this my last will and testament set my hand the day and year first above written

The mark of John Dibden Painter

Signed by the above named John Dibden Painter in the presence of us the undersigned, present at the same time, who have hereto set our names as witnesses whereto, in the Presence of the said John Dibden Painter, and of each other

John Tutt
Louis Hutchings
James Noble

At Sarum the 23rd day of October 1849 James Noble the sole Executor within named was duly sworn before me GL Benson LLB } Surrogate

Sub £200
Testator died 2nd April 1849

Dated 4 Jul 1849
Proved 6 Feb 1850 Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Ref. PROB 11/2107 - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; PCC & related Probate Jurisdictions, Will Registers - Volume 2 Quire nos 101-150
Source - DocumentsOnline: Wills

This is the last Will and Testament of me Jane Dibden now in the service of Charles George Webber of No5 Upper Woburn Place St. Pancras Middlesex (?Oporto) Merchant I revoke all former and other Wills Codicils and Testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me After payment of my debts funeral and testamentary expenses I give and bequeath unto Louisa Webber wife of the said Charles George Webber my silver Teapot silver Milk Pot and Two silver spoons or shells also the gold broach which she gave me with the hair of her dear child now deceased I give to Joseph Moore of No10 Saville Row Burlington Street Bow Street Doctor in Medicine the Medical Attendant of the said Charles George Webber to Edward Downes of Hyde Park Square and (?Furnivals) Inn London Solicitor and to Fanny (?Grove) of No5 Adelaide Street Charing Cross London Spinster the sum of Five guineas each and I give to Robert Carden of the Stock Exchange London the sum of Three guinease for the purchase of a ring or any article of Jewellery or Plate for his own use I give to Jane Gaston the wife of Thomas Francis Gaston of the Bank of England and of Camberwell Surrey the sum of Five guineas for her sole and separate use and benefit independant of the debts or control of any husband and I declare that the receipt alone shall be the only proper discharge to my Executor or Executrix for the same and in case of her death before me then I give the said five guineas to her husband the said Thomas Francis Gaston I give to Eliza Gaston the daughter of the said Thomas Francis Gaston my silver Tea Caddy and also unto her and her sisters Louisa Gaston and Emily Gaston the sum of Two guineas each for their sole and separate use and benefit respectively and their sole and respective receipts for the same to my Executor or Executrix to be the only proper discharge for the same I give to Jemima Inglis of Torbay Devonshire Widow of Captain Inglis the sum of Three guineas I give to Rebecca Fry of Richmond Hill Brighton Sussex the sum of Three guineas also my six silver teaspons as and for her sole and separate use and benefit and the receipt alone to be sufficient discharge to my Executor or Executrix for the same And in case of her death before me I give the said Three guineas to her husband John Fry of Richmond Hill aforesaid I give the sum of Six guineas to be equally divided between the servants of the said Charles George Webber who shall be in his service at the time of my decease and in case there shall be more than three then to each three who shall have resided the longest with him I give Three guineas to Ann Wood now living as cook in the service of Mr. Leach of Brighton Sussex and which said Ann Wood was formerly with me in the service of Mr. Carden No21 Bedford Square London I give Two guineas to Lucy Jones Widow the Mother of Lucy Jones now living as aforesaid in the service of the said Charles George Webber All the rest and remainder of my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever I give to the said Charles George Webber for his own use and benefit and in case of his death before me I give and bequeath the same to the said Louisa Webber her executors administrators and assigns for her and their own sole use and benefit I appoint the said Charles George Webber Sole Executor of this my Will and in case of his death before me then I appoint the said Louisa Webber my Executrix thereof In witness whereof I the said Jane Dibden have to this my Will set my hand or mark this fouth day of July one thousand eight hundred and forty nine - the mark of Jane Dibden - signed and acknowledged by the said Jane Dibden as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence and in the presence of each other (present at the same time) have hereunto set our names as witnesses the day and year above written the said Jane Dibden having signed by mark being unable to write her name by reason of paralysis - Rupert Rains 13 Fish St Hill London Solicitor - John Heal 24 Woburn Place Rusell Square Surgeon

Proved at London the 6th Feby 1850 before The Worshipful Frederic Thomas Pratt Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Charles George Webber the sole Executor to whom admon was granted having first been sworn duly to administer

Dated 17 Feb 1829
Proved 15 May 1856 Salisbury (Dean and Chapter of Sarum)
Source - Wiltshire & Swindon Record Office

This is the Will referred to in the annexed affadavit of Moses Dibden and Edmund Dibden sworn before me the 15th day of May 1856 - G.L.Benson LLB surrogate
At Sarum on the 15th day of May 1856 Moses Dibden and Edmund Dibden were duly sworn before me G.L.Benson LLB surrogate
Effects sworn under £200
Testator died 12th May 1849

In the name of god Amen I Moses Dibdin for the satisfaction of my mind, for affection to my lawful wife Betty Dibdin & that after my decease she may be possessed of all sufficient necessary support, being at this time of sound health in Body, & of sound, sane & disposing mind do thereby bequeath or devise to the said Betty Dibden my lawful wife all those my lands in the Parish of Bramshaw held on lease from the Right Honorable Lord Henry Powlet to be held and possessed by her for her own sole use as she shall see & think fit, during the times of her natural life, & with these lands I do devise or bequeath to Betty Dibdin my said lawful wife the dwelling house now standing on those my said lands together with all tenements or outbuildings whatsoever now erected or which shall hereafter be erected or on those my said lands, together also with all farming implements, goods, chattels or furniture whatsoever appertaining & belonging to those my said lands, dwelling house & outbuildings & be held & possessed by her during the time of her natural life. In confirmation whereof I do, this seventeenth day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred & Twenty Nine in the presence of two witnesses whose names & seals are hereunto annexed solemnly & willingly & knowingly affix or subscribe my own name & seal.

The mark of Moses Dibden

Witnesses - John C. Grainger, mark of Moses Chemish

Notes in the margin made by Jas. King - difficult to read, but refers to Edmd. & Moses Dibden and Cath. King keeping the lands they now rent and the rest of the household furniture etc. being divided.

In the goods of Moses Dibden deceased.

Appeared personally Moses Dibden of Bramshaw in the county of Wilts labourer and Edmund Dibden of the same place labourer two of the lawful children and two of the next of kin of Moses Dibden late of Furzley in the same parish deceased the parties applying for Letters of Administration with will annexed of the said deceased which said Will bears the date the seventeeth day of February in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine and is now hereunto annexed and made oath that the said deceased died on or about the twelfth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty nine and that his widow therefore in virtue of the devise and bequest to her for life in the said will contained took possession of the personal estate and effects of the said deceased and enjoyed the same until her death which took place on the twelfth day of March in the present year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty six but that she neglected to obtain letters of administration of the effects of the said deceased with his said will annexed and these appearers further made oath that they have been informed and believe that it is necessary to prove the same and they are therefore desirous of obtaining letters of administration with the said will annexed forthwith.

(The mark of) Moses Dibden
Edmund Dibden

Sworn on the fifteenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and fifty six before me G.L. Benson LLB surrogate

Moses Dibden of Bramshaw in the county of Wilts labourer and Edmund Dibden of the same place labourer in order to the due Administration, with will annexed, of the personal estate and effects of Moses Dibden late of Furzley in the same parish deceased who dies the twelfth day of May 1849 make oath and say that they have made diligent search and due enquiry after and in respect of the personal estate and affects of the said deceased, in order to ascertain the full amount and value therof; and to the best of their knowledge, information and belief, the whole of the goods, chattels and credits of which the said deceased died possesed within the peculiar and except jurisdiction of the communar and official of the Dean and Chapel of Sarum (exclusive of what the deceased may have been possessed of or entitled to as a trustee for any other person or persons, and not beneficially ), but including the leasehold estate or estates for years of the said deceased, whether absolute or determinable on a life or lives, and without deducting any thing on account of the debts due and owing from the said deceased are under the value of two hundred pounds, to the best of these deponents knowledge, information, and belief.

(The mark of) Moses Dibden
Edmund Dibden

Sworn on the fifteenth day of May 1856 before me, the same having been first read & explained to the said Moses Dibden G.Benson LLB surrogate

Know all Men by these Presents, that We Moses Dibden of Bramshaw in the county of Wilts labourer, Edmund Dibden of the same place labourer, John James Petty of West Wellow of the same county Builder and William Futcher of Redlynch in the same county Carrier are held and firmly bound unto the Reverend and Worshipful William Fisher Clerk Master of Arts and Communar and official of the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Sarum in the sum of Four hundred pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid unto the said communar or to his certain attorney, executors, administrators, or assigns, to which payment, well and truly to be made, we oblige ourselves, and each of us by himself severally for the whole our and each of our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, firmly by these presents, sealed with our Seals, dated the fifteenth Day of May in the nineteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (Queen), Defender of the Faith, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty six -

THE CONDITION of this obligation is such That if the above bounden Moses Dibden and Edmund Dibden two of the lawful Children and two of the next of kin of the aforesaid deceased and also administrators of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased together with his Will and Testament annexed Betty Dibden Widow Relict of the said deceased & Sole Legatee for life named in the in the said Will (no executor or executrix being appointed therein for the due Execution thereof) having departed this life without administering the said goods chattels and credits of the said deceased) - Do and shall well and truly execute and perform the said Will, and pay the Debts and Legacies of the said deceased, as far as his Goods, Chattels, and Credits will thereto extend, and the law bind them And shall make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of the said deceased, which since his Death have and shall come to their Hands, Possession, or Knowledge, or into the Hands, Possession of any other Person or Persons for them and the same so shall exhibit or cause to be exhibited, into the Registry of the Dean and Chapter of Sarum [if required] on or before the last day of August next ensuing. And lastly, shall make and render a true and just Account of and upon their Administration, and well and truly pay and deliver over such Sum and Sums of Money, and such other the Testator's Estate as shall be remaining in their Hands, to such Person or Persons as shall have a right to the same, and as the Law directs, when they the said Moses Dibden and Edmund Dibden shall thereto lawfully required. Then this obligation be void, otherwise to remain in full Force and Virtue.

SEALED AND DELIVERED in the Presence of

(The mark of)Moses Dibden
Edmund Dibden
Jas. Petty
William Futcher

15th May 1856 Furzley psh Bramshaw
BOND of Administration with the Will annexed of the Goods of Moses Dibden Deceased.

At Sarum on the 15th day of May 1856 Administration with the Will annexed of the Goods and Chattels of the above-said Deceased. Was by the Reverend George Lewes Benson Clerk L.L.B. lawful Surrogate of the Revd. And Worshipful William Fisher Clerk M.A. Communar and official of the Dean and Chapter of Sarum granted and commited unto Moses Dibden and Edmund Dibden two of the lawful Children and two of the next of Kin of the said deced. and also admons. of all & singr. the goods chls & credits of the said deced. togr. With his last Will Testament annexed Betty Dibden Widow & Relict of the decd. And the sole Legatee for life named in the sd Will havg departed this life without administering the sd goods chls& credits of the sd decd & no Extrix being apptd then for the due execution thof. [being first duly Sworn of the truth of the said Will, and faithfully to perform the same, and to pay the Deceased's Debts and Legacies as far forth as his Goods and Chattels will thereto extend and the Law bind them, and to exhibit a true and perfect Inventory of the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of the Deceased, and yield a just a true Accompt when lawfully required.] Saving the Rights of all Persons.

Dated 9 May 1857
Proved 6 Jul 1857 Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Ref. PROB 11/2254 - Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; PCC & related Probate Jurisdictions, Will Registers - Volume 11, Quire nos. 501-550
Source - DocumentsOnline: Wills

To all Whom it may concern that I being of sound mind do give and bequeath to Mrs Mary Ann Dover of the Parish of Streatham County of Surrey and Elizabeth Munch all the money that I may have in the Savings Bank or elsewhere to be equally divided between them after paying all necessary expenses and John Dover to be my Administrator given this day May the 9th 1857 Mary Ann Dibden

Ann Carter, Mary Hempton (her mark)

In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury In the Goods of Mary Ann Dibden Spinster deceased
Appeared Personally Ann Carter of Crown Hill Norwood in the County of Surrey Spinster and made Oath she is one of the subscribed Witnesses to the Last Will and Testament hereunto annexed of Mary Ann Dibden formerly of No1 Love Lane, Aldermanbury in the City of London, but late of Curmicks Road, Norwood in the County of Surrey Spinster a depositrix in the Savings Bank Blomfield Street Moorfields deceased bearing date the ninth of May One thousand eight hundred and fifty seven And the Deponent further made Oath that on the said ninth of May One thousand eight hundred and fifty seven the said deceased duly executed her said Will by signing her name thereto at the foot or the end thereof in the presence of the Deponent and of Mary Hempton Spinster the other subscribed Witness [to] the said Will they being all present together and the Deponent and the said Mary Hempton Spinster immediately thereupon attested and subscribed the said Will in the presence of the said deceased and of each other Ann Carter On the said twenty fourth day of June 1857 the said Ann Carter Spinster was duly sworn to the truth of this Affidavit before me S. Fawkes Wainbey Surrogate Priest, R.W Jennings J.P.

Proved in London 6th of July 1857 before the Worshipful Samuel Fawkes Wainbey Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of John Dover the Executor according to the ----- ---- Admon was granted having been first duly [sworn] to admr

Index to Probate Records